;+ ; FUNCTION: ; kgy_ima_get3d ; PURPOSE: ; returns an IMA 3D data structure ; sums up all mass channels and assumes protons ; Use kgy_ima_get4d (to be developed) to get mass separated data ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dat = kgy_ima_get3d(time) ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; time: gets data at this time - otherwise uses index or clicks ; Can be in any format accepted by time_double. ; KEYWORDS: ; index: gets data at this index value in the common block ; cntcorr: conducts count correction (event & trash correction) ; sabin: sorts into solid angle bins instead of (Npol,Naz) ; compatible with the SSL infrastructure (Def: sabin=1) ; INFOangle: uses angles in the INFO files (Def: INFOangle = 1) ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2014-07-02 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-05-29 23:13:05 -0700 (Tue, 29 May 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25297 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/kaguya/map/pace/kgy_ima_get3d.pro $ ;- function kgy_ima_get3d, time, index=index, cntcorr=cntcorr, sabin=sabin, infoangle=infoangle, verbose=verbose, gettimes=gettimes @kgy_pace_com @kgy_lmag_com if size(sabin,/type) eq 0 then sabin = 1 if size(infoangle,/type) eq 0 then infoangle = 1 if keyword_set(gettimes) then begin times = $ time_double( string(ima_header_arr[*].yyyymmdd,format='(i8.8)') $ +string(ima_header_arr[*].hhmmss,format='(i6.6)'), $ tformat='YYYYMMDDhhmmss' ) $ + ima_header_arr[*].time_resolution / 2.d3 return,times endif if (n_elements(time) ne 1) and (size(index,/type) eq 0) then $ ctime,t,npoints = 1 if n_elements(time) eq 1 then t = time_double(time) if n_elements(ima_header_arr) eq 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=0,verbose=verbose,'No ima data are stored' return, {project_name:'Kaguya MAP/PACE',data_name:'IMA',valid:0} endif if size(index,/type) eq 0 then begin times = $ time_double( string(ima_header_arr[*].yyyymmdd,format='(i8.8)') $ +string(ima_header_arr[*].hhmmss,format='(i6.6)'), $ tformat='YYYYMMDDhhmmss' ) $ + ima_header_arr[*].time_resolution / 2.d3 tmp = min( abs( times - t ), i ) theindex = ima_header_arr[i].index endif else begin theindex = ulong(index) i = where(ima_header_arr[*].index eq theindex , i_cnt ) if i_cnt ne 1 then begin dprint,dlevel=0,verbose=verbose,'kgy_ima_get3d: INVALID INDEX' return, {project_name:'Kaguya MAP/PACE',data_name:'IMA',valid:0} endif endelse start_time = $ time_double( string(ima_header_arr[i].yyyymmdd,format='(i8.8)') $ +string(ima_header_arr[i].hhmmss,format='(i6.6)'), $ tformat='YYYYMMDDhhmmss' ) end_time = $ time_double( string(ima_header_arr[i].yyyymmdd,format='(i8.8)') $ +string(ima_header_arr[i].hhmmss,format='(i6.6)'), $ tformat='YYYYMMDDhhmmss' ) $ + ima_header_arr[i].time_resolution / 1.d3 integ_t = 16./ima_header_arr[i].sampl_time ;- integration time [sec] delta_t = ima_header_arr[i].time_resolution/1000. ;- time resolution ram = ima_header_arr[i].svs_tbl ;- svg_tbl??? case ima_header_arr[i].type of '40'XB: begin ;- TYPE40 4x32x1024 valid = 1 enesq = reform(ima_info_str.ene_sqno_4x16[ram,*,0,0]) polsq = reform(ima_info_str.pol_sqno_4x16[ram,0,*,0]) energy = replicate(0., 32,4) theta = replicate(0., 32,4) phi = replicate(0., 32,4) gfactor = replicate(0.d, 32,4) eff = replicate(0.6, 32,4) ;- to be replaced by eff tbl bins = replicate(1, 32,4) ch_type40 = 4 ;- TYPE40 no az info, uses channel 4 (cf. momcal.c) gfactor[enesq[*],*] = ima_info_str.gfactor_4x16[ram,*,*,ch_type40] gfactor[*,polsq[*]] = gfactor[*,*] if not keyword_set(INFOangle) then begin energy[enesq[*],*] = $ ;- keV -> eV rebin(reform(ima_fov_str.ene[ram,*]),32,4) * 1000. energy[*,polsq[*]] = energy[*,*] theta[enesq[*],*] $ = -rebin(reform(ima_fov_str.pol4[ram,*,*]),32,4) theta[*,polsq[*]] = theta[*,*] endif else begin energy[enesq[*],*] = $ ima_info_str.ene_4x16[ram,*,*,ch_type40]*1000. ;- keV -> eV energy[*,polsq[*]] = energy[*,*] theta[enesq[*],*] = ima_info_str.pol_4x16[ram,*,*,ch_type40] theta[*,polsq[*]] = theta[*,*] idx_0 = where( gfactor eq 0 , idx_0_cnt ) if idx_0_cnt gt 0 then bins[idx_0] = 0 endelse denergy = replicate(0., 32,4) dtheta = replicate(90./4.,32,4) dphi = replicate(360.,32,4) domega = 2.*(dphi/!radeg)*cos(theta/!radeg)*sin(.5*dtheta/!radeg) denergy[0,*] = energy[1,*] - energy[0,*] denergy[31,*] = energy[31,*] - energy[30,*] denergy[indgen(30)+1,*] $ = (energy[indgen(30)+2,*]-energy[indgen(30),*])/2. ii = where( ima_type40_arr.index eq theindex ) cnt = float(ima_type40_arr[ii].cnt) idx_nan = where( cnt eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then cnt[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan if not keyword_set(cntcorr) then begin ccnt = transpose(total(cnt,3,/nan)) ;- all mass ch corr = 0 endif else begin ;- count correction (cf. momcal.c) ccnt = transpose(total(cnt,3,/nan)) ;- all mass ch event = float(ima_type40_arr[ii].event) idx_nan = where( event eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then event[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan ;- event correction tofeve = reform(event[1,*] + event[2,*] + event[3,*]) poseve = reform(event[0,*]) denom = total( ccnt[2*indgen(16),*]+ccnt[2*indgen(16)+1,*] ,/nan,2) idx_ne0 = where( denom ne 0, idx_ne0_cnt ) if idx_ne0_cnt gt 0 then begin ccnt[2*idx_ne0,*] = ccnt[2*idx_ne0,*]*rebin(tofeve[idx_ne0]/denom[idx_ne0],idx_ne0_cnt,4) ccnt[2*idx_ne0+1,*] = ccnt[2*idx_ne0+1,*]*rebin(tofeve[idx_ne0]/denom[idx_ne0],idx_ne0_cnt,4) endif corr = 1 endelse data = replicate(0., 32,4) data[enesq[*],*] = ccnt ;- TYPE40 pol sorted if keyword_set(sabin) then begin ;- no need to sort endif end '41'XB: begin ;- TYPE41 32x16x64 valid = 1 enesq = reform(ima_info_str.ene_sqno_16x64[ram,*,0,0]) polsq = reform(ima_info_str.pol_sqno_16x64[ram,0,*,0]) energy = replicate(0., 32,16,64) theta = replicate(0., 32,16,64) phi = replicate(0., 32,16,64) gfactor = replicate(0.d, 32,16,64) eff = replicate(0.6, 32,16,64) ;- to be replaced by eff tbl bins = replicate(1, 32,16,64) gfactor[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ima_info_str.gfactor_16x64[ram,*,*,*] if not keyword_set(INFOangle) then begin energy[enesq[*],*,*] = $ ;- keV -> eV rebin(reform(ima_fov_str.ene[ram,*]),32,16,64) * 1000. theta[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] $ = -rebin(reform(ima_fov_str.pol16[ram,*,*]),32,16,64) phi[*,*,*] = transpose(rebin(ima_fov_str.az64[*],64,16,32)) endif else begin energy[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = $ ima_info_str.ene_16x64[ram,*,*,*] * 1000. ;- keV -> eV theta[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ima_info_str.pol_16x64[ram,*,*,*] phi[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ima_info_str.az_16x64[ram,*,*,*] idx_0 = where( gfactor eq 0 , idx_0_cnt ) if idx_0_cnt gt 0 then bins[idx_0] = 0 endelse denergy = replicate(0., 32,16,64) dtheta = replicate(90./16.,32,16,64) dphi = replicate(360./64.,32,16,64) domega = 2.*(dphi/!radeg)*cos(theta/!radeg)*sin(.5*dtheta/!radeg) denergy[0,*,*] = energy[1,*,*] - energy[0,*,*] denergy[31,*,*] = energy[31,*,*] - energy[30,*,*] denergy[indgen(30)+1,*,*] $ = (energy[indgen(30)+2,*,*]-energy[indgen(30),*,*])/2. ii = where( ima_type41_arr.index eq theindex ) cnt = float(ima_type41_arr[ii].cnt) idx_nan = where( cnt eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then cnt[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan if not keyword_set(cntcorr) then begin ccnt = cnt corr = 0 endif else begin ;- count correction (cf. momcal.c) event = float(ima_type41_arr[ii].event) trash = float(ima_type41_arr[ii].trash) idx_nan = where( event eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then event[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan idx_nan = where( trash eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then trash[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan ;- trash correction numer = total(cnt,3,/nan) + total(trash,3,/nan) denom = total(cnt,3,/nan) ccnt = cnt for i_pol=0,15 do begin idx_ne0 = where( denom[*,i_pol] ne 0 , idx_ne0_cnt ) if idx_ne0_cnt gt 0 then begin ccnt[idx_ne0,i_pol,*] = cnt[idx_ne0,i_pol,*]*rebin(numer[idx_ne0,i_pol]/denom[idx_ne0,i_pol],idx_ne0_cnt,1,64) endif endfor ;- event correction tofeve = reform(event[1,*] + event[2,*] + event[3,*]) poseve = reform(event[0,*]) denom = total( total(ccnt[2*indgen(16),*,*] $ +ccnt[2*indgen(16)+1,*,*] ,/nan,3) ,/nan,2) idx_ne0 = where( denom ne 0, idx_ne0_cnt ) if idx_ne0_cnt gt 0 then begin ccnt[2*idx_ne0,*,*] = ccnt[2*idx_ne0,*,*]*rebin(tofeve[idx_ne0]/denom[idx_ne0],idx_ne0_cnt,16,64) ccnt[2*idx_ne0+1,*,*] = ccnt[2*idx_ne0+1,*,*]*rebin(tofeve[idx_ne0]/denom[idx_ne0],idx_ne0_cnt,16,64) endif corr = 1 endelse data = replicate(0., 32,16,64) data[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ccnt[*,*,*] if keyword_set(sabin) then begin olddata = data data = replicate(0., 32,1024) oldenergy = energy energy = replicate(0., 32,1024) oldtheta = theta theta = replicate(0., 32,1024) oldphi = phi phi = replicate(0., 32,1024) oldgfactor = gfactor gfactor = replicate(0.d, 32,1024) oldeff = eff eff = replicate(0., 32,1024) oldbins = bins bins = replicate(1, 32,1024) olddenergy = denergy denergy = replicate(0., 32,1024) olddtheta= dtheta dtheta = replicate(0.,32,1024) olddphi = dphi dphi = replicate(0.,32,1024) for i_pol=0,15 do begin data[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = olddata[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] energy[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = oldenergy[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] theta[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = oldtheta[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] phi[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = oldphi[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] gfactor[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = oldgfactor[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] eff[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = oldeff[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] bins[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = oldbins[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] denergy[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = olddenergy[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] dtheta[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = olddtheta[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] dphi[*,i_pol+indgen(64)*16] = olddphi[*,i_pol,indgen(64)] endfor domega = 2.*(dphi/!radeg)*cos(theta/!radeg)*sin(.5*dtheta/!radeg) endif end '42'XB: begin ;- TYPE42 32x4x16 valid = 1 enesq = reform(ima_info_str.ene_sqno_4x16[ram,*,0,0]) polsq = reform(ima_info_str.pol_sqno_4x16[ram,0,*,0]) energy = replicate(0., 32,4,16) theta = replicate(0., 32,4,16) phi = replicate(0., 32,4,16) gfactor = replicate(0.d, 32,4,16) eff = replicate(0.6, 32,4,16) ;- to be replaced by eff tbl bins = replicate(1, 32,4,16) gfactor[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ima_info_str.gfactor_4x16[ram,*,*,*] if not keyword_set(INFOangle) then begin energy[enesq[*],*,*] = $ ;- keV -> eV rebin(reform(ima_fov_str.ene[ram,*]),32,4,16) * 1000. theta[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] $ = -rebin(reform(ima_fov_str.pol4[ram,*,*]),32,4,16) phi[*,*,*] = transpose(rebin(ima_fov_str.az16[*],16,4,32)) endif else begin energy[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = $ ima_info_str.ene_4x16[ram,*,*,*] * 1000. ;- keV -> eV theta[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ima_info_str.pol_4x16[ram,*,*,*] phi[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ima_info_str.az_4x16[ram,*,*,*] idx_0 = where( gfactor eq 0 , idx_0_cnt ) if idx_0_cnt gt 0 then bins[idx_0] = 0 endelse denergy = replicate(0., 32,4,16) dtheta = replicate(90./4.,32,4,16) dphi = replicate(360./16.,32,4,16) domega = 2.*(dphi/!radeg)*cos(theta/!radeg)*sin(.5*dtheta/!radeg) denergy[0,*,*] = energy[1,*,*] - energy[0,*,*] denergy[31,*,*] = energy[31,*,*] - energy[30,*,*] denergy[indgen(30)+1,*,*] $ = (energy[indgen(30)+2,*,*]-energy[indgen(30),*,*])/2. ii = where( ima_type42_arr.index eq theindex ) cnt = float(ima_type42_arr[ii].cnt) idx_nan = where( cnt eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then cnt[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan if not keyword_set(cntcorr) then begin ccnt = cnt corr = 0 endif else begin ;- count correction (cf. momcal.c) event = float(ima_type42_arr[ii].event) trash = float(ima_type42_arr[ii].trash) idx_nan = where( event eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then event[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan idx_nan = where( trash eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then trash[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan ;- trash correction numer = total(cnt,3,/nan) + total(trash,3,/nan) denom = total(cnt,3,/nan) ccnt = cnt for i_pol=0,3 do begin idx_ne0 = where( denom[*,i_pol] ne 0 , idx_ne0_cnt ) if idx_ne0_cnt gt 0 then begin ccnt[idx_ne0,i_pol,*] = cnt[idx_ne0,i_pol,*]*rebin(numer[idx_ne0,i_pol]/denom[idx_ne0,i_pol],idx_ne0_cnt,1,16) endif endfor ;- event correction tofeve = reform(event[1,*] + event[2,*] + event[3,*]) poseve = reform(event[0,*]) denom = total( total(ccnt[2*indgen(16),*,*] $ +ccnt[2*indgen(16)+1,*,*] ,/nan,3) ,/nan,2) idx_ne0 = where( denom ne 0, idx_ne0_cnt ) if idx_ne0_cnt gt 0 then begin ccnt[2*idx_ne0,*,*] = ccnt[2*idx_ne0,*,*]*rebin(tofeve[idx_ne0]/denom[idx_ne0],idx_ne0_cnt,4,16) ccnt[2*idx_ne0+1,*,*] = ccnt[2*idx_ne0+1,*,*]*rebin(tofeve[idx_ne0]/denom[idx_ne0],idx_ne0_cnt,4,16) endif corr = 1 endelse data = replicate(0., 32,4,16) data[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ccnt[*,*,*] if keyword_set(sabin) then begin olddata = data data = replicate(0., 32,64) oldenergy = energy energy = replicate(0., 32,64) oldtheta = theta theta = replicate(0., 32,64) oldphi = phi phi = replicate(0., 32,64) oldgfactor = gfactor gfactor = replicate(0.d, 32,64) oldeff = eff eff = replicate(0., 32,64) oldbins = bins bins = replicate(1, 32,64) olddenergy = denergy denergy = replicate(0., 32,64) olddtheta= dtheta dtheta = replicate(0.,32,64) olddphi = dphi dphi = replicate(0.,32,64) for i_pol=0,3 do begin data[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = olddata[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] energy[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldenergy[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] theta[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldtheta[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] phi[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldphi[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] gfactor[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldgfactor[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] eff[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldeff[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] bins[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldbins[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] denergy[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = olddenergy[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] dtheta[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = olddtheta[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] dphi[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = olddphi[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] endfor domega = 2.*(dphi/!radeg)*cos(theta/!radeg)*sin(.5*dtheta/!radeg) endif end '43'XB: begin ;- TYPE43 8x32x4x16 valid = 1 enesq = reform(ima_info_str.ene_sqno_4x16[ram,*,0,0]) polsq = reform(ima_info_str.pol_sqno_4x16[ram,0,*,0]) energy = replicate(0., 32,4,16) theta = replicate(0., 32,4,16) phi = replicate(0., 32,4,16) gfactor = replicate(0.d, 32,4,16) eff = replicate(0.6, 32,4,16) ;- to be replaced by eff tbl bins = replicate(1, 32,4,16) gfactor[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ima_info_str.gfactor_4x16[ram,*,*,*] if not keyword_set(INFOangle) then begin energy[enesq[*],*,*] = $ ;- keV -> eV rebin(reform(ima_fov_str.ene[ram,*]),32,4,16) * 1000. theta[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] $ = -rebin(reform(ima_fov_str.pol4[ram,*,*]),32,4,16) phi[*,*,*] = transpose(rebin(ima_fov_str.az16[*],16,4,32)) endif else begin energy[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = $ ima_info_str.ene_4x16[ram,*,*,*] * 1000. ;- keV -> eV theta[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ima_info_str.pol_4x16[ram,*,*,*] phi[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ima_info_str.az_4x16[ram,*,*,*] idx_0 = where( gfactor eq 0 , idx_0_cnt ) if idx_0_cnt gt 0 then bins[idx_0] = 0 endelse denergy = replicate(0., 32,4,16) dtheta = replicate(90./4.,32,4,16) dphi = replicate(360./16.,32,4,16) domega = 2.*(dphi/!radeg)*cos(theta/!radeg)*sin(.5*dtheta/!radeg) denergy[0,*,*] = energy[1,*,*] - energy[0,*,*] denergy[31,*,*] = energy[31,*,*] - energy[30,*,*] denergy[indgen(30)+1,*,*] $ = (energy[indgen(30)+2,*,*]-energy[indgen(30),*,*])/2. ii = where( ima_type43_arr.index eq theindex ) cnt = float(ima_type43_arr[ii].cnt) idx_nan = where( cnt eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then cnt[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan if not keyword_set(cntcorr) then begin ccnt = total(cnt,1,/nan) ;- all mass ch corr = 0 endif else begin ;- count correction (cf. momcal.c) cnt = total(cnt,1,/nan) ;- all mass ch event = float(ima_type43_arr[ii].event) trash = float(ima_type43_arr[ii].trash) idx_nan = where( event eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then event[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan idx_nan = where( trash eq uint(-1) , idx_nan_cnt) if idx_nan_cnt gt 0 then trash[idx_nan] = !values.f_nan trash = total(trash,1,/nan) ;- all mass ch ;- trash correction numer = total(cnt,3,/nan) + total(trash,3,/nan) denom = total(cnt,3,/nan) ccnt = cnt for i_pol=0,3 do begin idx_ne0 = where( denom[*,i_pol] ne 0 , idx_ne0_cnt ) if idx_ne0_cnt gt 0 then begin ccnt[idx_ne0,i_pol,*] = cnt[idx_ne0,i_pol,*]*rebin(numer[idx_ne0,i_pol]/denom[idx_ne0,i_pol],idx_ne0_cnt,1,16) endif endfor ;- event correction tofeve = reform(event[1,*] + event[2,*] + event[3,*]) poseve = reform(event[0,*]) denom = total( total(ccnt[2*indgen(16),*,*] $ +ccnt[2*indgen(16)+1,*,*] ,/nan,3) ,/nan,2) idx_ne0 = where( denom ne 0, idx_ne0_cnt ) if idx_ne0_cnt gt 0 then begin ccnt[2*idx_ne0,*,*] = ccnt[2*idx_ne0,*,*]*rebin(tofeve[idx_ne0]/denom[idx_ne0],idx_ne0_cnt,4,16) ccnt[2*idx_ne0+1,*,*] = ccnt[2*idx_ne0+1,*,*]*rebin(tofeve[idx_ne0]/denom[idx_ne0],idx_ne0_cnt,4,16) endif corr = 1 endelse data = replicate(0., 32,4,16) data[enesq[*],polsq[*],*] = ccnt[*,*,*] if keyword_set(sabin) then begin olddata = data data = replicate(0., 32,64) oldenergy = energy energy = replicate(0., 32,64) oldtheta = theta theta = replicate(0., 32,64) oldphi = phi phi = replicate(0., 32,64) oldgfactor = gfactor gfactor = replicate(0.d, 32,64) oldeff = eff eff = replicate(0., 32,64) oldbins = bins bins = replicate(1, 32,64) olddenergy = denergy denergy = replicate(0., 32,64) olddtheta= dtheta dtheta = replicate(0.,32,64) olddphi = dphi dphi = replicate(0.,32,64) for i_pol=0,3 do begin data[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = olddata[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] energy[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldenergy[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] theta[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldtheta[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] phi[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldphi[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] gfactor[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldgfactor[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] eff[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldeff[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] bins[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = oldbins[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] denergy[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = olddenergy[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] dtheta[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = olddtheta[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] dphi[*,i_pol+indgen(16)*4] = olddphi[*,i_pol,indgen(16)] endfor domega = 2.*(dphi/!radeg)*cos(theta/!radeg)*sin(.5*dtheta/!radeg) endif end endcase magf = [!values.f_nan,!values.f_nan,!values.f_nan] if size(lmag_sat,/tname) eq 'STRUCT' then begin idx_mag = where( lmag_sat.time ge start_time $ and lmag_sat.time le end_time , idx_mag_cnt ) if idx_mag_cnt gt 0 then begin magf[0] = mean(lmag_sat[idx_mag].bsat[0],/nan) magf[1] = mean(lmag_sat[idx_mag].bsat[1],/nan) magf[2] = mean(lmag_sat[idx_mag].bsat[2],/nan) endif else magf[*] = interp( transpose(lmag_sat.bsat), lmag_sat.time, (start_time+end_time)/2d, interp=129, /no_ex ) endif dat = { $ project_name:'Kaguya MAP/PACE', $ data_name:'IMA', $ valid:valid, $ units_name:'Counts', $ units_procedure:'kgy_pace_convert_units', $ cnt_corr:corr, $ time:start_time, $ end_time:end_time, $ integ_t:integ_t, $ delta_t:delta_t, $ sensor:long(ima_header_arr[i].sensor), $ ;- sensor ID mode:long(ima_header_arr[i].mode), $ ;- data mode mode2:long(ima_header_arr[i].mode2), $ ;- sub-data mode type:long(ima_header_arr[i].type), $ ;- data type ver:long(ima_header_arr[i].ver), $ ;- data version svg:long(ima_header_arr[i].svg_tbl), $ ;- IEA IMA sva:long(ima_header_arr[i].sva_tbl), $ svs:long(ima_header_arr[i].svs_tbl), $ ;- RAM? obs:long(ima_header_arr[i].obs_tbl), $ nbins:long(ima_header_arr[i].pol_step)*long(ima_header_arr[i].az_step), $ nenergy:long(ima_header_arr[i].ene_step), $ ntheta:long(ima_header_arr[i].pol_step), $ nphi:long(ima_header_arr[i].az_step), $ nevent:long(ima_header_arr[i].event_step), $ ntrash:long(ima_header_arr[i].trash_step), $ energy:energy, $ theta:theta, $ phi:phi, $ gfactor:gfactor, $ eff:eff, $ bins:bins, $ denergy:denergy, $ dtheta:dtheta, $ dphi:dphi, $ domega:domega, $ mass:5.6856591e-6*1836., $ charge: 1., $ sc_pot:!values.f_nan, $ magf:magf, $ vsw:[!values.f_nan,!values.f_nan,!values.f_nan], $ spice_frame:'SELENE_M_SPACECRAFT', $ data:data $ } return,dat end