;+ ; PROCEDURE: IUG_CRIB_KYUSHUGCM ; A sample crib sheet that explains how to use the "iug_load_kyushugcm" ; procedure. You can run this crib sheet by copying & pasting each ; command below (except for stop and end) into the IDL command line. ; Or alternatively compile and run using the command: ; .run iug_crib_kyushugcm ; ; NOTE: See the rules of the road. ; The simulation data are 3D and have a large file size (about 100MB). ; The large file size may cause long download time and out of memory ; depending on the situation. ; ; Written by: Y.-M. Tanaka, August, 2013 ; National Institute of Polar Research, Japan. ; ytanaka at nipr.ac.jp ;- ; Initialize thm_init ; Set the date and duration (in days) timespan, '2009-1-1' ; Load Kyushu GCM data iug_load_kyushugcm, datatype='t' ; View the loaded data names tplot_names get_data, 'kyushugcm_T', data=d help, d, /str ; Stop print,'Enter ".c" to continue.' stop ; Delete a IDL varibale, d. undefine, d ; Pick up altitude profile at glat=35 and glon=135. ; You can choose glat or glon or alt profile by setting selparam_idx ; (=[glat, glon, alt]). For example, altitude profile is selected by ; selparam_idx=[0,0,1]. conv3d, 'kyushugcm_T', selparam_idx=[0, 0, 1], selparam_dat=[35., 135., 0], $ newname='kyushugcm_T_alt' ; Plot ylim, 'kyushugcm_T_alt', [1000., 1.0e-9] options, 'kyushugcm_T_alt', spec=1, ylog=1, ysubtitle='Pressure [hPa]' tplot, 'kyushugcm_T_alt' ; Stop print,'Enter ".c" to continue.' stop ; Delete kyushugcm_T store_data, 'kyushugcm_T', /delete store_data, 'kyushugcm_T_alt', /delete ; Pick up altitude profile at glat=-69 and glon=39 at the same time $ ; when loading data. Y axis is set to altitude (km). iug_load_kyushugcm, datatype='t', selparam_idx=[0, 0, 1], $ selparam_dat=[-69., 39., 0], newname='kyushugcm_T_alt', /altitude ; Plot tplot, 'kyushugcm_T_alt' ; Stop print,'Enter ".c" to continue.' stop ; Delete kyushugcm_T_alt store_data, 'kyushugcm_T_alt', /delete ; Load latitude profile at glon=135 and pressure=10hPa. iug_load_kyushugcm, datatype='t', selparam_idx=[1, 0, 0], $ selparam_dat=[0, 135., 10.], newname='kyushugcm_T_glat' ; Plot tplot, 'kyushugcm_T_glat' ; Stop print,'Enter ".c" to continue.' stop ; Delete kyushugcm_T_alt store_data, 'kyushugcm_T_glat', /delete ; Load 2D temperature data at alt=30km. iug_load_kyushugcm, datatype='t', selparam_idx=[1, 1, 0], $ selparam_dat=[0, 0, 30.], newname='kyushugcm_T_2D', /altitude ; Draw contour iamge of 2D temperature data at alt=30km at 10:00UT. time='2009-1-1/10:00' get_data, 'kyushugcm_T_2D', data=d, dl=dl, lim=lim idx = nn( d.x, time_double(time) ) Tmap = transpose(reform(d.y[idx, *, *])) lat = d.v1 lon = d.v2 contour, Tmap, lon, lat, /fill, nlevels=50 str_element, lim, 'ztitle', val=ztitle draw_color_scale, pos=[0.9, 0.2, 0.91, 0.7], range=[min(Tmap), max(Tmap)], $ title=ztitle end