;+ ; Procedure: goes_load_data ; ; Keywords: ; trange: time range of interest ; datatype: type of GOES data to be loaded. Valid data types are: ; 'fgm': Fluxgate magnetometer ; 'epead': Electron, Proton, Alpha Detector ; 'maged': Magnetospheric Electron Detector ; 'magpd': Magnetospheric Proton Detector ; 'hepad': High energy Proton and Alpha Detector ; 'xrs': X-ray Sensor ; ; suffix: String to append to the end of the loaded tplot variables ; probes: Number(s) of the GOES spacecraft, i.e., probes=['13','14','15'] ; varnames: Name(s) of variables to load, defaults to all (*) ; /downloadonly: Download the file but don't read it ; /avg_1m: Use 1-minute averaged GOES data ; /avg_5m: Use 5-minute averaged GOES data ; /no_time_clip: Don't clip the tplot variables ; /get_support_data: keep the support data ; /noephem: Don't keep the ephemeris data ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-08-19 11:45:10 -0700 (Mon, 19 Aug 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27615 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/goes/goes_load_data.pro $ ;- pro goes_load_data, trange = trange, datatype = datatype, probes = probes, suffix = suffix, $ downloadonly = downloadonly, avg_1m = avg_1m, avg_5m = avg_5m, no_time_clip = no_time_clip, $ tplotnames = tplotnames, varformat = varformat, get_support_data = get_support_data, noephem = noephem compile_opt idl2 goes_init if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' ; handle possible server errors catch, errstats if errstats ne 0 then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Error: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG catch, /cancel return endif ; set the default datatype to FGM data if not keyword_set(datatype) then datatype = 'fgm' if not keyword_set(probes) then probes = ['13', '14', '15'] if not keyword_set(source) then source = !goes if (keyword_set(trange) && n_elements(trange) eq 2) $ then tr = timerange(trange) $ else tr = timerange() tn_list_before = tnames('*') for idx_probes=0,n_elements(probes)-1 do begin ; loop through the probes sc = 'g'+string(probes[idx_probes], format='(I02)') prefix = sc + '_' dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=source.verbose,'Loading GOES-',string(probes[idx_probes], format='(I02)'),' ',strupcase(datatype),' data' fullavgpath = ['full', 'avg'] goes_path_dir = fullavgpath[~undefined(avg_1m) or ~undefined(avg_5m)] remote_path = goes_path_dir + '/YYYY/MM/goes' + string(probes[idx_probes], format='(I02)') + '/netcdf/' case datatype of ; flux-gate magnetometer -- valid for GOES 08-15 'fgm': begin if undefined(avg_1m) && undefined(avg_5m) then begin ; full, unaveraged data pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_magneto_512ms_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_1m) then begin ; 1 minute averages pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_magneto_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_5m) then begin ; 5 minute averages pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_magneto_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif end ; energetic particle sensor -- only valid for GOES-08 through GOES-12, only averaged data available 'eps': begin if ~undefined(avg_1m) then begin pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_eps_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_5m) then begin pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_eps_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif end ; electron, proton, alpha detector -- only valid on GOES-13, 14, 15 'epead': begin if undefined(avg_1m) && undefined(avg_5m) then begin pathformat = strarr(8) pathformat[0] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_e1ew_4s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' pathformat[1] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_e2ew_16s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' pathformat[2] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_e3ew_16s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' pathformat[3] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_p1ew_8s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' pathformat[4] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_p27e_32s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' pathformat[5] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_p27w_32s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' pathformat[6] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_a16e_32s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' pathformat[7] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_a16w_32s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_1m) then begin ; 1 minute averages pathformat = strarr(3) ; electrons, protons, alpha pathformat[0] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_e13ew_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' pathformat[1] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_p17ew_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' pathformat[2] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_a16ew_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_5m) then begin ; 5 minute averages pathformat = strarr(3) ; electrons, protons, alpha pathformat[0] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_e13ew_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' pathformat[1] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_p17ew_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' pathformat[2] = remote_path + sc + '_epead_a16ew_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif end ; magnetospheric electron detector -- only valid on GOES 13, 14, 15 'maged': begin if undefined(avg_1m) && undefined(avg_5m) then begin ; unaveraged maged data pathformat = strarr(5) channels = ['me1','me2','me3','me4','me5'] resolution = ['2','2','4','16','32'] ; seconds for i = 0, n_elements(channels)-1 do pathformat[i] = $ remote_path + sc + '_maged_19'+channels[i]+'_'+resolution[i]+'s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_1m) then begin ; 1 minute averages pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_maged_19me15_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_5m) then begin ; 5 minute averages pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_maged_19me15_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif end ; magnetospheric proton detector -- only valid on GOES 13, 14, 15 'magpd': begin if undefined(avg_1m) && undefined(avg_5m) then begin ; unaveraged magpd data pathformat = strarr(5) channels = ['mp1','mp2','mp3','mp4','mp5'] resolution = ['16','16','16','32','32'] ; seconds for i = 0, n_elements(channels)-1 do pathformat[i] = $ remote_path + sc + '_magpd_19'+channels[i]+'_'+resolution[i]+'s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_1m) then begin pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_magpd_19mp15_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_5m) then begin pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_magpd_19mp15_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif end ; high energy proton and alpha detector -- valid for GOES 08-15 'hepad': begin if undefined(avg_1m) && undefined(avg_5m) then begin pathformat = strarr(2) pathformat[0] = remote_path + sc + '_hepad_ap_32s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' pathformat[1] = remote_path + sc + '_hepad_s15_4s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_1m) then begin pathformat = strarr(2) pathformat[0] = remote_path + sc + '_hepad_ap_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' pathformat[1] = remote_path + sc + '_hepad_s15_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_5m) then begin pathformat = strarr(2) pathformat[0] = remote_path + sc + '_hepad_ap_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' pathformat[1] = remote_path + sc + '_hepad_s15_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif end ; x-ray sensor -- valid for GOES 08-15 'xrs': begin if undefined(avg_1m) && undefined(avg_5m) then begin pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_xrs_2s_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_1m) then begin pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_xrs_1m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif else if ~undefined(avg_5m) then begin pathformat = remote_path + sc + '_xrs_5m_YYYYMM01_YYYYMM??.nc' endif end else: pathformat = '' endcase if not keyword_set(pathformat) then begin dprint,'No data found. Try a different probe.' return endif for j = 0, n_elements(pathformat)-1 do begin relpathnames = file_dailynames(file_format=pathformat[j],trange=tr,addmaster=addmaster, /unique) files = spd_download(remote_file=relpathnames, remote_path=!goes.remote_data_dir, $ local_path = !goes.local_data_dir) if keyword_set(downloadonly) then continue ; netcdf2tplot, files, varformat = varformat, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix netcdf2tplot, files, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix endfor ; make sure some tplot variables were loaded tn_list_after = tnames('*') new_tnames = ssl_set_complement([tn_list_before], [tn_list_after]) ; load the ephemeris data in GEI coordinates if undefined(noephem) && is_string(new_tnames) then begin ephem = goes_load_pos(trange = time_string(tr), probe = probes[idx_probes]) if is_struct(ephem) then begin ; store the data attributes structure data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], $ instrument: 'ephem', units: 'km', coord_sys: 'gei', st_type: 'pos'} dlimits = {data_att: data_att, colors: [2,4,6], labels: ['x','y','z']+'_gei', ysubtitle: '[km]'} store_data, prefix + 'pos_gei' + suffix, data={x: ephem.time, y: ephem.pos_values}, dlimits=dlimits endif else begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Error loading ephemeris data. No data returned from goes_load_pos()' endelse endif if is_string(new_tnames) then begin ; now that we've loaded the variables from the netCDF file into tplot, we can combine ; data for the different telescopes/detectors to TDAS-ify the tvariables goes_combine_tdata, datatype = datatype, probe = probes[idx_probes], prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames, noephem = noephem endif endfor if ~undefined(tr) && ~undefined(tplotnames) then begin if (n_elements(tr) eq 2) and (tplotnames[0] ne '') then begin time_clip, tplotnames, tr[0], tr[1], replace=1, error=error endif endif ;print, 'TPLOT variables: ' ;tplot_names end