;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; kgy_pace_plot3d_snap ; PURPOSE: ; Plots 3D snapshots for times selected with the cursor in a tplot window. ; Hold down the left mouse button and slide for a movie effect. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; plot3d_options,map='cylindrical' ; kgy_pace_plot3d_snap,/log,units='counts',zrange=[1,100] ; KEYWORDS: ; frame: 'MOON_ME', 'SSE', 'GSE', or 'SELENE_M_SPACECRAFT' ; (Def. 'SELENE_M_SPACECRAFT') ; window: window number (Def. a new window will be generated) ; sensor: sensor number (Def. selected according to the clicked tplot) ; 0: ESA-S1, 1: ESA-S2, 2: IMA, 3: IEA ; keepwin: do not delete the snap window ; other keyword will be passed to plot3d_new ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2016-09-17 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-09-17 15:54:11 -0700 (Sat, 17 Sep 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21852 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/kaguya/map/pace/kgy_pace_plot3d_snap.pro $ ;- pro kgy_pace_plot3d_snap, frame=frame, window=window, sensor=sensor, infoangle=infoangle, keepwin=keepwin, _extra=_extra if size(sensor,/type) ne 0 then sens = long(sensor[0]) else sens = -1 dsize = get_screen_size() if keyword_set(window) then Dwin = window else begin window, /free, xsize=dsize[0]/2., ysize=dsize[1]*2./3.,xpos=0., ypos=0. Dwin = !d.window endelse print, 'Use button 1 to select time; button 3 to quit.' ctime,t,npoints=1,/silent,vname=vname ok = 1 while (ok) do begin get3d_func = 'kgy_esa1_get3d' if strmatch(vname,'*esa1*') eq 1 then get3d_func = 'kgy_esa1_get3d' if strmatch(vname,'*esa2*') eq 1 then get3d_func = 'kgy_esa2_get3d' if strmatch(vname,'*ima*') eq 1 then get3d_func = 'kgy_ima_get3d' if strmatch(vname,'*iea*') eq 1 then get3d_func = 'kgy_iea_get3d' if sens eq 0 then get3d_func = 'kgy_esa1_get3d' if sens eq 1 then get3d_func = 'kgy_esa2_get3d' if sens eq 2 then get3d_func = 'kgy_ima_get3d' if sens eq 3 then get3d_func = 'kgy_iea_get3d' d = call_function(get3d_func,t,infoangle=infoangle,/sabin) if keyword_set(frame) then d = kgy_pace_convert_frame(d,new=frame) wset,Dwin newene = total(d.energy*d.bins,2)/total(d.bins,2) ;- get energies right str_element,d,'energy',rebin(newene,d.nenergy,d.nbins),/add plot3d_new,d,_extra=_extra ctime,t,npoints=1,/silent,vname=vname if (data_type(t) eq 5) then ok = 1 else ok = 0 endwhile if ~keyword_set(keepwin) then wdelete,Dwin end