;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; kgy_lrs_load ; PURPOSE: ; loads Kaguya LRS natural wave data ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; timespan,'2008-01-01',2 ; kgy_lrs_load ; KEYWORDS: ; types: 'NPW', 'WFC', or ['NPW','WFC'] (Def: ['NPW','WFC']) ; version: data version (Def: '010') ; append: if set, append to pre-loaded tplot variables (Def: clear old data) ; wfcdatadir: local directory in which WFC files are stored ; files: local files to read ; if set, does not download files from the data archive site ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2016-09-02 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-07-18 17:39:03 -0700 (Wed, 18 Jul 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25492 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/kaguya/lrs/kgy_lrs_load.pro $ ;- pro kgy_lrs_load, files=files, version=version, trange=trange, append=append, types=types, wfcdatadir=wfcdatadir if ~keyword_set(version) then version = '010' ;- incapable of automatic version search version2 = strmid(version,1,1)+'.'+strmid(version,2,1) if ~keyword_set(append) then store_data,'kgy_lrs_*',/delete if ~keyword_set(types) then types = ['NPW','WFC'] else types = strupcase(types) ;;; wfcdatadir = root_data_dir()+'kaguya/lrs/WFC-H/CDF2/' tr = timerange(trange) ;;; retrieve files if ~keyword_set(files) then begin files = '' ;;; NPW if total(strmatch(types,'NPW')) then begin pf = 'sln-l-lrs-5-npw-spectrum-v'+version2+'/YYYYMMDD/data/LRS_NPW_V'+version+'_YYYYMMDD.cdf' ; pf = 'LRS_NPW_V'+version+'_YYYYMMDD' ;- obsolete f = kgy_file_retrieve(pf,trange=trange,/public,/valid) if total(strlen(f)) gt 0 then files = [files,f] endif ;;; WFC, skip odd hours if total(strmatch(types,'WFC')) then begin if keyword_set(wfcdatadir) then begin ;- find local files pf = wfcdatadir+time_intervals(tf='LRS_WFC_V'+version+'_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.cdf',/hourly,trange=tr) f = file_search(pf) endif else begin pf = 'sln-l-lrs-4-wfc-spectrum-v'+version2+'/YYYYMMDD/data/LRS_WFC_V'+version+'_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.cdf' ; pf = 'LRS_WFC_V'+version+'_YYYYMMDDhhmmss' ;- obsolete f = kgy_file_retrieve(pf,trange=trange,/public,/hourly,/valid,/skipodd) endelse if total(strlen(f)) gt 0 then files = [files,f] endif endif ;;; select files to read w = where(file_test(files),nw) if nw eq 0 then begin dprint,'No valid files' return endif files = files[w] ;;; read files for ifile=0,n_elements(files)-1 do begin fname = files[ifile] cdfi = cdf_load_vars(fname,varformat='*',/convert_int1_to_int2) id = cdf_open(fname) dprint,'reading '+fname ;;; rename old tplot variable tn = tnames('kgy_lrs_*',ntn) for itn=0,ntn-1 do tplot_rename,tn[itn],tn[itn]+'_oldload' ;;; NPW if total(strmatch(fname,'*NPW*')) then begin ;;; varnames: Epoch Mode Frequency RX1 RX2 ;;; get times idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'Epoch' , nw ) if nw ne 1 then continue v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec eq 0 then continue ;- no data data = *v.dataptr cdf_epoch,reform(data),yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc,ml,/BREAK times = time_double( string(yr,format='(i4.4)')+'-' $ +string(mo,format='(i2.2)')+'-' $ +string(dy,format='(i2.2)')+'/' $ +string(hr,format='(i2.2)')+':' $ +string(mn,format='(i2.2)')+':' $ +string(sc,format='(i2.2)')+'.' $ +string(ml,format='(i3.3)')+'.' ) ;;; get freq idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'Frequency' , nw ) if nw ne 1 then continue v = cdfi.vars[idx] data = *v.dataptr attr = *v.attrptr freq = data frequnits = attr.units ;;; get RX1 idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'RX1' , nw ) if nw eq 1 then begin v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec gt 0 then begin data = float( *v.dataptr ) if tag_exist(attr,'fillval') then begin wnan = where( data eq attr.fillval , nwnan ) if nwnan gt 0 then data[wnan] = !values.f_nan endif store_data,'kgy_lrs_npw_rx1', $ data={x:times,y:data,v:freq}, $ dlim={ytitle:'LRS NPW!cE-field RX1!cFrequency!c['+frequnits+']',$ ylog:1,yticklen:-.01, $ yrange:minmax(freq),ystyle:1, $ spec:1,zlog:0,ztitle:attr.units, $ zrange:[-200,-120]} endif endif ;;; get RX2 idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'RX2' , nw ) if nw eq 1 then begin v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec gt 0 then begin data = float( *v.dataptr ) if tag_exist(attr,'fillval') then begin wnan = where( data eq attr.fillval , nwnan ) if nwnan gt 0 then data[wnan] = !values.f_nan endif store_data,'kgy_lrs_npw_rx2', $ data={x:times,y:data,v:freq}, $ dlim={ytitle:'LRS NPW!cE-field RX2!cFrequency!c['+frequnits+']',$ ylog:1,yticklen:-.01, $ yrange:minmax(freq),ystyle:1, $ spec:1,zlog:0,ztitle:attr.units, $ zrange:[-200,-120]} endif endif ;;; get modes idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'Mode' , nw ) if nw eq 1 then begin v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec gt 0 then begin data = *v.dataptr store_data,'kgy_lrs_npw_mode',data={x:times,y:data}, $ dlim={ytitle:'LRS NPW!cMode',psym:1} endif endif endif ;- NPW ;;; WFC if total(strmatch(fname,'*WFC*')) then begin ;;; varnames: Ex Ey Frequency Epoch PDC-TI Mode Gain PostGap ;;; cf. muro-shuuron.pdf ;;; get times idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'Epoch' , nw ) if nw ne 1 then continue v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec eq 0 then continue ;- no data data = *v.dataptr cdf_epoch,reform(data),yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc,ml,/BREAK times = time_double( string(yr,format='(i4.4)')+'-' $ +string(mo,format='(i2.2)')+'-' $ +string(dy,format='(i2.2)')+'/' $ +string(hr,format='(i2.2)')+':' $ +string(mn,format='(i2.2)')+':' $ +string(sc,format='(i2.2)')+'.' $ +string(ml,format='(i3.3)')+'.' ) ;;; get freq idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'Frequency' , nw ) if nw ne 1 then continue v = cdfi.vars[idx] data = *v.dataptr attr = *v.attrptr freq = data frequnits = attr.units ;;; get Gain idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'Gain' , nw ) if nw eq 1 then begin v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec gt 0 then begin if v.numrec eq n_elements(times) then data = *v.dataptr $ else begin cdf_varget,id,'Gain',data,rec_count=n_elements(times) endelse ;;; 3-4bit( 0x00:40dB 0x01:20dB 0x02:20dB 0x03:0dB ) ;;; a = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0] & print,a.frombits() gain = ishft( data and 12b , -2 ) ;- 00001100 = 12b w = where( gain eq 0 , nw ) if nw gt 0 then gain[w] = 40 w = where( gain eq 1 or gain eq 2 , nw ) if nw gt 0 then gain[w] = 20 w = where( gain eq 3 , nw ) if nw gt 0 then gain[w] = 0 gain = reform(float(gain)) if tag_exist(attr,'fillval') then begin wnan = where( data eq attr.fillval , nwnan ) if nwnan gt 0 then gain[wnan] = !values.f_nan endif store_data,'kgy_lrs_wfc_gain', $ data={x:times,y:gain}, $ dlim={ytitle:'LRS WFC!cgain',psym:1,yrange:[0,40]} endif endif ;;; get Ex idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'Ex' , nw ) if nw eq 1 then begin v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec gt 0 then begin if v.numrec eq n_elements(times) then data = float( *v.dataptr ) $ else begin cdf_varget,id,'Ex',data,rec_count=n_elements(times) data = float(transpose(data)) endelse if tag_exist(attr,'fillval') then begin wnan = where( data eq attr.fillval , nwnan ) if nwnan gt 0 then data[wnan] = !values.f_nan endif if n_elements(gain) eq n_elements(times) then begin ;;; gain correction ex = data - rebin(gain,n_elements(times),n_elements(freq)) endif store_data,'kgy_lrs_wfc_Ex_dB', $ data={x:times,y:ex,v:freq}, $ dlim={ytitle:'Ex!cFrequency!c['+frequnits+']', $ ylog:1,yticklen:-.01, $ yrange:minmax(freq)>1,ystyle:1, $ spec:1,zlog:0,ztitle:attr.units, $ zrange:[-60,20]} ;;; FIXME: conversion to physical units endif endif ;;; get Ey idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'Ey' , nw ) if nw eq 1 then begin v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec gt 0 then begin if v.numrec eq n_elements(times) then data = float( *v.dataptr ) $ else begin cdf_varget,id,'Ey',data,rec_count=n_elements(times) data = float(transpose(data)) endelse if tag_exist(attr,'fillval') then begin wnan = where( data eq attr.fillval , nwnan ) if nwnan gt 0 then data[wnan] = !values.f_nan endif if n_elements(gain) eq n_elements(times) then begin ;;; gain correction ey = data - rebin(gain,n_elements(times),n_elements(freq)) endif store_data,'kgy_lrs_wfc_Ey_dB', $ data={x:times,y:ey,v:freq}, $ dlim={ytitle:'Ey!cFrequency!c['+frequnits+']', $ ylog:1,yticklen:-.01, $ yrange:minmax(freq)>1,ystyle:1, $ spec:1,zlog:0,ztitle:attr.units, $ zrange:[-60,20]} ;;; FIXME: conversion to physical units endif endif ;;; get Mode idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'Mode' , nw ) if nw eq 1 then begin v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec gt 0 then begin if v.numrec eq n_elements(times) then data = *v.dataptr $ else begin cdf_varget,id,'Mode',data,rec_count=n_elements(times) endelse ; Amount of information is 1 byte.: 1-2bit: Channel( 0x01:X 0x02:Y ; 0x03:X-Y ) 3-4bit: Frequency Band( 0x01:~10kHz 0x02:~1MHz ; 0x03:~10kHz ~1MHz ) 5-6bit: Observation Mode( 0x00:WAVE 0x01:FFT ; 0x02:PHASE ) xymode = reform(float( data and 3b )) ;- 00000011 fband = reform(float( ishft( data and 12b , -2 ) )) ;- 00001100 omode = reform(float( ishft( data and 48b , -4 ) )) ;- 00110000 if tag_exist(attr,'fillval') then begin wnan = where( data eq attr.fillval , nwnan ) if nwnan gt 0 then begin xymode[wnan] = !values.f_nan fband[wnan] = !values.f_nan omode[wnan] = !values.f_nan endif endif store_data,'kgy_lrs_wfc_xymode', $ data={x:times,y:xymode}, $ dlim={ytitle:'LRS WFC!cXY Ch',psym:1} store_data,'kgy_lrs_wfc_fband', $ data={x:times,y:fband}, $ dlim={ytitle:'LRS WFC!cFreq. Band',psym:1} store_data,'kgy_lrs_wfc_omode', $ data={x:times,y:omode}, $ dlim={ytitle:'LRS WFC!cMode',psym:1} endif endif ;;; get PDC-TI idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'PDC-TI' , nw ) if nw eq 1 then begin v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec gt 0 then begin if v.numrec eq n_elements(times) then data = float( *v.dataptr ) $ else begin cdf_varget,id,'PDC-TI',data,rec_count=n_elements(times) data = float(transpose(data)) endelse if tag_exist(attr,'fillval') then begin wnan = where( data eq attr.fillval , nwnan ) if nwnan gt 0 then data[wnan] = !values.f_nan endif store_data,'kgy_lrs_wfc_pdc-ti', $ data={x:times,y:reform(data)}, $ dlim={ytitle:'LRS WFC!cPDC-TI',psym:1} endif endif ;;; get PostGap idx = where( cdfi.vars.name eq 'PostGap' , nw ) if nw eq 1 then begin v = cdfi.vars[idx] attr = *v.attrptr if v.numrec gt 0 then begin if v.numrec eq n_elements(times) then data = float( *v.dataptr ) $ else begin cdf_varget,id,'PostGap',data,rec_count=n_elements(times) data = float(reform(data)) endelse if tag_exist(attr,'fillval') then begin wnan = where( data eq attr.fillval , nwnan ) if nwnan gt 0 then data[wnan] = !values.f_nan endif store_data,'kgy_lrs_wfc_postgap', $ data={x:times,y:reform(data)}, $ dlim={ytitle:'LRS WFC!cPost Gap',psym:1} endif endif endif ;- WFC ;;; concat tplot variable tn = tnames('kgy_lrs_*_oldload',ntn) for itn=0,ntn-1 do begin get_data,tn[itn],data=dold,dlim=dlold newtn = strmid(tn[itn],0,strlen(tn[itn])-8) get_data,newtn,data=dnew,dlim=dlnew,dtype=dtype if dtype eq 0 then tplot_rename,tn[itn],newtn else begin newx = [ dold.x, dnew.x ] newy = [ dold.y, dnew.y ] if tag_exist(dold,'v') and tag_exist(dnew,'v') then begin if size(dold.v,/n_dim) ne size(dnew.v,/n_dim) then begin dprint,'v tag dims do not match: ',tn[itn],' ',newtn continue endif if size(dold.v,/n_dim) eq 1 then begin if total(abs(dold.v-dnew.v)) eq 0 then newv = dold.v else begin newv = [ transpose(rebin(dold.v,n_elements(dold.v),n_elements(dold.x))), transpose(rebin(dnew.v,n_elements(dnew.v),n_elements(dnew.x))) ] endelse endif else newv = [ dold.v, dnew.v ] store_data,newtn,data={x:newx,y:newy,v:newv},dlim=dlnew endif else begin ;- no v tag store_data,newtn,data={x:newx,y:newy},dlim=dlnew endelse endelse endfor tn = tnames('kgy_lrs_*_oldload',ntn) if ntn gt 0 then store_data,tn,/delete endfor ;- ifile end