;+ ;FUNCTION: kgy_n_3d ;INPUT: ; dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. ;PURPOSE: ; Returns the density, n, 1/cm^3 ;NOTES: ; Function normally called by "get_3dt" or "get_2dt" to ; generate time series data for "tplot.pro". ; ;CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2018-05-09 ; modified from n_3d and n_3d_new ;- function kgy_n_3d,dat2,_extra=_extra density = 0. if dat2.valid eq 0 then begin dprint, 'Invalid Data' return, density endif dat = conv_units(dat2,'df') ; Use distribution function data = dat.data*dat.bins energy = dat.energy denergy = dat.denergy theta = dat.theta/!radeg phi = dat.phi/!radeg dtheta = dat.dtheta/!radeg dphi = dat.dphi/!radeg mass = dat.mass Const = (mass)^(-1.5)*(2.)^(.5) charge = dat.charge if finite(dat.sc_pot) then energy = energy+(charge*dat.sc_pot/abs(charge)) > 0. density = Const*total(denergy*(energy^(.5))*data*2.*cos(theta)*sin(dtheta/2.)*dphi,/nan) ; units are 1/cm^3 return, density end