;+ ;NAME: MVN_ORBIT_NUM ; function: mvn_orbit_num() ;PURPOSE: ; returns database structure that contains orbit information about each MAVEN orbit. ; Alternatively - Returns the time if given the orbit number or returns the orbit number if given the time. ; ;Typical CALLING SEQUENCE: ; orbdata = mvn_orbit_num() ; store_data,'orbnum',orbdata.peri_time,orbdata.num,dlimit={ytitle:'Orbit'} ; tplot,var_label='orbnum' ; ;TYPICAL USAGE: ; print, mvn_orbit_num(time=systime(1) ) ; prints current MAVEN orbit number ; print , time_string( mvn_orbit_num(orbnum = 6.0) ; prints the time of periapsis of orbit number 6 ; timebar, mvn_orbit_num( orbnum = indgen(300) ) ; plots a vertical line at periapsis for the first 300 orbits ;Author: Davin Larson - October, 2014 ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-02-02 15:24:16 -0800 (Thu, 02 Feb 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22720 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/general/mvn_orbit_num.pro $ ;- function mvn_orbit_num_read,filename,count,verbose=verbose MOI_time = time_double('2014-9-22/02:06') ; this is only approximate! nan = !values.f_nan dnan = !values.d_nan dat = {num:1L, peri_time:MOI_TIME, peri_MET:dnan, APO_time:moi_time+17.5*3600, sol_lon:nan, sol_lat:nan, sc_lon:nan, sc_lat:nan, sc_alt:nan, sol_dist:dnan} count=0 if not keyword_set(filename) then return, dat fi = file_info(filename) dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,'Reading file: '+filename+' ('+strtrim(fi.size,2)+' bytes) Modified: '+time_string(fi.mtime) openr,lun,filename,/get_lun i=0L while ~eof(lun) do begin s='' readf,lun,s dprint,dlevel=5,s if i++ lt 2 then continue if strmatch(s,'*Unable*') then continue dat.num = long(strmid(s,0,5)) dat.peri_time = time_double( strmid(s,7,20) ,tformat='YYYY MTH DD hh:mm:ss') dat.peri_met = double( strmid(s,33,16) ) dat.apo_time = time_double( strmid(s,51,20) ,tformat='YYYY MTH DD hh:mm:ss') dat.sol_lon = double( strmid(s,72,8) ) dat.sol_lat = double( strmid(s,81,8) ) dat.sc_lon = double( strmid(s,90,8) ) dat.sc_lat = double( strmid(s,99,8) ) dat.sc_alt = double( strmid(s,108,11) ) dat.sol_dist = double( strmid(s,120,12) ) append_array,alldat,dat,index=count endwhile append_array,alldat,index=count,/done free_lun,lun return,alldat end function mvn_orbit_num,orbnum=orbnum,time=time,verbose=verbose,reload_time=reload common mvn_orbit_num_com,alldat,time_cached,filenames if ~keyword_set(time_cached) then time_cached=1d if ~keyword_set(reload) then reload = 3600 ; default to one hour if (systime(1) - time_cached) gt reload then begin ; generate no more than once per hour if ~keyword_set(source) then source = spice_file_source(preserve_mtime=1,verbose=verbose,ignore_filesize=1,valid_only=1,last_version=0) dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,'Checking server: ' +source.remote_data_dir+' for new orbit files.' filenames = spd_download_plus(remote_file = source.remote_data_dir+'MAVEN/kernels/spk/maven_orb_rec_??????_??????_v?.orb', $ local_path = source.local_data_dir+'MAVEN/kernels/spk/', $ file_mode = '666'o, dir_mode = '777'o) ; this algorithm will fail if a version 2 file appears. filenames = [filenames,spd_download_plus(remote_file = source.remote_data_dir+'MAVEN/kernels/spk/maven_orb_rec.orb', $ local_path = source.local_data_dir+'MAVEN/kernels/spk/', $ file_mode = '666'o, dir_mode = '777'o)] ; Recent reconstructed orbits filenames = [filenames,spd_download_plus(remote_file = source.remote_data_dir+'MAVEN/kernels/spk/maven_orb.orb', $ local_path = source.local_data_dir+'MAVEN/kernels/spk/', $ file_mode = '666'o, dir_mode = '777'o)] ; predicted orbits filenames = [filenames,spd_download_plus(remote_file = source.remote_data_dir+'MAVEN/kernels/spk/maven_orb.orb.long', $ local_path = source.local_data_dir+'MAVEN/kernels/spk/', $ file_mode = '666'o, dir_mode = '777'o)] ; long term predicts ; dprint,dlevel=2, n_elements(filenames) gt 1 ? transpose(filenames) : filenames if debug(3,verbose) then dprint,dlevel=3,verbose=verbose, file_checksum(filenames,/add_mtime,verbose=0) alldat = mvn_orbit_num_read('') last = 1 for fi=0,n_elements(filenames)-1 do begin dat = mvn_orbit_num_read(filenames[fi],count) w = where(dat.num gt last, nw) if nw gt 0 then append_array,alldat,dat[w] last = max(alldat.num) endfor time_cached = systime(1) endif if n_elements(time) ne 0 then return, interp(double(alldat.num),alldat.peri_time,time_double(time)) if n_elements(orbnum) ne 0 then return, interp(alldat.peri_time,double(alldat.num),double(orbnum)) return , alldat end