;+ ; NAME: ; mvn_euv_l0_load ; PURPOSE: ; Load procedure for EUV L0 data. Use for looking at raw EUV data. ; Use mvn_euv_load instead to load EUV L2 data (calibrated), ; but EUV L2 files are currently about a month behind. ; KEYWORDS: ; trange: specifies the time range ; tplot: plots a time-series of the loaded data ; save: saves tplot files of L0 data for the selected day (only works for 1 day at a time) ; l0: loads data from L0 files instead of tplot files (slow) ; generate: automatically generates daily tplot files for new L0 files ; init: initial date from which to start generating L0 tplot files up to now ; HISTORY: ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: ali $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-01 19:04:44 -0800 (Fri, 01 Mar 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26742 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/euv/mvn_euv_l0_load.pro $ ;CREATED BY: ali 20160830 ;FILE: mvn_euv_l0_load.pro ;- pro mvn_euv_l0_load,trange=trange,tplot=tplot,verbose=verbose,save=save,l0=l0,generate=generate,init=init tplotpath='maven/data/sci/euv/l0/tplot/YYYY/MM/mvn_euv_l0_YYYYMMDD.tplot' if keyword_set(generate) then begin if keyword_set(init) then tstart=time_double(init) else tstart=time_double('2014-11-27') trange0=[tstart,systime(1)] res=86400L daynum=round(trange0/res) nd=daynum[1]-daynum[0] trange=res*double(daynum); round to days for i=0L,nd-1 do begin tr=trange[0]+[i,i+1]*res L0_file=mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(/l0,trange=tr,/daily_names,/valid_only,verbose=verbose) ;should be scalar tp_file=mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(tplotpath,trange=tr[0],/daily_names,/create_dir,verbose=verbose) if l0_file eq '' then continue L0_info=file_info(L0_file) tp_info=file_info(tp_file) L0_timestamp=max([L0_info.mtime,L0_info.ctime]) tp_timestamp=tp_info.mtime if L0_timestamp gt tp_timestamp then begin ;skip if tplot file does not need to be regenerated dprint,'Generating EUV tplot file: '+tp_file mvn_euv_l0_load,trange=tr,/l0,/save endif endfor dprint,'EUV tplot file generation complete! return endif if keyword_set(save) then sav=1 else sav=0 if keyword_set(l0) then l0s=1 else l0s=0 if (l0s and sav) then l0sav=1 else l0sav=0 if ~l0s or l0sav then tp_files=mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(tplotpath,trange=trange,/daily_names,create_dir=l0sav,valid_only=~l0s,verbose=verbose) if l0s then l0_files=mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(/l0,trange=trange,/daily_names,/valid_only,verbose=verbose) ;daily l0 files if l0s then files=l0_files else files=tp_files if files[0] eq '' then begin dprint,dlevel=2,'No '+(['EUV tplot','L0'])[l0s]+' files were found for the selected time range.' return endif nfiles=n_elements(files) if l0sav and (nfiles ne 1 or n_elements(tp_files) ne 1) then begin dprint,dlevel=2,'EUV tplot save functionality currently only works for 1 day at a time! returning...' return endif for i=0l,nfiles-1 do begin store_data,'mvn_lpw_euv',/delete,verbose=0 if l0s then begin mvn_lpw_load_file,files[i],tplot_var='SCI',filetype=filetype,packet='EUV',board=board,use_compression=use_compression,/nospice ;l0 loader endif else tplot_restore,filename=files[i],verbose=0 get_data,'mvn_lpw_euv',data=mvn_lpw_euv_1day,limits=limits,dlimits=dlimits ;get tplot variables if keyword_set(mvn_lpw_euv_1day) then begin if l0sav then tplot_save,'mvn_lpw_euv',filename=tp_files,/no_add_ext ;only works for 1 day append_array,mvn_lpw_euv_x,mvn_lpw_euv_1day.x ;append days append_array,mvn_lpw_euv_y,mvn_lpw_euv_1day.y lim2=limits dlim2=dlimits endif else dprint,'No EUV data in file: '+files[i] endfor store_data,'mvn_lpw_euv',/delete,verbose=0 if keyword_set(mvn_lpw_euv_y) then begin mvn_lpw_euv_y+=4.6e5 ;adding the offset (4.5e5) plus 1e4 (for better scaling) back to the signals lim2.xtitle='' dlim2.ysubtitle+='+4.6e5' store_data,'mvn_euv_l0',mvn_lpw_euv_x,mvn_lpw_euv_y,limits=lim2,dlimits=dlim2 ylim,'mvn_euv_l0',1e4,1.4e6,1 options,'mvn_euv_l0',labflag=-1,colors='gbrk',datagap=2. if keyword_set(tplot) then tplot,'mvn_euv_l0' endif end