;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; mvn_scpot ; ;PURPOSE: ; Merges five separate methods for estimating the spacecraft potential. ; In cases where more than one method yields a potential, this routine ; sets a hierarchy for which method takes precedence. The hierarchy ; depends on location (altitude, shadow). The five methods are: ; ; SWE+ : Estimate positive potentials by looking for a sharp ; break in the electron energy spectrum. Mainly for ; the solar wind and sheath. ; (Author: D. Mitchell) ; ; SWE- : Estimate negative potentials by measuring shifts in ; position of the He-II photoelectron peak. Mainly ; for the ionosphere. ; (Author: S. Xu) ; ; SWE/LPW : Use LPW I-V curves, empirically calibrated by the ; SWE+ and SWE- methods. Works almost everywhere, ; except in the EUV shadow or when the spacecraft ; charges to large negative potentials. ; (Author: Y. Harada) ; ; STA- : Estimate negative potentials by the low energy ; cutoff of the H+ distribution (away from periapsis), ; or energy shifts, relative to the ram energy, of O+ ; and O2+ (near periapsis). ; (Author: J. McFadden) ; ; SWEPAD : Use pitch angle resolved photoelectron spectra to ; estimate negative potentials in the wake. Combined ; with the STA- method, may be used to distinguish ; spacecraft and Mars potentials. Only works with ; burst data. ; (Author: S. Xu) ; ; The general order of precedence is: SWE/LPW, SWE+, SWE-, STA-, and ; SWEPAD (when activated by keyword). ; ;AUTHOR: ; David L. Mitchell ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_scpot ; ;INPUTS: ; none - energy spectra are obtained from SWEA common block. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; POTENTIAL: Returns a time-ordered array of structures: ; ; {time : 0D , $ ; potential : 0. , $ ; method : -1 } ; ; The methods are: -1 (invalid), 0 (manually set), ; 1 (SWE/LPW), 2 (SWE+), 3 (SWE-), 4 (STA-), 5 (SWEPAD). ; ; The optimal value depends on the plasma environment. ; ; SETVAL: Make no attempt to estimate the potential, just set it to ; this value. Units = volts. No default. ; ; COMPOSITE: The composite potential (SWE/LPW, SWE+, SWE-, STA-) has ; been pre-calculated with this routine and stored in save ; files. Set this keyword to simply restore this file and ; save lots of time. (Works for multiple days and can span ; UT day boundaries.) This is the default. Set this keyword ; to zero to force a recalculation. ; ; NOCALC: Do not perform a recalculation. Use the composite potential ; or nothing. ; ; LPWPOT: Use pre-calculated LPW/SWE derived potentials. There is ; a ~2-week delay in the production of this dataset. You can ; set this keyword to the full path and filename of a tplot ; save/restore file, if one exists. Otherwise, this routine ; will determine the potential from SWEA and STATIC. ; Default = 1 (yes). ; ; POSPOT: Calculate positive potentials with mvn_swe_sc_pot. ; Default = 1 (yes). ; ; NEGPOT: Calculate negative potentials with mvn_swe_sc_negpot. ; Default = 1 (yes). ; ; STAPOT: Use STATIC-derived potentials to fill in gaps. This is ; especially useful in the high-altitude shadow region. ; Assumes that you have calculated STATIC potentials. ; (See mvn_sta_scpot_load.pro) ; Default = 1 (yes). ; ; SHAPOT: Calculate negative potentials with 'mvn_swe_sc_negpot_ ; twodir_burst'. Two estimates are obtained, one each for ; the parallel and anti-parallel electron populations. If ; both directions yield a potential, then the one closer to ; zero is chosen for merging with other methods. ; Requires keyword NEGPOT to be set. ; Default = 1 (yes). ; ; PANS: Named varible to hold the tplot panels created. ; ; SUCCESS: Returns exit status. ; ;OUTPUTS: ; None - Result is stored in common blocks, returned via the POTENTIAL ; keyword, and stored as TPLOT variables. Two TPLOT variables ; are created: one with a single merged potential and one showing ; the five unmerged methods in one panel. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-12-16 11:40:04 -0800 (Mon, 16 Dec 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28117 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/general/mvn_scpot.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_scpot, potential=pot, setval=setval, pospot=pospot, negpot=negpot, $ stapot=stapot, lpwpot=lpwpot, shapot=shapot, composite=composite, $ pans=pans, nocalc=nocalc, success=success compile_opt idl2 @mvn_swe_com @mvn_scpot_com pot = 0 success = 0 NaN = !values.f_nan if (size(Espan,/type) eq 0) then mvn_scpot_defaults tmin = min(timerange(), max=tmax) ; Set processing flags if (size(composite,/type) eq 0) then composite = 1 else composite = keyword_set(composite) if (size(lpwpot,/type) eq 0) then lpwpot = 1 else lpwpot = keyword_set(lpwpot) if (size(pospot,/type) eq 0) then pospot = 1 else pospot = keyword_set(pospot) if (size(negpot,/type) eq 0) then negpot = 1 else negpot = keyword_set(negpot) if (size(stapot,/type) eq 0) then stapot = 1 else stapot = keyword_set(stapot) if (size(shapot,/type) eq 0) then shapot = 1 else shapot = keyword_set(shapot) if (shapot) then negpot = 1 ; required for pot_in_shadow to work ; Set the potential manually if (size(setval,/type) ne 0) then begin if (size(mvn_sc_pot,/type) ne 8) then begin mvn_scpot_restore, result=comp, success=ok if (ok) then begin mvn_sc_pot = replicate(mvn_pot_struct, n_elements(comp.time)) mvn_sc_pot.time = comp.time endif else begin dt = 2D npts = floor((tmax - tmin)/dt) + 1L mvn_sc_pot = replicate(mvn_pot_struct, npts) mvn_sc_pot.time = tmin + dt*dindgen(npts) endelse endif print,"Setting the s/c potential to: ",setval mvn_sc_pot.potential = setval mvn_sc_pot.method = 0 ; potential set manually phi = {x:mvn_sc_pot.time, y:mvn_sc_pot.potential} store_data,'mvn_sc_pot',data=phi mvn_swe_addpot mvn_sta_scpot_update pot = mvn_sc_pot success = 1 return endif ; Get pre-calculated composite potentials (this is the default) if (composite) then begin mvn_scpot_restore, result=comp, /tplot, success=ok if (ok) then begin print,"Using SWE/LPW/STA composite potential." indx = where(comp.method eq -1, count) if (count gt 0L) then comp[indx].potential = NaN mvn_sc_pot = replicate(mvn_pot_struct, n_elements(comp.time)) mvn_sc_pot.time = comp.time mvn_sc_pot.potential = comp.potential mvn_sc_pot.method = comp.method mvn_swe_addpot mvn_sta_scpot_update pot = mvn_sc_pot success = 1 return endif else print,"SWE/LPW/STA composite potential not available." endif if keyword_set(nocalc) then return ; If the routine has not returned by this point, then it has to calculate the ; potential from the original data sources (SWEA, STATIC, LPW). Thus, we need ; to check that the necessary data have been loaded. ; Make sure SWEA SPEC data are available if (size(mvn_swe_engy,/type) ne 8) then begin mvn_swe_load_l2, /spec if (size(mvn_swe_engy,/type) ne 8) then begin print,"Cannot find SWEA data." pot = 0 success = 0 return endif endif ; Initialize the potential structure time = mvn_swe_engy.time npts = n_elements(time) mvn_sc_pot = replicate(mvn_pot_struct, npts) mvn_sc_pot.time = mvn_swe_engy.time mvn_sc_pot.potential = NaN mvn_sc_pot.method = -1 ; Get the EUV shadow location get_data, 'wake', data=wake, index=i if (i eq 0) then begin maven_orbit_tplot, /load, /shadow get_data, 'wake', data=wake, index=i endif if (i eq 0) then begin print,"Cannot get orbit information! Problem with maven_orbit_tplot." pot = 0 success = 0 return endif str_element, wake, 'shadow', value=shadow, success=ok if (ok) then shadow = shadow[0] else shadow = '' if (strupcase(shadow) ne 'EUV') then begin maven_orbit_tplot, /load, /shadow get_data, 'wake', data=wake, index=i endif if (i eq 0) then begin print,"Cannot get orbit information! Problem with maven_orbit_tplot." pot = 0 success = 0 return endif wake = interp(wake.y, wake.x, time, /no_extrap) indx = where(finite(wake), count) wake = replicate(0B, npts) if (count gt 0L) then wake[indx] = 1B ; Get the altitude get_data, 'alt', data=alt alt = spline(alt.x, alt.y, time) ; Step 1: Get pre-calculated potentials from SWEA-LPW analysis. if (lpwpot) then begin get_data, 'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol', index=i if (i gt 0) then store_data, 'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol', /delete mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_restore ; ,suffix='_v01_r10' ; for testing get_data, 'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol', data=lpwphi, index=i if (i gt 0) then begin print,"Using SWE/LPW potential." options,'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol','psym',3 options,'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol','color',!p.color ; Don't use potentials more negative than min_lpw_pot igud = where(lpwphi.y gt min_lpw_pot, ngud, complement=ibad, ncomplement=nbad) if (nbad gt 0L) then lpwphi.y[ibad] = NaN if (ngud gt 0L) then begin phi = interp(lpwphi.y, lpwphi.x, time, interp_thresh=maxdt, /no_extrap) indx = where(finite(phi) and (mvn_sc_pot.method lt 1), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin mvn_sc_pot[indx].potential = phi[indx] mvn_sc_pot[indx].method = 1 ; swe/lpw method endif endif else print, "No valid SWE/LPW potentials." endif else print, "SWE/LPW potential not available." endif ; Step 2: Estimate positive potential from SWEA alone if (pospot) then begin mvn_swe_sc_pot, potential=phi ; Don't trust SWE+ potentials in the EUV shadow indx = where(wake, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin phi[indx].potential = NaN phi[indx].method = -1 endif indx = where((mvn_sc_pot.method lt 1) and (phi.method eq 2), count) if (count gt 0) then mvn_sc_pot[indx] = phi[indx] endif ; Step 3: Estimate negative potentials from SWEA (He-II feature) ; This fills in missing negative LPW-derived potentials. if (negpot) then begin mvn_swe_sc_negpot, potential=phi indx = where((mvn_sc_pot.method lt 1) and (phi.method eq 3), count) if (count gt 0) then mvn_sc_pot[indx] = phi[indx] options,'neg_pot','color',6 endif ; Step 4: Use STATIC-derived negative potentials. if (stapot) then begin print,"Getting negative potentials from STATIC." get_data,'mvn_sta_c6_scpot',data=stapot,index=i if (i gt 0) then begin indx = where((stapot.x ge tmin) and (stapot.x le tmax), count) ; reload STATIC data? if (count lt 20L) then i = 0 endif if (i eq 0) then begin mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid=['c6'] mvn_sta_l2_tplot, /replace get_data,'mvn_sta_c6_scpot',data=stapot,index=i endif if (i gt 0) then begin options,'mvn_sta_c6_scpot','color',4 ; Get all "good" potential estimates. Replace values >= 0 with NaNs. igud = where(stapot.y lt 0., ngud, comp=ibad, ncomp=nbad) if (nbad gt 0L) then stapot.y[ibad] = NaN msg = string("STA- : ",ngud," valid potentials from ",ngud+nbad," spectra",format='(a,i8,a,i8,a)') print, strcompress(strtrim(msg,2)) if (ngud gt 0L) then begin phi = interp(stapot.y, stapot.x, time, interp_thresh=maxdt, /no_extrap) ; Trust all values within the EUV shadow and above max_sta_alt indx = where(finite(phi) and wake and (alt gt max_sta_alt), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin mvn_sc_pot[indx].potential = phi[indx] mvn_sc_pot[indx].method = 4 endif ; Trust all values between 200 and 300 km ; hmm need something better ; ; indx = where(finite(phi) and (alt gt max_sta_alt) and (alt lt 300.), count) ; if (count gt 0L) then begin ; mvn_sc_pot[indx].potential = phi[indx] ; mvn_sc_pot[indx].method = 4 ; endif ; Fill in missing values. If more than one of LPW, SWE and STA provide values, ; choose one that is greater (less negative or more positive). indx = where((phi gt min_sta_pot) and $ ; (mvn_sc_pot.method ne 1) and $ ((phi gt mvn_sc_pot.potential) or (mvn_sc_pot.method lt 1)), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin mvn_sc_pot[indx].potential = phi[indx] mvn_sc_pot[indx].method = 4 endif endif else print, "No valid STATIC potentials." endif else print, "STATIC potential not available." endif ; Step 5: Estimate negative potential from SWEA PAD data if (shapot) then begin print,"Estimating negative potentials from SWEA PAD data." mvn_swe_sc_negpot_twodir_burst, potential=phi, /shadow if (size(phi,/type) eq 8) then begin indx = where((phi.method eq 5) and (mvn_sc_pot.method lt 1), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin mvn_sc_pot[indx] = phi[indx] mvn_swe_engy[indx].sc_pot = phi[indx].potential endif endif options,'pot_inshdw','constant',!values.f_nan options,'pot_inshdw','color',1 endif ; Finish up if (finite(badval)) then begin indx = where(mvn_sc_pot.method lt 1, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin mvn_sc_pot[indx].potential = badval mvn_sc_pot[indx].method = 0 endif endif pot = mvn_sc_pot success = 1 ; Update the SWEA and STATIC potentials. mvn_swe_addpot mvn_sta_scpot_update ; Create a tplot variable for all potential methods (with overlap) potpans = ['mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol','swe_pos','neg_pot','mvn_sta_c6_scpot','pot_inshdw'] potlabs = ['lpw', 'swe+', 'swe-', 'sta', 'swe-(sh)'] potcols = [!p.color, 2, 6, 4, 1] store_data,'swe_pot_lab',data={x:minmax(mvn_sc_pot.time), y:replicate(!values.f_nan,2,5)} options,'swe_pot_lab','labels',reverse(potlabs) options,'swe_pot_lab','colors',reverse(potcols) options,'swe_pot_lab','labflag',1 potall = 'scpot_all' potpans = ['swe_pot_lab',potpans] store_data,potall,data=potpans options,potall,'ytitle','S/C Potential!cVolts' options,potpans,'constant',!values.f_nan options,potall,'constant',[0] ; Create a tplot variable for the composite potential (no overlap) vname = ['pot_swelpw','pot_swepos','pot_sweneg','pot_staneg','pot_sweshdw'] nv = n_elements(vname) for i=0,nv-1 do begin x=mvn_sc_pot.time y=replicate(!values.f_nan,n_elements(x)) inx=where(mvn_sc_pot.method eq i+1,cts) if cts gt 0L then begin y[inx]=mvn_sc_pot[inx].potential store_data,vname[i],data={x:x,y:y} endif else begin store_data,vname[i],data={x:minmax(mvn_sc_pot.time), y:replicate(!values.f_nan,2)} endelse options,vname[i],'color',potcols[i] endfor potall = 'scpot_comp' store_data,potall,data=['swe_pot_lab',vname] options, vname, 'constant', !values.f_nan options, potall, 'constant', [0] options, potall, 'ytitle', 'S/C Potential!cVolts' return end