;+ ;Procedure: ; goes_get_dist ; ;Purpose: ; Loads GOES MAGED and MAGPD data into standard SPEDAS particle structures ; and returns pointer (or struct array) for use with goes_part_products ; and spd_slice2d. ; ;Calling Sequence: ; data = goes_get_dist( probe=probe, datatype=datatype ; [,trange=trange] [,index=index] ; [/structure] [,/uncorrected] ) ; ;Input: ; probe: probe designation, e.g. '15' ; datatype: data type, 'maged' or magpd' ; trange: (optional) 2-element time range, all loaded data used if not set ; index: (optional) specify index/indices of sample(s) to return, supercedes trange ; times: flag to return array of currently loaded sample times ; structure: flag to return structure array instead of pointer to structure array ; uncorrected: flag to use dtc_uncor data ; ;Output: ; return value: pointer to structure array (defualt) ; structure array (/structure) ; array of numerical times (/times) ; 0 - if error occurred ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-07-16 15:30:48 -0700 (Tue, 16 Jul 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 27472 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/goes/particles/goes_get_dist.pro $ ;- function goes_get_dist, probe=probe, $ datatype=datatype_in, $ trange=trange, $ times=times, $ index=index, $ uncorrected=uncorrected, $ structure=structure compile_opt idl2, hidden if n_elements(probe) ne 1 || ~is_string(probe,/blank) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Invalid probe' return, 0 endif if n_elements(datatype_in) ne 1 || ~is_string(datatype_in,/blank) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Ivalid datatype' return, 0 endif else begin datatype = strlowcase(datatype_in) endelse if keyword_set(uncorrected) && uncorrected eq 1 then begin cor = 'uncori' ;Note it is assumed later that all variables have the same time array, so interpolated variables must be used here, jmm, 2019-07-16 endif else cor = 'cor' ;cor = keyword_set(uncorrected) ? 'uncor':'cor' names = tnames('g'+probe+'_'+datatype+'_*keV_dtc_'+cor+'_flux') get_data, names[0], ptr=p if ~is_struct(p) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Variable: '+names[0]+' contains no valid data' return, 0 endif ;return times ;calling code could use get_data but this allows for consistency with other code if keyword_set(times) then begin return, *p.x endif ; Allow calling code to request a time range and/or specify index ; to specific sample. This allows calling code to extract ; structures one at time and improves efficiency in other cases. ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;index supersedes time range if undefined(index) then begin if ~undefined(trange) then begin tr = minmax(time_double(trange)) index = where( *p.x ge tr[0] and *p.x lt tr[1], n_times) if n_times eq 0 then begin dprint, 'No data in time range: '+strjoin(time_string(tr),' ') return, 0 endif endif else begin n_times = n_elements(*p.x) index = lindgen(n_times) endelse endif else begin n_times = n_elements(index) endelse ; Get energies from tplot variable names ;----------------------------------------------------------------- e_strings = (stregex(names, 'g'+probe+'_'+datatype+'_([0-9]+)keV_dtc_'+cor+'_flux', /sub, /extract))[1,*] if in_set(e_strings,'') then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'ERROR: Cannot read energy values from tplot variable names' ;shouldn't happen return, 0 endif ; Initialize angles, and support data ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;support data ; -masses are in eV/(km/s)^2 case strlowcase(datatype) of 'magpd': begin mass = 1.04535e-2 charge = 1. end 'maged': begin mass = 5.68566e-06 charge = -1. end else: begin dprint, 'Cannot determine species' return, 0 endelse endcase ;telescope directions ;order determined by coping helper functions in goes_lib.pro phi0 = [0., 0, 0, 0, 0, 325, 70, 35, 290] theta0 = [0., 35, -70, -35, 70, 0, 0, 0, 0] ;dimensions n_angles = n_elements(phi0) dim = [n_elements(e_strings), n_angles*2] ;E/azimuth/elevations are constant across time ;add placeholder bins to cover the half sphere not seen by instrument phi = rebin( transpose( [phi0,(phi0+180) mod 360]), dim ) theta = rebin( transpose( [theta0,theta0] ), dim ) energy = rebin( reform(float(e_strings)), dim ) * 1e3 ;eV ;use view cone width for dphi/dtheta ;these values are not used when generating spectrograms dphi = replicate(30, dim) dtheta = replicate(30, dim) ; Create standard 3D distribution ;----------------------------------------------------------------- base_arr = fltarr(dim) ;basic template structure that is compatible with spd_slice2d template = { $ project_name: 'GOES', $ spacecraft: probe, $ data_name: datatype, $ units_name: 'flux', $ units_procedure: '', $ ;placeholder species:strmid(datatype,3,1), $ valid: 1b, $ charge: charge, $ mass: mass, $ scaling: base_arr, $ ;placeholder time: 0d, $ end_time: 0d, $ data: base_arr, $ bins: base_arr, $ energy: energy, $ denergy: base_arr, $ ;placeholder phi: phi, $ dphi: dphi, $ theta: theta, $ dtheta: dtheta $ } ;set valid flag only for bins that contain real data ;the rest should remain 0 as placeholders for missing data template.bins[*,0:n_angles-1] = 1 dist = replicate(template, n_times) ; Populate ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;use time array of the first tplot variable in the list ;others' times will be checked against this dist.time = (*p.x)[index] dist.end_time = (*p.x)[index] + 30 ;TODO: get integ time for i=0, dim[0]-1 do begin get_data, names[i], ptr=p_i if ~is_struct(p_i) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Variable: '+names[i]+' contains no valid data' return, 0 endif if n_elements(*p_i.x) ne n_elements(*p.x) || $ ~array_equal((*p_i.x)[index],dist.time) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Sample times for '+names[i]+' do match those of other energies; check time range' return, 0 endif ;copy data from tplot variable to corresponding energy dist.data[i,0:n_angles-1,*] = reform( transpose( (*p_i.y)[index,*] ), 1,n_angles,n_times) endfor ;spd_slice2d accepts pointers or structures ;pointers are more versatile & efficient, but less user friendly if keyword_set(structure) then begin return, dist endif else begin return, ptr_new(dist,/no_copy) endelse end