;+ ; NAME: ; goes_ui_gen_overplot ; ; PURPOSE: ; Widget wrapper for goes_overview_plot used to create GOES overview plots in the GUI ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; success = goes_ui_gen_overplot(gui_id, historyWin, oplot_calls, callSequence,$ ; windowStorage,windowMenus,loadedData,drawObject) ; ; INPUT: ; gui_id: The id of the main GUI window. ; historyWin: The history window object. ; oplot_calls: The number calls to goes_ui_gen_overplot ; callSequence: object that stores sequence of procedure calls that was used to load data ; windowStorage: standard windowStorage object ; windowMenus: standard menu object ; loadedData: standard loadedData object ; drawObject: standard drawObject object ; ; ; OUTPUT: ; none ; ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-01-23 19:30:24 -0800 (Fri, 23 Jan 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 16723 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/goes/spedas_plugin/goes_ui_gen_overplot.pro $ ;- pro goes_ui_gen_overplot_event, event Compile_Opt hidden Widget_Control, event.TOP, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Put a catch here to insure that the state remains defined err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error while generating GOES overview plot' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF ;kill request block IF (Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Generate GOES overview plot widget killed' state.historyWin->Update,'GOES_UI_GEN_OVERPLOT: Widget killed' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN ENDIF Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval state.historywin->update,'GOES_UI_GEN_OVERPLOT: User value: '+uval ,/dontshow CASE uval OF 'GOWEB': BEGIN timeid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='time') widget_control, timeid, get_value=valid, func_get_value='spd_ui_time_widget_is_valid' if valid then begin state.tr_obj->getproperty, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime starttime->getproperty, year=year, month=month, date=date probet = state.probe ; For some reason, the & cannot be sent as part of the URL. So we are going to use a single string variable that will be split by PHP. url = "http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu/summary.php?bigvar=" + string(year, format='(I04)') + "___" + string(month, format='(I02)') + "___" + string(date, format='(I02)') + "___0024___goes___goes" + probet spd_ui_open_url, url endif else begin ok = dialog_message('Invalid start/end time, please use: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss', $ /center) endelse end 'APPLY': BEGIN ; Check whether times set in widget are valid timeid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='time') widget_control, timeid, get_value=valid, func_get_value='spd_ui_time_widget_is_valid' if valid then begin state.tr_obj->getproperty, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime starttime->getproperty, tdouble=st_double endtime->getproperty, tdouble=et_double dur = (et_double - st_double) / 86400 if dur le 0 then begin etxt = 'End time is earlier than start time.' ok = dialog_message(etxt,title='Error in Generate Overview Plot', /center, information=1) Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy return endif widget_control, /hourglass if ~state.windowStorage->add(isactive=1) then begin ok = spd_ui_prompt_widget(state.tlb,state.statusbar,state.tlb,prompt='Error initializing new window for generating GOES overview plots.', $ title='Error in GOES overview plot',/traceback, frame_attr=8) Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy return endif activeWindow = state.windowStorage->GetActive() tplot_options, title='GOES-'+string(state.probe)+' Overview ('+time_string(st_double)+')' state.statusBar->Update,'Generating GOES overview plot. Please wait!...' goes_overview_plot, date = st_double, probe = state.probe, duration = dur, /gui_overplot, oplot_calls = (*state.data).oplot_calls, error = error if ~error then begin ;add to call sequence state.callSequence->addPluginCall, 'goes_overview_plot', $ date = st_double, probe = state.probe, duration = dur, $ gui_overplot=1, oplot_calls = (*state.data).oplot_calls, $ track_one=1b, error = error, $ import_only=1 ;when replaying overviews, we only want it to import data, since the window/panel structure is already serialized xml tgd document ; update the size of the labels activeWindow->GetProperty, panels = panelsObj panels = panelsObj->get(/all) ; loop through the panels setting the label options for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin panels[i]->getProperty,yaxis=yobj yobj->setProperty, stackLabels = 1, orientation = 0 yobj->getProperty, labels = ylbls if obj_valid(ylbls) then begin lobj = ylbls->get(/all) for j = 0, n_elements(lobj)-1 do begin lobj[j]->setProperty, size=10.0 endfor endif endfor (*state.data).oplot_calls = (*state.data).oplot_calls + 1 ; update # of calls to overplot (*state.data).track_one = 1b msg = 'GOES overview plot completed.' endif else begin msg = 'Error generating GOES everview plot.' endelse state.statusBar->Update, msg Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy return endif else ok = dialog_message('Invalid start/end time, please use: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss', $ /center) END 'CANC': BEGIN state.historyWin->update,'Generate GOES overview plot canceled',/dontshow state.statusBar->Update,'Generate GOES overview plot canceled.' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'KEY': begin spd_ui_overplot_key, state.gui_id, state.historyWin, /modal, goes=fix(state.probe) end ; follows the same format as for SPEDAS overview plots 'PROBE:08': state.probe='08' 'PROBE:09': state.probe='09' 'PROBE:10': state.probe='10' 'PROBE:11': state.probe='11' 'PROBE:12': state.probe='12' 'PROBE:13': state.probe='13' 'PROBE:14': state.probe='14' 'PROBE:15': state.probe='15' 'TIME': ; don't send 'Not yet implemented' to the console for time events ELSE: dprint, 'Not yet implemented' ENDCASE Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN end pro goes_ui_gen_overplot, gui_id = gui_id, $ history_window = historyWin, $ status_bar = statusbar, $ call_sequence = callSequence, $ time_range = tr_obj, $ window_storage = windowStorage, $ loaded_data = loadedData, $ data_structure = data_structure, $ _extra = _extra compile_opt idl2 err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF(err_xxx Ne 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output=err_msg FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO Begin print, err_msg[j] If(obj_valid(historywin)) Then historyWin -> update, err_msg[j] Endfor Print, 'Error--See history' ok = error_message('An unknown error occured starting widget to generate GOES overview plot. ', $ 'See console for details.', /noname, /center, title='Error while generating GOES overview plot') spd_gui_error, gui_id, historywin RETURN ENDIF tlb = widget_base(/col, title='Generate GOES Overview Plot', group_leader=gui_id, $ /floating, /base_align_center, /tlb_kill_request_events, /modal) ; Base skeleton mainBase = widget_base(tlb, /col, /align_center, tab_mode=1, space=4) txtBase = widget_base(mainbase, /Col, /align_center) probeBase = widget_base(mainBase, row=1, /align_center) probeLabel = widget_label(probeBase, value='Probe: ', /align_left) probeButtonBase = widget_base(probeBase, row=2, /exclusive) midBase = widget_base(mainBase, /Row) trvalsBase = Widget_Base(midBase, /Col, Frame=1, xpad=8) keyButtonBase = widget_button(midBase, Value='Plot Key', UValue='KEY', XSize=80, $ tooltip = 'Displays detailed descriptions of GOES overview plot panels.') goWebBase = Widget_Base(mainBase, /Row, Frame=1, xpad=8) buttonBase = Widget_Base(mainBase, /row, /align_center) goWebLabel = widget_label(goWebBase, Value=' Alternatively, you can view the plot on the web (single day). ', /align_left) goWebButton = Widget_Button(goWebBase, Value=' Web Plot ', UValue='GOWEB', XSize=80) ; Help text wj = widget_label(txtbase, value='Creating the overview plot might take a few minutes.', /align_left) ; Probe selection widgets Button08 = widget_button(probeButtonBase, value='08', uvalue='PROBE:08') Button09 = widget_button(probeButtonBase, value='09', uvalue='PROBE:09') Button10 = widget_button(probeButtonBase, value='10', uvalue='PROBE:10') Button11 = widget_button(probeButtonBase, value='11', uvalue='PROBE:11') Button12 = widget_button(probeButtonBase, value='12', uvalue='PROBE:12') Button13 = widget_button(probeButtonBase, value='13', uvalue='PROBE:13') Button14 = widget_button(probeButtonBase, value='14', uvalue='PROBE:14') Button15 = widget_button(probeButtonBase, value='15', uvalue='PROBE:15') widget_control, Button15, /set_button probe='15' ; Time range-related widgets getresourcepath,rpath cal = read_bmp(rpath + 'cal.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, cal if ~obj_valid(tr_obj) then begin st_text = '2007-03-23/00:00:00.0' et_text = '2007-03-24/00:00:00.0' tr_obj=obj_new('spd_ui_time_range',starttime=st_text,endtime=et_text) endif timeWidget = spd_ui_time_widget(trvalsBase,statusBar,historyWin,timeRangeObj=tr_obj, $ uvalue='TIME',uname='time', startyear = 1995);, oneday=1 ; Main window buttons applyButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Apply', UValue='APPLY', XSize=80) cancelButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Cancel', UValue='CANC', XSize=80) ;flag denoting successful run success = 0 ;initialize structure to store variables for future calls if ~is_struct(data_structure) then begin data_structure = { oplot_calls:0, track_one:0b } endif data_ptr = ptr_new(data_structure) state = {tlb:tlb, gui_id:gui_id, historyWin:historyWin,statusBar:statusBar, $ tr_obj:tr_obj, probe:probe,success:ptr_new(success), $ data:data_ptr, $ callSequence:callSequence,windowStorage:windowStorage,$ loadedData:loadedData} Centertlb, tlb Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, tlb, /Realize ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, tlb, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif XManager, 'goes_ui_gen_overplot', tlb, /No_Block ;if pointer or struct are not valid the original structure will be unchanged if ptr_valid(data_ptr) && is_struct(*data_ptr) then begin data_structure = *data_ptr endif RETURN end