;+ ;PROCEDURE: IUG_LOAD_GMAG_ICSWSE_IAGA, ; iug_load_gmag_icswse_iaga, site = site, resolution = resolution, $ ; trange = trange, verbose = verbose, $ ; downloadonly = downloadonly, no_download = no_download, $ ; no_server = no_server ;PURPOSE: ; This procedure allows you to download and plot 1-second and 1-minute magnetometer data ; produced by International Center for Space Weather Science and Education, Kyushu University, Japan, ; written in IAGA 2002 data exchange format. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; site = Observatory name. For example, iugo_load_gmag_icswse_iaga, site = 'aae'. ; The default is 'all', i.e., load all available stations. ; resolution = Time resolution. '1sec' for 1 second data, and '1min' for 1 minute data. ; The default is 'all'. ; trange = (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ; this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note ; that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded. ; /verbose, if set, then output some useful info ; /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it ; into variables. ; /no_server, use only files which are online locally. ; /no_download, use only files which are online locally. (Identical to no_server keyword.) ; ;EXAMPLE: ; iug_load_gmag_icswse_iaga, site = 'aae', trange = ['2007-01-22/00:00:00','2007-01-24/00:00:00'] ; ;CODE: ; Shuji Abe ; ;CHANGELOG: ; 08-April-2015, abeshu, initial release ; 07-February-2018, abeshu, update for official release ; 17-February-2018, abeshu, modified header reading ; ;ACKNOWLEDGMENT: ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-08-01 11:03:38 -0700 (Wed, 01 Aug 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25538 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/iugonet/load/iug_load_gmag_icswse_iaga.pro $ ;- ;************************** ;***** Procedure name ***** ;************************** pro iug_load_gmag_icswse_iaga, site = site, resolution = resolution, $ trange = trange, verbose = verbose, $ downloadonly = downloadonly, no_download = no_download, $ no_server = no_server ;************************* ;****** Initialize ******* ;************************* ; download parameters if ~keyword_set(downloadonly) then downloadonly=0 if ~keyword_set(no_server) then no_server=0 if ~keyword_set(no_download) then no_download=0 if ~keyword_set(verbose) then verbose=0 ; list of sites vsnames = 'aab asb can ckt drb gsi ica krt lgz mgd onw sbh tir zgn ' + $ 'abj asw cdo cmd dvs her ilr ktn lkw mlb prp scn twv ' + $ 'abu bcl ceb dav eus hln jrs kuj lsk mnd ptk sma wad ' + $ 'ama bik cgr daw ewa hob jyp lag lwa mut ptn tgg yak ' + $ 'anc bkl chd des fym hvd kpg laq mcq nab roc tik yap' vsnames_all = strsplit(vsnames, ' ', /extract) ; time resolution resolutionnames = '1sec 1min' resolution_all = strsplit(resolutionnames, ' ', /extract) ;************************* ;***** Keyword check ***** ;************************* ; validate resolution if keyword_set(resolution) then resolution = resolution else resolution = 'all' resolution = ssl_check_valid_name(resolution, resolution_all, /ignore_case, /include_all) if resolution[0] eq '' then return ; validate sites if keyword_set(site) then site_in = site else site_in = 'all' kyumag_sites = ssl_check_valid_name(site_in, vsnames_all, /ignore_case, /include_all) if kyumag_sites[0] eq '' then return ; number of valid resolutions and sites nresolution = n_elements(resolution) nsites = n_elements(kyumag_sites) ; define remote and local path information source = file_retrieve(/struct) source.verbose = verbose source.local_data_dir = root_data_dir() + 'iugonet/icswse/magnetometer/iaga/' source.remote_data_dir = 'http://data.icswse.kyushu-u.ac.jp/gmag/data/' if keyword_set(downloadonly) then source.downloadonly=1 if keyword_set(no_server) then source.no_server=1 if keyword_set(no_download) then source.no_download=1 ; acknowlegment string array acknowledgstring = [ 'Scientists who want to engage in collaboration with ICSWSE', +$ 'should contact the project leader of MAGDAS/CPMN', +$ 'observations, Dr. Akimasa Yoshikawa, Kyushu Univ., who will', +$ 'organize such collaborations.', +$ 'There is a possibility that the PI of MAGDAS will arrange offers', +$ 'so that there is less overlapping of themes between MAGDAS research groups', +$ 'Before you use MAGDAS/CPMN data for your papers,', +$ 'you must agree to the following points;', +$ ' ', +$ ' 1. Before you submit your paper, you must contact the PI', +$ ' (Dr. Akimasa Yoshikawa: yoshi@geo.kyushu-u.ac.jp) and', +$ ' discuss authorship.', +$ ' 2. When you submit your paper after doing the above item 1, you must mention', +$ ' the source of the data in the acknowledgment section of your paper.', +$ ' 3. In general, you must use the following references:', +$ ' 1. Yumoto, K., and the 210MM Magnetic Observation Group, The STEP', +$ ' 210 magnetic meridian network project, J. Geomag. Geoelectr.,', +$ ' 48, 1297-1310., 1996.', +$ ' 2. Yumoto, K. and the CPMN Group, Characteristics of Pi 2 magnetic', +$ ' pulsations observed at the CPMN stations: A review of the STEP', +$ ' results, Earth Planets Space, 53, 981-992, 2001.', +$ ' 3. Yumoto K. and the MAGDAS Group, MAGDAS project and its application', +$ ' for space weather, Solar Influence on the Heliosphere and Earth''s', +$ ' Environment: Recent Progress and Prospects, Edited by N. Gopalswamy', +$ ' and A. Bhattacharyya, ISBN-81-87099-40-2, pp. 309-405, 2006.', +$ ' 4. Yumoto K. and the MAGDAS Group, Space weather activities at SERC', +$ ' for IHY: MAGDAS, Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 35, pp. 511-522, 2007.', +$ ' 4. In all circumstances, if anything is published you must send', +$ ' a hardcopy to the following address:', +$ ' ', +$ ' Dr. Akimasa Yoshikawa', +$ ' PI of MAGDAS/CPMN Project', +$ ' International Center for Space Weather Science and Education,', +$ ' Kyushu University CE10', +$ ' 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, JAPAN', +$ ' TEL/FAX:+81-92-802-6240, e-mail: yoshi@geo.kyushu-u.ac.jp'] ;************************************************************************* ;***** Download files, read data, and create tplot vars at each site ***** ;************************************************************************* ;================================= ;=== Loop on downloading files === ;================================= ; make remote path, local path, and download files for n=0, nresolution-1 do begin for i=0, nsites-1 do begin ; define file names pathformat= strupcase(strmid(kyumag_sites[i],0,3)) + '/' + $ strupcase(strmid(resolution[n],1,1)) + strlowcase(strmid(resolution[n],2,2)) + $ '/YYYY/' + strupcase(strmid(kyumag_sites[i],0,3)) + 'YYYYMMDDp' + $ strlowcase(strmid(resolution[n],1,3)) + '.' + strlowcase(strmid(resolution[n],1,3)) relpathnames = file_dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) ; download data ;local_files = file_retrieve(relpathnames, _extra=source) local_files = spd_download(remote_file=relpathnames, remote_path=source.remote_data_dir, $ local_path=source.local_data_dir, no_download=no_download) ; if downloadonly set, go to the top of this loop if keyword_set(downloadonly) then continue ;=================================== ;=== Loop on reading KYUMAG data === ;=================================== for j=0,n_elements(local_files)-1 do begin file = local_files[j] if file_test(/regular,file) then begin dprint,'Loading KYUMAG data file: ', file fexist = 1 endif else begin dprint,'KYUMAG data file ',file,' not found. Skipping' continue endelse ; create base time year = (strmid(relpathnames[j], 16,4)) month = (strmid(relpathnames[j], 20,2)) day = (strmid(relpathnames[j], 22,2)) basetime = time_double(year+'-'+month+'-'+day) ; read header openr, lun, file, /get_lun str = '' header = {} for k=0,11 do begin readf, lun, str header = create_struct(header, strtrim(strmid(str,1,23)), strtrim(strmid(str,24,45))) endfor optional = [] start = 12 while (strmid(str,0,4) ne 'DATE') do begin readf, lun, str optional = [optional, strtrim(strmid(str,0,69), 1)] start = start + 1 endwhile header = create_struct(header, 'OPTIONAL', optional) free_lun, lun ; read data sdata = read_ascii(file, data_start=start) rdata = double(transpose(reform(sdata.field1[3:6,*]))) ; append data and time index append_array, databuf, rdata if resolution[n] eq '1sec' then begin append_array, timebuf, basetime + dindgen(86400)*1d endif else begin append_array, timebuf, basetime + dindgen(1440)*60d endelse endfor ;======================================= ;=== Loop on creating tplot variable === ;======================================= if size(databuf,/type) eq 5 then begin ; tplot variable name tplot_name = 'kyumag_mag_' + strlowcase(strmid(kyumag_sites[i],0,3)) + '_' + strlowcase(resolution[n]) + '_hdzf' ; for bad data wbad = where(databuf eq 99999.99, nbad) if nbad gt 0 then databuf[wbad] = !values.d_nan ; default limit structure header = create_struct(header,'acknowledgment', acknowledgstring, 'PI_NAME', 'A. Yoshikawa') dlimit = create_struct('data_att', create_struct(header)) ; store data to tplot variable databuf=databuf(*,0:3) store_data, tplot_name, data={x:timebuf, y:databuf}, dlimit=dlimit ; add options options, tplot_name, labels=['H','D','Z', 'F'] , colors=[2,4,6,0],$ ytitle = 'KYUMAG ' + strupcase(strmid(kyumag_sites[i],0,3)) + ' ' + strupcase(resolution[n]), $ ysubtitle = '[nT]' ;title = 'KYUMAG magnetometer' endif ; clear data and time buffer databuf = 0 timebuf = 0 ; go to next site endfor endfor ;****************************************** ;***** Display additional information ***** ;****************************************** print, '' print, 'Rules of the Road for MAGDAS/CPMN Data Use:' print, '' for i = 0, n_elements(acknowledgstring)-1 do print, acknowledgstring[i] print, '' print, 'For more information, see' print, 'http://data.icswse.kyushu-u.ac.jp/' print, '' end