;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_scpot_restore ;PURPOSE: ; Reads in save files mvn_swe_l3_scpot_YYYYMMDD_v??_r??, create tplot ; varibles for s/c pot, store potential structures in results and/or full ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_scpot_restore, trange ; ;INPUTS: ; trange: Restore data over this time range. If not specified, then ; uses the current tplot range or timerange() will be called ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ORBIT: Restore mvn_swe_l3_scpot data by orbit number. ; ; RESULTS: Hold the structure of composited potentials ; ; TPLOT: Create tplot varibles for the composited s/c ; potentials as well as for all the available s/c pots ; ; FULL: Hold the structure of composited potentials and ; all other potential structures ; ; SUCCESS: Set to 1 if valid potentials are found. ; ; $LastChangedBy: xussui $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-08-19 12:20:30 -0700 (Mon, 19 Aug 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27618 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/general/mvn_scpot_restore.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: Shaosui Xu 06-23-17 ;FILE: mvn_scpot_restore ;- Pro mvn_scpot_restore, trange, results=results, tplot=tplot, orbit=orbit, full=full, $ success=ok ok = 0 ; Process keywords rootdir='maven/data/sci/swe/l3/scpot/YYYY/MM/' fname = 'mvn_swe_l3_scpot_YYYYMMDD_v??_r??.sav' if keyword_set(orbit) then begin imin = min(orbit, max=imax) trange = mvn_orbit_num(orbnum=[imin-0.5,imax+0.5]) endif tplot_options,get_opt=topt tspan_exists = (max(topt.trange_full) gt time_double('2014-12-01')) if((size(trange,/type) eq 0) and tspan_exists) then $ trange=topt.trange_full if(size(trange,/type) eq 0) then trange=timerange() tmin = min(time_double(trange),max=tmax) file = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(rootdir+fname,trange=[tmin,tmax],/daily_names) nfiles = n_elements(file) finfo = file_info(file) indx = where(finfo.exists,nfiles,comp=jndx,ncomp=n) for j=0,n-1 do print,'File not found:',file[jndx[j]] if (nfiles eq 0) then begin results=0 return endif file = file[indx] restore,filename=file[0] str0 = mvn_scpot.pot_comp[0] str0.time = 0.d pot_comp = replicate(str0,45000.*nfiles) str1 = mvn_scpot.pot_swepos[0] str1.time = 0.d pot_swelpw = replicate(str1,45000.*nfiles) pot_swepos = pot_swelpw pot_sweneg = pot_swelpw pot_sta = pot_swelpw pot_sweshdw = pot_swelpw ct1 = 0 ct2 = 0 ct3 = 0 ct4 = 0 ct5 = 0 ct6 = 0 for j=0,nfiles-1 do begin restore,filename=file[j] npt1 = n_elements(mvn_scpot.pot_comp) pot_comp[ct1:ct1+npt1-1] = mvn_scpot.pot_comp ct1 = ct1 + npt1 ;; pot_comp=[temporary(pot_comp),mvn_scpot.pot_comp] npt2 = n_elements(mvn_scpot.pot_swelpw) pot_swelpw[ct2:ct2+npt2-1] = mvn_scpot.pot_swelpw ct2 = ct2 + npt2 ;; pot_swelpw=[temporary(pot_swelpw),mvn_scpot.pot_swelpw] npt3 = n_elements(mvn_scpot.pot_swepos) pot_swepos[ct3:ct3+npt3-1] = mvn_scpot.pot_swepos ct3 = ct3 + npt3 ;; pot_swepos=[temporary(pot_swepos),mvn_scpot.pot_swepos] npt4 = n_elements(mvn_scpot.pot_sweneg) pot_sweneg[ct4:ct4+npt4-1] = mvn_scpot.pot_sweneg ct4 = ct4 + npt4 ;; pot_sweneg=[temporary(pot_sweneg),mvn_scpot.pot_sweneg] npt5 = n_elements(mvn_scpot.pot_sta) pot_sta[ct5:ct5+npt5-1] = mvn_scpot.pot_sta ct5 = ct5 + npt5 ;; pot_sta=[temporary(pot_sta),mvn_scpot.pot_sta] npt6 = n_elements(mvn_scpot.pot_sweshdw) pot_sweshdw[ct6:ct6+npt6-1] = mvn_scpot.pot_sweshdw ct6 = ct6 + npt6 ;; pot_sweshdw=[temporary(pot_sweshdw),mvn_scpot.pot_sweshdw] endfor ;trim data intx=where(pot_comp.time ge tmin and pot_comp.time le tmax) pot_comp=pot_comp[intx] intx=where(pot_swelpw.time ge tmin and pot_swelpw.time le tmax) pot_swelpw=pot_swelpw[intx] intx=where(pot_swepos.time ge tmin and pot_swepos.time le tmax) pot_swepos=pot_swepos[intx] intx=where(pot_sweneg.time ge tmin and pot_sweneg.time le tmax) pot_sweneg=pot_sweneg[intx] intx=where(pot_sta.time ge tmin and pot_sta.time le tmax) pot_sta=pot_sta[intx] intx=where(pot_sweshdw.time ge tmin and pot_sweshdw.time le tmax) pot_sweshdw=pot_sweshdw[intx] scpot={pot_comp:pot_comp, pot_swelpw:pot_swelpw,$ pot_swepos:pot_swepos, pot_sweneg:pot_sweneg,$ pot_sta:pot_sta,pot_sweshdw:pot_sweshdw} results=scpot.pot_comp full=scpot ok = 1 if(keyword_set(tplot)) then begin ;tplot variable "scpot_comp" varname=scpot.pot_comp[0].pot_name varname=['pot_swelpw','pot_swepos','pot_sweneg','pot_staneg','pot_sweshdw'] clr=[!p.color,2,6,4,1] nv=n_elements(varname) for i=0,nv-1 do begin x=scpot.pot_comp.time y=replicate(!values.f_nan,n_elements(x)) inx=where(scpot.pot_comp.method eq i+1,cts) if cts gt 0L then begin y[inx]=scpot.pot_comp[inx].potential store_data,varname[i],data={x:x,y:y} ename=varname[i] options,ename,'color',clr[i] endif x=scpot.(i+1).time y=scpot.(i+1).potential store_data,varname[i]+'_full',data={x:x,y:y} ename=varname[i]+'_full' options,ename,'color',clr[i] options,ename,'psym',3 endfor store_data,'swe_pot_lab',data={x:[tmin,tmax],$ y:replicate(!values.f_nan,2,5)} options,'swe_pot_lab','labels',$ ['swe-(sh)','sta','swe-','swe+','swe/lpw'] options,'swe_pot_lab','colors',[1,4,6,2,!p.color] options,'swe_pot_lab','labflag',1 store_data,'scpot_comp',data=[varname,'swe_pot_lab'] vname='scpot_comp' options,vname,'constant',[-1,1] options,vname,'ytitle','S/C Pot Comp.!cVolts' ;tplot variable "scpot_all" store_data,'scpot_all',data=[varname[*]+'_full','swe_pot_lab'] vname='scpot_all' options,vname,'constant',[-1,1] options,vname,'ytitle','S/C Pot !cVolts' endif end