;+ ;FUNCTION: ; mvn_get_scpot ; ;PURPOSE: ; Given a time, returns the spacecraft potential. Only works after ; the potentials have been restored/calculated by mvn_scpot. ; ;AUTHOR: ; David L. Mitchell ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; pot = mvn_get_scpot(time) ; ;INPUTS: ; time: Time or array of times for getting the potential, in ; any format accepted by time_double(). ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ;OUTPUTS: ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-09-12 14:13:48 -0700 (Wed, 12 Sep 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25778 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/general/mvn_get_scpot.pro $ ; ;- function mvn_get_scpot, time @mvn_scpot_com if (size(Espan,/type) eq 0) then mvn_scpot_defaults npot = n_elements(mvn_sc_pot) ntime = n_elements(time) case (ntime) of 0 : begin print,'MVN_GET_SCPOT: You must supply a time!' return, badval end 1 : pot = badval else : pot = replicate(badval, ntime) endcase if (npot lt 2) then begin mvn_scpot npot = n_elements(mvn_sc_pot) if (npot lt 2) then begin print,'MVN_GET_SCPOT: Error! Cannot get the potential.' return, pot endif endif t = time_double(time) tmin = min(mvn_sc_pot.time, max=tmax) indx = where((t ge tmin) and (t le tmax), ngud, ncomplement=nbad) if (nbad gt 0L) then begin pct = 100.*float(nbad)/float(ntime) if (pct gt 5.) then begin msg = strtrim(round(pct),2) print,'MVN_GET_SCPOT: ',msg,'% of input times are out of range.' print,'MVN_GET_SCPOT: Potential coverage = ',time_string([tmin,tmax]) print,'MVN_GET_SCPOT: Requested time range = ',time_string(minmax(t)) print,'MVN_GET_SCPOT: Try rerunning mvn_scpot with a different time range.' endif endif if (ngud gt 0L) then begin pot[indx] = interp(mvn_sc_pot.potential, mvn_sc_pot.time, t[indx], $ interp_thresh=maxdt, /no_extrap) jndx = where(~finite(pot[indx]), count) if (count gt 0L) then pot[indx[jndx]] = badval endif return, pot end