;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; kgy_orbit_snap ; PURPOSE: ; Plots Kaguya orbits in SSE and ME coordinates. ; Hold down the left mouse button and slide for a movie effect. ; KEYWORDS: ; ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2018-05-11 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-05-15 00:52:42 -0700 (Tue, 15 May 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25222 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/kaguya/general/kgy_orbit_snap.pro $ ;- pro kgy_orbit_snap, tsnap=tsnap, tres=tres, refreshdata=refreshdata, commononly=commononly, window=window, nowindow=nowindow, keepwin=keepwin, symsize=symsize, title=title rL = 1737.4 rE = 6374.4 if ~keyword_set(tres) then tres = 4d if ~keyword_set(brrange) then brrange = [-10,10] else brrange=minmax(brrange) if ~keyword_set(symsize) then symsize = 1 tplot_options, get_opt=topt times = topt.trange_full[0] + tres*dindgen(long((topt.trange_full[1]-topt.trange_full[0])/tres)) ;;; exclude times in spk gaps in_gaps = kgy_spk_gaps(times) w = where( ~in_gaps , nw ) if nw eq 0 then begin dprint,'No valid times' return endif times = times[w] ;;; retrieve common block common kgy_orbit_snap_com,kgy,brmod if keyword_set(refreshdata) then undefine,kgy,brmod ;;; get kgy pos if size(kgy,/type) ne 8 then begin if total(strlen(spice_test('*SELENE*'))) eq 0 then kk = kgy_spice_kernels(/load) kgy = {times:times} sse = spice_body_pos('SELENE', 'Moon', frame='SSE', utc=times) str_element,/add,kgy,'sse',sse gse = spice_body_pos('SELENE', 'Earth', frame='GSE', utc=times) str_element,/add,kgy,'gse',gse geo = spice_body_pos('SELENE', 'Moon', frame='MOON_ME', utc=times) cart_to_sphere,geo[0,*],geo[1,*],geo[2,*],r,lat,lon,/ph_0_360 str_element,/add,kgy,'r',r str_element,/add,kgy,'lat',lat str_element,/add,kgy,'lon',lon endif ;;; load Bc data if size(brmod,/type) ne 8 then begin @kgy_svm_com if size(svm30_dat,/type) eq 0 then kgy_svm_load,/svm30only if size(svm30_dat,/type) eq 4 then begin brlon = reform(svm30_dat[0,*]) brlat = reform(svm30_dat[1,*]) lonidx = long(brlon*2) ;- 0 to 359.5, .5 deg res latidx = long(brlat*2) + 179 ;- -89.5 to 89.5, .5 deg res br = fltarr(720,359) for i=0l,720l*359-1 do br[lonidx[i],latidx[i]] = svm30_dat[4,i] brmod = {br:br,lon:findgen(720)*.5,lat:findgen(359)*.5-89.5} endif endif brlevels = brrange[0] + findgen(9)/8.*(brrange[1]-brrange[0]) brcol = bytescale(brlevels,bottom=205,top=50,range=minmax(brlevels)) if keyword_set(commononly) then return ;;; set up windows if ~keyword_set(nowindow) then begin str_element, topt, 'window', value=Twin, success=ok if (not ok) then Twin = !d.window dsize = get_screen_size() if keyword_set(window) then Swin = window else begin window, /free, xsize=dsize[0]/2., ysize=dsize[1], xpos=0,ypos=0 Swin = !d.window endelse endif wkgy = where(kgy.times ge topt.trange[0] and kgy.times le topt.trange[1] ,nwkgy ) circ = findgen(361)*!dtor half = findgen(181)*!dtor quat = findgen(91)*!dtor theta = (findgen(321)-160.) / !radeg theta135 = (findgen(271)-135.) / !radeg if size(tsnap,/type) eq 0 then begin print, 'Use button 1 to select time; button 3 to quit.' ctime,t,npoints=1,/silent endif else t = tsnap ok = 1 while (ok) do begin tmp = min(abs(kgy.times-t),ikgy) if ~keyword_set(nowindow) then wset, Swin colkgy = 2 ;;; X-Y plot,[0],/nodata,/isotropic,position=[.15,.7,.5,.95], $ xtitle='X!dSSE!n [km]',xrange=[2000,-2000],xstyle=1, $ ytitle='Y!dSSE!n [km]',yrange=[2000,-2000],ystyle=1, $ title=title oplot,cos(circ)*rL,sin(circ)*rL polyfill,[0,0,-sin(half)]*rL,[1,-1,cos(half)]*rL,/line_fill,spacing=.1,orien=45 if nwkgy gt 0 then oplot,kgy.sse[0,wkgy],kgy.sse[1,wkgy],psym=3,color=colkgy plots,kgy.sse[0,ikgy],kgy.sse[1,ikgy],psym=4,thick=2,color=colkgy,symsize=symsize ;;; X-Y GSE plot,[0],/nodata,/isotropic,/noerase,position=[.55,.7,.95,.95], $ xtitle='X!dGSE!n [R!dE!n]',xrange=[80,-80],xstyle=1, $ ytitle='Y!dGSE!n [R!dE!n]',yrange=[80,-80],ystyle=1, $ title=title oplot,cos(circ),sin(circ) ;;; magnetopause model --- [Shue et al., 1997] Dp = 1. ; [nPa] Bz = 0. ; [nT] if Bz ge 0 then begin r0=(11.4+0.013*Bz)*Dp^(-1./6.6) endif else begin r0=(11.4+0.14*Bz)*Dp^(-1./6.6) endelse alpha=(0.58-0.010*Bz)*(1.+0.010*Dp) r=r0*(2./(1.+cos(theta)))^alpha oplot,r*cos(theta),r*sin(theta) ;;; magnetopause model --- [Shue et al., 1997] ;;; hyperbolic bow shock, see JGR 1981, p.11401, Slavin Fig.7 L = 23.5 ecc = 1.15 xoffset = 3. r = L/(1+ecc*cos(theta135)) oplot,r*cos(theta135)+xoffset,r*sin(theta135) ;;; hyperbolic bow shock, see JGR 1981, p.11401, Slavin Fig.7 if nwkgy gt 0 then oplot,kgy.gse[0,wkgy]/rE,kgy.gse[1,wkgy]/rE,psym=3,color=colkgy plots,kgy.gse[0,ikgy]/rE,kgy.gse[1,ikgy]/rE,psym=4,thick=2,color=colkgy,symsize=symsize ;;; X-Z plot,[0],/nodata,/isotropic,/noerase,position=[.15,.375,.5,.625], $ xtitle='X!dSSE!n [km]',xrange=[2000,-2000],xstyle=1, $ ytitle='Z!dSSE!n [km]',yrange=[-2000,2000],ystyle=1, $ title=title oplot,cos(circ)*rL,sin(circ)*rL polyfill,[0,0,-sin(half)]*rL,[1,-1,cos(half)]*rL,/line_fill,spacing=.1,orien=45 if nwkgy gt 0 then oplot,kgy.sse[0,wkgy],kgy.sse[2,wkgy],psym=3,color=colkgy plots,kgy.sse[0,ikgy],kgy.sse[2,ikgy],psym=4,thick=2,color=colkgy,symsize=symsize ;;; Y-Z plot,[0],/nodata,/isotropic,/noerase,position=[.55,.375,.95,.625], $ xtitle='Y!dSSE!n [km]',xrange=[-2000,2000],xstyle=1, $ ytitle='Z!dSSE!n [km]',yrange=[-2000,2000],ystyle=1, $ title=title oplot,cos(circ)*rL,sin(circ)*rL if nwkgy gt 0 then oplot,kgy.sse[1,wkgy],kgy.sse[2,wkgy],psym=3,color=colkgy plots,kgy.sse[1,ikgy],kgy.sse[2,ikgy],psym=4,thick=2,color=colkgy,symsize=symsize ;;; Lon-Lat plot,[0],/nodata,/noerase,position=[.2,.07,.8,.3], $ xtitle='Longitude [deg.]',xrange=[0,360],xstyle=1,xticks=4, $ ytitle='Latitude [deg.]',yrange=[-90,90],ystyle=1,yticks=4, $ xticklen=-.01,yticklen=-.01 if size(brmod,/type) ne 0 then begin loadct2,70,prev=prev lim = {zrange:brrange,no_color_scale:1,position:[.2,.07,.8,.3], $ xtitle:'Longitude [deg.]',xrange:[0,360],xstyle:1,xticks:4, $ ytitle:'Latitude [deg.]',yrange:[-90,90],ystyle:1,yticks:4, $ xticklen:-.01,yticklen:-.01} specplot,brmod.lon,brmod.lat,brmod.br,lim=lim,/overplot draw_color_scale,range=brrange,brange=[205,50],title='Br at 30 km alt. [nT]',yticklen=-.5 if prev le 74 then loadct2,prev endif if nwkgy gt 0 then oplot,kgy.lon[wkgy],kgy.lat[wkgy],psym=3,color=colkgy plots,kgy.lon[ikgy],kgy.lat[ikgy],psym=4,thick=2,color=colkgy,symsize=symsize if size(tsnap,/type) eq 0 then begin wset,Twin ctime,t,npoints=1,/silent if (data_type(t) eq 5) then ok = 1 else ok = 0 endif else ok = 0 endwhile if ~keyword_set(nowindow) and ~keyword_set(keepwin) then wdelete,Swin end