;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_spice_stat ;PURPOSE: ; Reports the status of SPICE. This is mainly a wrapper for spice_kernel_info(), ; providing a concise summary of the key information. The naming convention for ; C kernels (ck) includes a type string: ; ; red = reconstructed, daily ; rec = reconstructed, variable length ; rel = reconstructed, long ; pred = predicted ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_spice_stat ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; LIST: If set, list the kernels in use. ; ; INFO: Returns an array of structures providing detailed information ; about each kernel, including coverage in time. ; ; TPLOT: Makes a colored bar as a tplot variable, to visually show ; coverage: ; ; green = all kernels available ; yellow = S/C spk and ck available, missing APP ck ; red = S/C spk available, missing S/C ck ; blank = missing S/C spk ; ; which translates to: ; ; green = spacecraft and all instruments ; yellow = spacecraft and body-mounted instruments only ; red = spacecraft position only ; blank = no geometry at all ; ; SUMMARY: Provides a concise summary. ; ; SILENT: Shhh. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-04-03 17:42:04 -0700 (Fri, 03 Apr 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28495 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/general/spice/mvn_spice_stat.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 09/14/18 ;- pro mvn_spice_stat, list=list, info=info, tplot=tplot, summary=summary, silent=silent blab = ~keyword_set(silent) summary = {spk_exists : 0 , $ spk_trange : [0D,0D] , $ spk_ngaps : 0 , $ ck_sc_exists : 0 , $ ck_sc_trange : [0D,0D] , $ ck_sc_ngaps : 0 , $ ck_app_exists : 0 , $ ck_app_trange : [0D,0D] , $ ck_app_ngaps : 0 } if (blab) then print,'' mk = spice_test('*') indx = where(mk ne '', n_ker) if (n_ker eq 0) then begin if (blab) then begin print," No kernels are loaded." print,'' endif return endif loadlist = [''] for i=0,(n_ker-1) do loadlist = [loadlist, file_basename(mk[i])] loadlist = loadlist[1:*] str_element, summary, 'loadlist', loadlist, /add if (keyword_set(list) and blab) then begin print," SPICE kernels in use:" for i=0,(n_ker-1) do print," ",loadlist[i] print,'' endif dobar = 0 cols = [3,4,6] ; [green, yellow, red] if keyword_set(tplot) then begin tplot_options, get=topt if (min(topt.trange_full) gt 1D) then begin npts = floor(topt.trange_full[1] - topt.trange_full[0]) + 1L x = topt.trange_full[0] + dindgen(npts) y = replicate(cols[0],npts,2) ; start assuming all kernels available dobar = 1 endif endif info = spice_kernel_info(verbose=0) dt = time_double(info.trange[1]) - time_double(info.trange[0]) indx = where((info.interval lt 1) or (abs(dt) gt 1D), count) if (count gt 0) then info = info[indx] ; discard intervals of zero length if (blab) then print," MAVEN SPICE coverage:" fmt1 = '(4x,a3,2x,a3,2x,a19,2x,a19,$)' fmt2 = '(8x,4a," ",2a)' indx = where(info.obj_name eq 'MAVEN', nfiles) if (nfiles gt 0) then begin summary.spk_exists = 1 summary.spk_trange = minmax(time_double(info[indx].trange)) tsp = time_string(summary.spk_trange) i = indx[0] if (blab) then print,info[i].type,"S/C",tsp,format=fmt1 if (dobar) then begin tt = time_double(tsp) kndx = where((x lt tt[0]) or (x gt tt[1]), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[kndx,*] = 0 endif jndx = indx[uniq(info[indx].filename,sort(info[indx].filename))] jndx = jndx[sort(jndx)] ; back in the original order nfiles = n_elements(jndx) fgaps = 0 ftsp = [''] for i=1,(nfiles-1) do begin t1 = time_double(info[jndx[i]].trange[0]) t0 = time_double(info[jndx[i-1]].trange[1]) if (t1 gt t0) then begin fgaps++ ftsp = [ftsp, time_string([t0,t1])] endif endfor if (fgaps gt 0) then ftsp = ftsp[1:*] jndx = where(info[indx].interval gt 0, ngaps) if (blab) then if ((fgaps + ngaps) eq 0) then print,' no gaps' else print,' gaps (see list)' summary.spk_ngaps = fgaps + ngaps gapnum = 1 for j=0,(fgaps-1) do begin k = 2*j if (blab) then print," * GAP ",strtrim(gapnum++,2),": ",ftsp[k:k+1]," *",format=fmt2 if (dobar) then begin tt = time_double(ftsp[k:k+1]) kndx = where((x ge tt[0]) and (x le tt[1]), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[kndx,*] = 0 endif endfor for j=0,(ngaps-1) do begin i = indx[jndx[j]] tsp = time_string([info[(i-1) > 0].trange[1], info[i].trange[0]]) if (blab) then print," * GAP ",strtrim(gapnum++,2),": ",tsp," *",format=fmt2 if (dobar) then begin tt = time_double(tsp) kndx = where((x ge tt[0]) and (x le tt[1]), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[kndx,*] = 0 endif endfor endif else begin if (blab) then print," No S/C SPK coverage!" if (dobar) then y[*] = 0 endelse indx = where(info.obj_name eq 'MAVEN_SC_BUS', nfiles) if (nfiles gt 0) then begin summary.ck_sc_exists = 1 summary.ck_sc_trange = minmax(time_double(info[indx].trange)) tsp = time_string(summary.ck_sc_trange) i = indx[0] if (blab) then print,info[i].type,"S/C",tsp,format=fmt1 if (dobar) then begin tt = time_double(tsp) kndx = where(((x lt tt[0]) or (x gt tt[1])) and (y[*,0] ne 0), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[kndx,*] = cols[2] endif jndx = indx[uniq(info[indx].filename,sort(info[indx].filename))] jndx = jndx[sort(jndx)] ; back in the original order nfiles = n_elements(jndx) fgaps = 0 ftsp = [''] for i=1,(nfiles-1) do begin t1 = time_double(info[jndx[i]].trange[0]) t0 = time_double(info[jndx[i-1]].trange[1]) if (t1 gt t0) then begin fgaps++ ftsp = [ftsp, time_string([t0,t1])] endif endfor if (fgaps gt 0) then ftsp = ftsp[1:*] jndx = where(info[indx].interval gt 0, ngaps) if (blab) then if ((fgaps + ngaps) eq 0) then print,' no gaps' else print,' gaps (see list)' summary.ck_sc_ngaps = fgaps + ngaps gapnum = 1 for j=0,(fgaps-1) do begin k = 2*j if (blab) then print," * GAP ",strtrim(gapnum++,2),": ",ftsp[k:k+1]," *",format=fmt2 if (dobar) then begin tt = time_double(ftsp[k:k+1]) kndx = where((x ge tt[0]) and (x le tt[1]), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[kndx,*] = cols[2] endif endfor for j=0,(ngaps-1) do begin i = indx[jndx[j]] tsp = time_string([info[(i-1) > 0].trange[1], info[i].trange[0]]) if (blab) then print," * GAP ",strtrim(gapnum++,2),": ",tsp," *",format=fmt2 if (dobar) then begin tt = time_double(tsp) kndx = where((x ge tt[0]) and (x le tt[1]), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[kndx,*] = cols[2] endif endfor endif else begin if (blab) then print," No S/C CK coverage!" if (dobar) then y[*] = 1 endelse indx = where(info.obj_name eq 'MAVEN_APP_IG', nfiles) if (nfiles gt 0) then begin summary.ck_app_exists = 1 summary.ck_app_trange = minmax(time_double(info[indx].trange)) tsp = time_string(summary.ck_app_trange) i = indx[0] if (blab) then print,info[i].type,"APP",tsp,format=fmt1 if (dobar) then begin tt = time_double(tsp) kndx = where(((x lt tt[0]) or (x gt tt[1])) and $ ((y[*,0] ne 0) and (y[*,0] ne cols[2])), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[kndx,*] = cols[1] endif jndx = indx[uniq(info[indx].filename,sort(info[indx].filename))] jndx = jndx[sort(jndx)] ; back in the original order nfiles = n_elements(jndx) fgaps = 0 ftsp = [''] for i=1,(nfiles-1) do begin t1 = time_double(info[jndx[i]].trange[0]) t0 = time_double(info[jndx[i-1]].trange[1]) if (t1 gt t0) then begin fgaps++ ftsp = [ftsp, time_string([t0,t1])] endif endfor if (fgaps gt 0) then ftsp = ftsp[1:*] jndx = where(info[indx].interval gt 0, ngaps) if (blab) then if ((fgaps + ngaps) eq 0) then print,' no gaps' else print,' gaps (see list)' summary.ck_app_ngaps = fgaps + ngaps gapnum = 1 for j=0,(fgaps-1) do begin k = 2*j if (blab) then print," * GAP ",strtrim(gapnum++,2),": ",ftsp[k:k+1]," *",format=fmt2 if (dobar) then begin tt = time_double(ftsp[k:k+1]) kndx = where((x ge tt[0]) and (x le tt[1]) and (y[*,0] ne cols[2]), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[kndx,*] = cols[1] endif endfor for j=0,(ngaps-1) do begin i = indx[jndx[j]] tsp = time_string([info[(i-1) > 0].trange[1], info[i].trange[0]]) if (blab) then print," * GAP ",strtrim(gapnum++,2),": ",tsp," *",format=fmt2 if (dobar) then begin tt = time_double(tsp) kndx = where((x ge tt[0]) and (x le tt[1]) and (y[*,0] ne cols[2]), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[kndx,*] = cols[1] endif endfor endif else begin if (blab) then print," No APP CK coverage!" if (dobar) then y[*] = 1 endelse if (blab) then print,'' if (dobar) then begin indx = where(y eq 0, count) y = float(y) if (count gt 0L) then y[indx] = !values.f_nan bname = 'spice_bar' store_data,bname,data={x:x, y:y, v:[0,1]} ylim,bname,0,1,0 zlim,bname,0,6,0 options,bname,'spec',1 options,bname,'panel_size',0.05 options,bname,'ytitle','' options,bname,'yticks',1 options,bname,'yminor',1 options,bname,'no_interp',1 options,bname,'xstyle',4 options,bname,'ystyle',4 options,bname,'no_color_scale',1 endif return end