;+ ; ;PROCEDURE: MVN_EPH_SUBSOL_POS ; ;PURPOSE: Computes Mars subsolar points in the geographic ; latitude and east longitude, and makes tplot variables. ; ;INPUTS: ; ; TRANGE: An array in any format accepted by time_double(). ; The minimum and maximum pairs for the time array specify ; the time range to compute. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; ORBIT: Specifies the time range by orbit number or range of ; orbit numbers (trange is ignored). Orbits are numbered ; using the NAIF convention, where the orbit number ; increments at periapsis. Data are loaded from the ; apoapsis preceding the first orbit (periapsis) number ; to the apoapsis following the last orbit number. ; ; RESOLUTION: Sets the time resolution to compute in sec. ; Default = 1 sec. ; ; DATA: Returns the conputed result as a structure. ; ; RADIAN: If set, the computed unit set to be radian. ; Default is degree. ; ; LS: Computes also the Martian solar longitude (=Ls). ; ;CREATED BY: Takuya Hara on 2015-03-27. ; ;LAST MODIFICATION: ; $LastChangedBy: hara $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-04-12 17:04:33 -0700 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17298 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/eph/mvn_eph_subsol_pos.pro $ ; ;- PRO mvn_eph_subsol_pos, var, orbit=orbit, verbose=verbose, $ resolution=resolution, data=data, $ radian=radian, ls=ls nan = !values.f_nan dnan = !values.d_nan tplot_options, get_opt=topt IF SIZE(var, /type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN trange = time_double(var) IF N_ELEMENTS(trange) LT 2 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'The time range must be two elements array like [tmin, tmax].' RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(trange) GT 2 THEN BEGIN utc = trange trange = minmax(trange) ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF keyword_set(orbit) THEN BEGIN imin = MIN(orbit, max=imax) trange = mvn_orbit_num(orbnum=[imin-0.5, imax+0.5]) undefine, imin, imax ENDIF tspan_exists = (MAX(topt.trange_full) GT 0.d0) IF (tspan_exists) THEN trange = topt.trange_full undefine, tspan_exists ENDELSE IF SIZE(trange, /type) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'You must set the specified time interval to load.' RETURN ENDIF IF keyword_set(resolution) THEN dt = resolution ELSE dt = 1.d0 mk = spice_test('*') idx = WHERE(mk NE '', nidx) IF nidx EQ 0 THEN mvn_spice_load, trange=trange, verbose=verbose, /download_only undefine, idx, nidx IF ((SIZE(utc, /type) NE 0) AND (keyword_set(resolution))) OR $ SIZE(utc, /type) EQ 0 THEN utc = dgen(range=trange, resolution=dt) ndat = N_ELEMENTS(utc) cspice_bodvrd, 'MARS', 'RADII', 3, radii re = radii[0] rp = radii[2] f = (re - rp) / re method = 'Near point: ellipsoid' IF keyword_set(radian) THEN unit = 'rad' ELSE unit = 'deg' data = {time: REPLICATE(dnan, ndat), lat: REPLICATE(nan, ndat), $ elon: REPLICATE(nan, ndat), unit: unit} data.time = utc et = time_ephemeris(utc) FOR i=0L, ndat-1L DO BEGIN cspice_subslr, method, 'MARS', et[i], 'IAU_MARS', 'LT+S', 'MAVEN', spoint, trgepc, srfvec cspice_recpgr, 'MARS', spoint, re, f, lon, lat, spgalt lon = lon * cspice_dpr() lat = lat * cspice_dpr() lon = 360. - lon ; Changed on East longitude. IF unit EQ 'rad' THEN BEGIN lat = lat * !DTOR lon = lon * !DTOR ENDIF data.lat[i] = lat data.elon[i] = lon undefine, spoint, trgepc, srfvec undefine, lon, lat, spgalt ENDFOR IF keyword_set(ls) THEN BEGIN sl = FLTARR(ndat) FOR i=0L, ndat-1 DO $ sl[i] = cspice_dpr() * cspice_lspcn('MARS', et[i], 'LT+S') IF unit EQ 'rad' THEN sl *= !DTOR str_element, data, 'ls', sl, /add ENDIF tit = '[' + unit + ']' store_data, 'mvn_eph_subsol_lat', data={x: utc, y: data.lat}, $ dlim={ytitle: 'Subsolar Lat', ysubtitle: tit, yticks: 4, yminor: 3} IF unit NE 'rad' THEN ylim, 'mvn_eph_subsol_lat', -90., 90., /def $ ELSE ylim, 'mvn_eph_subsol_lat', -0.5*!PI, 0.5*!PI, /def store_data, 'mvn_eph_subsol_elon', data={x: utc, y: data.elon}, $ dlim={ytitle: 'Subsolar Elon', ysubtitle: tit, yticks: 4, yminor: 3} IF unit NE 'rad' THEN ylim, 'mvn_eph_subsol_elon', 0., 360., /def $ ELSE ylim, 'mvn_eph_subsol_elon', 0., 2.*!PI, /def IF keyword_set(ls) THEN BEGIN store_data, 'mvn_eph_ls', data={x: utc, y: data.ls}, $ dlim={ytitle: 'Mars Ls', ysubtitle: tit, yticks: 4, yminor: 3} IF unit NE 'rad' THEN ylim, 'mvn_eph_ls', 0., 360., /def $ ELSE ylim, 'mvn_eph_ls', 0., 2.*!PI, /def ENDIF tplot_options, option=topt RETURN END