;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_l2file_compress ;PURPOSE: ; compresses an output L2 file and creates an md5 file ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_l2file_compress, fullfile0 ;INPUT: ; fullfile0 = the full-path filename for the revisionless cdf file ;OUTPUT: ; No explicit output, the revisioned file is written, an md5 sum file ; is written in the same directory, and the revisionless file is ; linked to the revsioned file ;KEYWORDS: ;None, so far ;HISTORY: ; 26-nov-2014, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimmpc1 $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-10-06 14:57:53 -0700 (Sun, 06 Oct 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27823 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/l2gen/mvn_l2file_compress.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_l2file_compress, fullfile0, _extra = _extra If(~is_string(fullfile0)) Then Begin dprint, 'Bad filename input ' Return Endif fullfile = file_search(fullfile0) If(~is_string(fullfile)) Then Begin dprint, 'No file: '+fullfile0 Return Endif ;Move the file to the local working directory; cdf convert will kill ;the network in some cases, so this should be run in a local working ;directory on the machine that is running the program, so that ;cdfconvert does not have to operate over the network, jmm, 2015-01-12 fullfile_init = fullfile file = file_basename(fullfile) file_path = file_dirname(fullfile) fullfile = './'+file file_move, fullfile_init, fullfile, /overwrite file_id = file_basename(file, '.cdf') spawn, '/usr/local/pkg/cdf-3.6.3_CentOS-6.8/bin/cdfconvert '+fullfile+' '+$ fullfile+' -compression cdf:none -delete' md5file = ssw_str_replace(fullfile, '.cdf', '.md5') If(is_string(file_search(md5file))) Then file_delete, md5file spawn, 'md5sum '+fullfile+' > '+md5file ;Extract the md5 sum, and replace the filename in the file, because ;you do not want the path name, yuck md5str = strarr(1) openr, unit, md5file, /get_lun readf, unit, md5str free_lun, unit ppp = strsplit(md5str[0], /extract) openw, unit, md5file, /get_lun md5outstr = strtrim(ppp[0],2) + ' ' + strtrim(file[0],2) ; make sure no extra spaces printf, unit, md5outstr free_lun, unit spawn, '/usr/local/pkg/cdf-3.6.3_CentOS-6.8/bin/cdfconvert '+fullfile+' '+fullfile+' -compression cdf:gzip.5 -delete' ;chmod to g+w for the files spawn, 'chmod g+w '+fullfile spawn, 'chmod g+w '+md5file ;move the fullfile and md5file to the data directory file_move, fullfile, fullfile_init, /overwrite file_move, md5file, file_path[0]+'/'+file_basename(md5file), /overwrite Return End