;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; kgy_calc_bcon ; PURPOSE: ; Calculates B connection between s/c and the Moon ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; kgy_calc_bcon, tvar_Rme = 'kgy_lmag_Rme', tvar_Bme = 'kgy_lmag_Bme' ; KEYWORDS: ; tvar_Rme: tplot variable of s/c position in ME coordinates ; tvar_Bme: tplot variable of B vector in ME coordinates ; Output tplot variables: ; 'kgy_lmag_Bcon_flg' = Magnetic connection flag: ; 0 (black) for no connection, ; 1 (green) for anti-para connection (-B ==> Moon), ; 2 (red) for parallel connection (+B ==> Moon) ; 'kgy_lmag_bimpact' = distant along the field line from s/c to footpoint ; 'kgy_lmag_fp_lat' = footpoint latitude in ME coordinates ; 'kgy_lmag_fp_lon' = footpoint longitude in ME coordinates ; 'kgy_lmag_belev' = B elevation angle from the surface at the footpoint ; 'kgy_lmag_surfloc' = footpoint location (normalized by rL) ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada ; - modified from 'art_bconnect_bres.pro' written by Andrew Poppe ; - tvar_Rme and tvar_Bme should have the same time array ; (time interpolation not included) ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-09-18 17:19:45 -0700 (Sun, 18 Sep 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21853 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/kaguya/map/lmag/kgy_calc_bcon.pro $ ;- pro kgy_calc_bcon, tvar_Rme=tvar_Rme, tvar_Bme=tvar_Bme, verbose=verbose, suffix=suffix if ~keyword_set(suffix) then suffix = '' if ~keyword_set(tvar_Rme) then tvar_Rme = 'kgy_lmag_Rme' if ~keyword_set(tvar_Bme) then tvar_Bme = 'kgy_lmag_Bme' rL = 1737.4 ;- km ;----- calc Bcon ----------------------------------------- get_data,tvar_Rme,data=dRme get_data,tvar_Bme,data=dBme Bcon_flg = intarr(n_elements(dRme.x),2) surfloc = fltarr(n_elements(dRme.x),3) bimpact = fltarr(n_elements(dRme.x)) belev = fltarr(n_elements(dRme.x)) dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'calc Bcon start' for i_t=0ll,n_elements(dRme.x)-1 do begin ;- time loop xt = fltarr(2000) & yt = fltarr(2000) & zt = fltarr(2000) bhat = [ dBme.y[i_t,0] , dBme.y[i_t,1] , dBme.y[i_t,2] ] $ /sqrt( dBme.y[i_t,0]^2+dBme.y[i_t,1]^2+dBme.y[i_t,2]^2 ) t = findgen(2000) * 1e-2 - 10. ;- search from -10 to 10 rL xt = dRme.y[i_t,0]/rL + bhat[0]*t yt = dRme.y[i_t,1]/rL + bhat[1]*t zt = dRme.y[i_t,2]/rL + bhat[2]*t dist = sqrt( xt^2 + yt^2 + zt^2 ) if min(dist,i_min) le 1. then begin if i_min lt 1000 then Bcon_flg[i_t,*] = 1 ;- anti-para connection if i_min ge 1000 then Bcon_flg[i_t,*] = 2 ;- parallel connection ;- determine location on lunar surface surfdist = dist - 1. idx_surf = where( surfdist lt 0. , idx_surf_cnt ) idx_end = [ idx_surf[0] , idx_surf[idx_surf_cnt-1] ] if i_min lt 1000 then idx_end = idx_end[1] else idx_end = idx_end[0] idx_end = idx_end + indgen(3) - 1 surfloc[i_t,0] = interpol( xt[idx_end], surfdist[idx_end] , 0. ) surfloc[i_t,1] = interpol( yt[idx_end], surfdist[idx_end] , 0. ) surfloc[i_t,2] = interpol( zt[idx_end], surfdist[idx_end] , 0. ) ;- calculate the distance from s/c to Moon along field line bimpact[i_t] = sqrt( (dRme.y[i_t,0]/rL - surfloc[i_t,0])^2 + $ (dRme.y[i_t,1]/rL - surfloc[i_t,1])^2 + $ (dRme.y[i_t,2]/rL - surfloc[i_t,2])^2 ) ;- calculate the elevation angle of B at the foot point belev[i_t] = (!dpi/2. - acos( bhat[0]*surfloc[i_t,0] $ + bhat[1]*surfloc[i_t,1] $ + bhat[2]*surfloc[i_t,2] ))*!radeg endif else begin Bcon_flg[i_t,*] = !values.f_nan surfloc[i_t,*] = !values.f_nan bimpact[i_t] = !values.f_nan belev[i_t] = !values.f_nan endelse endfor ;- i_t dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'calc Bcon end' ;--------------------------------------------------------- ;----- store data ---------------------------------------- store_data,'kgy_lmag_Bcon_flg'+suffix $ ,data={x:dRme.x,y:Bcon_flg,v:[0,1]} $ ,dlim={yticks:1,yminor:1,ytickname:[' ',' '],ytitle:'Con' $ ,zrange:[0,2],zlog:0,spec:1,panel_size:0.15} store_data,'kgy_lmag_surfloc'+suffix $ ,data={x:dRme.x,y:surfloc} $ ,dlim={ytitle:'surfloc'} store_data,'kgy_lmag_bimpact'+suffix $ ,data={x:dRme.x,y:bimpact*rL} $ ,dlim={ytitle:'dist along B!C[km]'} store_data,'kgy_lmag_belev'+suffix $ ,data={x:dRme.x,y:belev} $ ,dlim={ystyle:1,yrange:[-90,90] $ ,yticks:6,ytickname:['-90',' ',' ','0',' ',' ','90'] $ ,ytitle:'B elev angle!C[deg.]'} fp_lat = fltarr(n_elements(dRme.x)) fp_lat[*] = ( !dpi/2. - acos( surfloc[*,2] ) )*!radeg store_data,'kgy_lmag_fp_lat'+suffix $ ,data={x:dRme.x,y:fp_lat} $ ,dlim={labels:['fp lat'],labflag:1,colors:[6] $ ,ystyle:1,yrange:[-90,90] $ ,yticks:6,ytickname:['-90',' ',' ','0',' ',' ','90'] $ ,ytitle:'Latitude!C[deg.]'} fp_lon = fltarr(n_elements(dRme.x)) fp_lon[*] = atan( surfloc[*,1] , surfloc[*,0] )*!radeg idx_180 = where( fp_lon gt 180 , idx_180_cnt ) if idx_180_cnt gt 0 then fp_lon[idx_180] = fp_lon[idx_180] - 360. store_data,'kgy_lmag_fp_lon'+suffix $ ,data={x:dRme.x,y:fp_lon} $ ,dlim={labels:['fp lon'],labflag:1,colors:[4] $ ,ystyle:1,yrange:[-180,180] $ ,yticks:4,ytickname:['-180',' ','0',' ','180'] $ ,ytitle:'Longitude!C[deg.]'} ;--------------------------------------------------------- end