;+ ; ; Name: SPD_UI_LOAD_SPEDAS_ASCII ; ; Purpose: Loads data from a CDF chosen by user. Note that only CDFs that conform to SPEDAS standards can be opened. ; CDFs that do not conform may produce unhelpful error messages. ; ; Inputs: ; info - The info structure from the main gui ; ev - The event structure from the main gui ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-08-01 11:03:38 -0700 (Wed, 01 Aug 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 25538 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/iugonet/load/ascii2tplot/spd_ui_load_spedas_ascii.pro $ ;- ;pro spd_ui_load_spedas_ascii,info pro spd_ui_load_spedas_ascii, info, ev compile_opt idl2 catch, Error_status if (Error_status NE 0) then begin statusmsg = !ERROR_STATE.MSG result=dialog_message('Error attempting to load ASCII. File may not conform to SPEDAS standards. See History for more details.', $ /INFO, /CENTER, TITLE='Load SPEDAS ASCII') info.historywin->Update,'Error attempting to load ASCII: ' info.historywin->Update,statusmsg catch, /CANCEL return endif if (info.marking ne 0) || (info.rubberbanding ne 0) then begin return endif existing_tvar = tnames() info.ctrl = 0 ; fileName = dialog_pickfile(TITLE='Load SPEDAS ASCII', $ ; FILTER='*', DIALOG_PARENT=info.master, FILE=filestring, PATH=path, /MUST_EXIST, /FIX_FILTER) ret = spd_ui_load_spedas_ascii_sub(ev) if ret['success'] eq !FALSE then begin print, 'load SPEDAS ASCII is canceled' return endif fileName = ret['infile'] format_type = ret['format_type'] tformat = ret['tformat'] tvar_column = ret['tvar_column'] tvarnames = ret['tvarnames'] delimiter = ret['delimiter'] data_start = ret['data_start'] comment_symbol = ret['comment_symbol'] v_column = ret['v_column'] vvec = ret['vvec'] time_column = ret['time_column'] input_time = ret['input_time'] ;tplotgui_flg = ret['flag_tplot_Options'] IF (is_string(fileName)) THEN BEGIN init_time=systime(/SEC) ;***** for test *****; ;tformat='YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff' ;delimiter=' ' ;data_start=13 ;tvar_column=[1, 2, 3, 4] ;tvarnames='kyumag_mag_asb_hdzf' ;********************; ;ascii2tplot, files=fileName, format_type=0, tformat=tformat, $ ascii2tplot, files=fileName, format_type=format_type, tformat=tformat, $ tvar_column=tvar_column, tvarnames=tvarnames, $ delimiter=delimiter, data_start=data_start, comment_symbol=comment_symbol, $ v_column=v_column, vvec=vvec, $ time_column=time_column, input_time=input_time ;***** ; cdf2tplot, file=fileName , get_support_data=1, all=1 tplotvars = tnames(create_time=create_times) new_vars_ind = where(create_times gt init_time, n_new_vars_ind) if n_new_vars_ind gt 0 then begin ;print, 'stop' ;if tplotgui_flg then begin tplot_gui, tplotvars[new_vars_ind], /no_draw ;endif else begin ; foreach elem, new_vars_ind do begin ; spd_ui_tplot_gui_load_tvars, tplotvars[elem], NO_VERIFY=no_verify, $ ; OUT_NAMES=out_names, ALL_NAMES=all_names ; ; !SPEDAS.loadedData->SetDataInfo, $ ; tplotvars[elem], $ ; NEWNAME=tplotvars[elem],$ ; MISSION='Your_Data', $ ; OBSERVATORY='unknown', $ ; INSTRUMENT='unknown', $ ; UNITS='unknown', $ ; ST_TYPE='none',$ ; COORDINATE_SYSTEM='N/A', $ ; WINDOWSTORAGE=!SPEDAS.WINDOWSTORAGE, $ ; FAIL=fail ; endforeach ; endelse ; delete any new tplot variables (but not ones that overwrote existing variables) if n_elements(existing_tvar) eq 1 then existing_tvar = [existing_tvar] if n_elements(tplotvars) eq 1 then tplotvars = [tplotvars] tvar_to_delete = ssl_set_complement(existing_tvar, tplotvars) store_data, delete=tvar_to_delete endif else begin statusmsg = 'Unable to load data from file '+fileName+'. File may not conform to SPEDAS standards.' result=dialog_message(statusmsg, $ /info,/center, title='Load SPEDAS ASCII') info.statusBar->Update, statusmsg info.historywin->Update,statusmsg endelse endif else begin info.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid Filename' endelse end