;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_sclk_test ;PURPOSE: ; Compares MET to UNIX time conversions for multiple SCLK kernels. ; Calculates the error incurred when different versions of the SCLK ; kernel are used to convert MET to UNIX time. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_sclk_test ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; VER: Integer array indicating the SCLK versions to process. ; Default is to analyze the latest six versions. ; ; TRUNC: If set, then for each kernel only process times up to the ; release date of the next kernel. ; ; YLIM: Set the vertical plot limits. Default = [0.001,10] ; ; RESULT: Named variable to hold the result. ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-16 15:37:49 -0700 (Wed, 16 Sep 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 18810 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/general/spice/mvn_sclk_test.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;- pro mvn_sclk_test, ver=ver, trunc=trunc, ylim=yrange, result=result if (not spice_test(verbose=-1)) then begin print,"You do not have SPICE installed." return endif ymin = 0.001 ymax = 10. if (n_elements(yrange) gt 1) then ymin = min(yrange, max=ymax) ; Get a list of valid SCLK kernels to process spath = root_data_dir() + 'misc/spice/naif/MAVEN/kernels/sclk/' sck = file_basename(file_search(spath+'*.tsc')) nsck = n_elements(sck) if (nsck eq 0L) then begin print,"No kernels found in: ",spath return endif maxver = fix(strmid(sck[nsck-1],8,5,/reverse)) if not keyword_set(ver) then ver = maxver - indgen(6) $ else ver = reverse(ver[sort(ver)]) nver = n_elements(ver) sck = strarr(nver) ctime = dblarr(nver) for i=0,(nver-1) do begin sck[i] = spath + 'MVN_SCLKSCET.' + string(ver[i],format='(i5.5)') + '.tsc' finfo = file_info(sck[i]) if (~finfo.exists) then print,"File not found: ",file_basename(sck[i]) $ else ctime[i] = finfo.ctime endfor indx = where(ctime gt 0D, nver) if (nver eq 0) then return ver = ver[indx] sck = sck[indx] ctime = ctime[indx] ; Generate MET values, one per hour, spanning the time range covered by ; the sck kernels. t0 = min(ctime) - 30D*86400D t1 = max(ctime) + 30D*86400D nmet = ceil((t1 - t0)/3600D) toff = time_double('1984-11-14/12') - time_double('2014-11-15') met = 3600D*dindgen(nmet) + (t0 + toff) time = dblarr(nmet,nver) ; Convert MET to UNIX time for each SCLK kernel tls = spice_standard_kernels(verbose=-1) for i=0,(nver-1) do begin cspice_kclear spice_kernel_load, [tls,sck[i]], verbose=-1 time[*,i] = mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime(met,/correct) print,file_basename(sck[i]) endfor ; Calculate differences between time conversions dt = time for i=0L,(nmet-1L) do for j=0,(nver-1) do dt[i,j] = abs(time[i,j] - time[i,0]) if keyword_set(trunc) then begin for j=1,(nver-1) do begin i = where(time[*,j] gt ctime[j-1], count) if (count gt 0L) then dt[i,j] = !values.d_nan endfor endif ; Plot the result cols = (indgen(nver) mod 6) + 1 tvar = 'mvn_sclk_dt' store_data,tvar,data={x:time[*,0], y:abs(dt), v:ver} ylim,tvar,ymin,ymax,1 options,tvar,'ytitle','Delta UNIX Time (sec)' options,tvar,'colors',cols options,tvar,'labels',string(ver,format='(i2.2)') options,tvar,'labflag',1 options,tvar,'yticklen',1 options,tvar,'ygridstyle',0 tplot_options,'title','MVN_SCLKSCET.000??.tsc' timespan,minmax(time,/nan) tplot,tvar timebar,ctime,color=cols,line=1 timebar,(1./32.),/data,var=tvar,line=2 result = {tls : tls , $ sclk : sck , $ ctime : ctime , $ time : time[*,0] , $ dt : dt , $ color : cols } return end