;+ ; FUNCTION: ; kgy_pace_convert_frame ; PURPOSE: ; Converts frame of 3d data using SPICE ; Available frames: SELENE_M_SPACECRAFT, MOON_ME, SSE, GSE ; 'phi' and 'theta' tags will be converted ; 'dphi' and 'dtheta' tags will NOT be converted ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dnew = kgy_pace_convert_frame(d,newframe='MOON_ME') ; INPUTS: ; 3d data structure created by kgy_*_get3d ; KEYWORDS: ; oldframe: old frame (Def. frame defined in the input data) ; newframe: new frame (Def. 'SSE') ; vnew: returns new velocity vectors = {vx:vxnew,vy:vynew,vz:vznew} ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2016-09-17 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-09-17 14:37:45 -0700 (Sat, 17 Sep 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21850 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/kaguya/map/pace/kgy_pace_convert_frame.pro $ ;- function kgy_pace_convert_frame, dat, oldframe=oldframe, newframe=newframe, vnew=vnew, ph_0_360=ph_0_360 if size(ph_0_360,/type) eq 0 then ph_0_360 = 1 if ~keyword_set(newframe) then newframe = 'SSE' else newframe = strupcase(newframe) if ~keyword_set(oldframe) then oldframe = strupcase(dat.spice_frame) else begin if tag_exist(d,'spice_frame') then begin if strupcase(dat.spice_frame) ne strupcase(oldframe) then begin dprint,'oldframe and spice_frame in the input data do not match' dprint,'Returning...' return, dat endif endif endelse newdat = dat vabs = (2.*newdat.energy/newdat.mass)^.5 sphere_to_cart, vabs, newdat.theta, newdat.phi, vx, vy, vz if oldframe eq newframe then begin vnew = {vx:vx,vy:vy,vz:vz} str_element,newdat,'spice_frame',newframe,/add return, newdat endif q = spice_body_att(oldframe, newframe, (newdat.time+newdat.end_time)/2d,/quaternion) t2 = q[0]*q[1] ;- cf. quaternion_rotation.pro t3 = q[0]*q[2] t4 = q[0]*q[3] t5 = -q[1]*q[1] t6 = q[1]*q[2] t7 = q[1]*q[3] t8 = -q[2]*q[2] t9 = q[2]*q[3] t10 = -q[3]*q[3] vxn = 2*( (t8 + t10)*vx + (t6 - t4)*vy + (t3 + t7)*vz ) + vx vyn = 2*( (t4 + t6)*vx + (t5 + t10)*vy + (t9 - t2)*vz ) + vy vzn = 2*( (t7 - t3)*vx + (t2 + t9)*vy + (t5 + t8)*vz ) + vz vnew = {vx:vxn,vy:vyn,vz:vzn} cart_to_sphere,vxn,vyn,vzn,vabsn,thetan,phin,ph_0_360=ph_0_360 newdat.theta = thetan newdat.phi = phin str_element,newdat,'spice_frame',newframe,/add if tag_exist(newdat,'magf') then begin bx = newdat.magf[0] by = newdat.magf[1] bz = newdat.magf[2] bxn = 2*( (t8 + t10)*bx + (t6 - t4)*by + (t3 + t7)*bz ) + bx byn = 2*( (t4 + t6)*bx + (t5 + t10)*by + (t9 - t2)*bz ) + by bzn = 2*( (t7 - t3)*bx + (t2 + t9)*by + (t5 + t8)*bz ) + bz newdat.magf = [bxn,byn,bzn] endif if tag_exist(newdat,'vsw') then begin vswx = newdat.vsw[0] vswy = newdat.vsw[1] vswz = newdat.vsw[2] vswxn = 2*( (t8 + t10)*vswx + (t6 - t4)*vswy + (t3 + t7)*vswz ) + vswx vswyn = 2*( (t4 + t6)*vswx + (t5 + t10)*vswy + (t9 - t2)*vswz ) + vswy vswzn = 2*( (t7 - t3)*vswx + (t2 + t9)*vswy + (t5 + t8)*vswz ) + vswz newdat.vsw = [vswxn,vswyn,vswzn] endif return, newdat end