;+ ;FUNCTION: mvn_frame_name ;PURPOSE: ; Expands a MAVEN frame name fragment to the full frame name ; recognized by SPICE. You can omit the leading 'MAVEN_' or ; 'IAU_' from the fragment. Case folded minimum matching is ; performed. For example, all of the following are expanded ; to 'MAVEN_STATIC': 'maVEn_st', 'sta', 'St'. ; ; 'GEO' is accepted as a synonym for 'MARS'. ; ; Simply returns the input if the fragment is not recognized ; or ambiguous. ; ;USAGE: ; spice_frame = mvn_frame_name(frame) ; ;INPUTS: ; frame: String scalar or array of MAVEN frame name fragments. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; SUCCESS: An array of integers with the same number of elements ; as frame: ; 0 = match not found or ambiguous ; 1 = unique match found ; ; RESET: Refresh the list of frame names. ; ; LIST: Print a list of frame names and exit. Returns the ; null string. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-03-17 11:18:25 -0700 (Tue, 17 Mar 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28418 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/general/mvn_frame_name.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;- function mvn_frame_name, frame, success=success, reset=reset, list=list common mvn_frame_list, mvn_flist if (keyword_set(reset) or (size(mvn_flist,/type) ne 7)) then begin mvn_flist = ['MARS','GEO','PHOBOS','DEIMOS','SPACECRAFT','APP','STATIC',$ 'SWIA','SWEA','MAG1','MAG2','EUV','SEP1','SEP2',$ 'IUVS_LIMB','IUVS_NADIR','NGIMS','MSO','SSO','MME_2000'] endif flist = mvn_flist ffull = ['IAU_'+flist[0:3], 'MAVEN_'+flist[4:*]] if keyword_set(list) then begin for i=0,(n_elements(ffull)-1) do print," ",ffull[i] return, '' endif nframe = n_elements(frame) success = replicate(0, nframe) if (size(frame,/type) ne 7) then begin print, "Input must be of type string." return, frame endif ftest = frame ; Strip off leading "MAVEN_" or "IAU_", if they exist i = where(strcmp(ftest, 'MAVEN_', 6, /fold), count) if (count gt 0) then ftest[i] = strmid(ftest[i],6) i = where(strcmp(ftest, 'IAU_', 4, /fold), count) if (count gt 0) then ftest[i] = strmid(ftest[i],4) ; Case folded minimum matching for the remainder of the fragment for j=0,(nframe-1) do begin i = strmatch(flist, ftest[j]+'*', /fold) case (total(i)) of 0 : print, "Frame not recognized: ", frame[j] 1 : begin frame[j] = (ffull[where(i eq 1)])[0] success[j] = 1 end else : print, "Frame ambiguous: ", frame[j] endcase endfor ; Accept "GEO" as a synonym for "MARS" i = where(strcmp(frame, 'IAU_GEO', 7, /fold), count) if (count gt 0) then frame[i] = 'IAU_MARS' return, frame end