;+ ; PROCEDURE: iug_load_hf_tohokuu ; ; PURPOSE: ; To load the Jupiter's/solar wide band spectral data in HF-band ; ; KEYWORDS: ; site = Observatory name. Only 'iit' is allowed. ; parameter = The polarization of the radiowave. ; 'RH' for right handed, and 'LH' for left handed. ; /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it into variables. ; /no_download: use only files which are online locally. ; trange = (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array). ; ; EXAMPLE: ; iug_load_hf_tohokuU, parameter='RH', $ ; trange=['2004-01-09/22:00:00','2004-01-09/23:00:00'] ; ; NOTE: See the rules of the road. ; For more information, see http://ariel.gp.tohoku.ac.jp/~jupiter/ ; ; Written by: M.Yagi, Oct 2, 2012 ; PPARC, Tohoku Univ. ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-11-13 11:33:21 -0800 (Wed, 13 Nov 2019) $ ; $URL: ;- pro iug_load_hf_tohokuu, site=site, parameter=parameter,$ downloadonly=downloadonly, no_download=no_download,$ trange=trange ;--- site site_code_all = strsplit('iit', /extract) if(n_elements(site) eq 0) then site='iit' site_code=ssl_check_valid_name(site, site_code_all, /ignore_case, /include_all) if(site_code[0] eq '') then return print, site_code ;--- parameter param_all = strsplit('RH LH', /extract) if(n_elements(parameter) eq 0) then parameter='all' param = ssl_check_valid_name(parameter, param_all, /ignore_case, /include_all) if(param[0] eq '') then return print, param ;--- data file structure source = file_retrieve(/struct) ;--- Download options if keyword_set(downloadonly) then source.downloadonly=1 if keyword_set(no_download) then source.no_download=1 if(not keyword_set(downloadonly)) then downloadonly=0 show_text=0 for i=0,n_elements(site_code)-1 do begin ;--- Set filedate(YYYYMMDD) and filehour(YYYYMMDDhh) filehour = file_dailynames(file_format='YYYYMMDDhh',trange=trange,/hour_res) filedate = strmid(filehour,0,8) ;--- Set the file path source.local_data_dir = root_data_dir() + 'iugonet/tohokuu/radio_obs/iit/hfspec/' ; source.remote_data_dir = 'http://ariel.gp.tohoku.ac.jp/~jupiter/it_hf/cdf2/' source.remote_data_dir = 'http://adrastea.gp.tohoku.ac.jp/~jupiter/it_hf/cdf2/' ;--- Download file relfnames = filedate+'/'+'it_h1_hf_'+filehour+'_v0?.cdf' datfiles = spd_download(remote_file=relfnames, remote_path=source.remote_data_dir, local_path=source.local_data_dir, _extra=source, /last_version) ;--- Skip load where no data filenum=n_elements(datfiles) file_exist=intarr(filenum) for it=0,filenum-1 do begin file_exist[it] = file_test(datfiles[it]) endfor ;--- Load data into tplot variables if(downloadonly eq 0 and (where(file_exist eq 1))[0] ne -1) then begin datfiles = datfiles[where(file_exist eq 1)] show_text = 1 for j=0,n_elements(param)-1 do begin ;--- load data cdf2tplot, file=datfiles, varformat=strupcase(param[j]) get_data, strupcase(param[j]), data=data, dlimit=dlimit store_data, strupcase(param[j]), /delete ;--- add metadata gatt={Project:dlimit.cdf.gatt.project, Logical_source_description:"Jupiter's/solar wide band spectral data in HF-band", PI_name:"Atsushi Kumamoto", PI_affiliation:"Tohoku University", TEXT:"When the data is used in or contributes to a presentation or publication, you should let us know and make acknowledgement to the Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center, Tohoku University.", LINK_TEXT:"For more information, see", HTTP_LINK:"http://ariel.gp.tohoku.ac.jp/~jupiter/"} cdf = {filename:dlimit.cdf.filename, gatt:gatt, vname:dlimit.cdf.vname, vatt:dlimit.cdf.vatt} dl = {cdf:cdf, spec:dlimit.spec, ylog:dlimit.ylog, ysubtitle:dlimit.ysubtitle} ;--- restore data if param[j] eq 'rh' then store_data, 'iug_iit_hf_R', data=data, dlimit=dl if param[j] eq 'lh' then store_data, 'iug_iit_hf_L', data=data, dlimit=dl endfor endif endfor ;--- Acknowledgement datfile = source.local_data_dir+relfnames[0] if (show_text eq 1) then begin dprint, '' dprint, '**********************************************************************' dprint, "Jupiter's/solar wide band spectral data in HF-band" dprint, '' dprint, 'PI and Host PI(s): ', 'Atsushi Kumamoto' dprint, 'Affiliations: ', 'PPARC, Tohoku University' dprint, '' dprint, 'Rules of the Road for HF Data Use:' dprint, 'When the data is used in or contributes to a presentation or publication, you should let us know and make acknowledgement to the Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center, Tohoku University.' dprint, '**********************************************************************' dprint, '' endif else begin dprint, '**********************************************************************' dprint, 'No data is loaded' dprint, '**********************************************************************' endelse return end