;+ ; Procedure: ; goes_load_crib_sheet ; ; Purpose: ; Example of loading GOES data using the command line ; ; ; Notes: ; The GOES routines have their own configuration routines, ; since the data products are in a different location than the ; THEMIS products. goes_init will create a reasonable default ; configuration and save it in a file. goes_read_config and ; goes_write_config let you customize !goes in case you ; are at SSL and don't need HTTP downloads, or if you have ; an alternate source for GOES products (e.g. a local mirror) ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-28 14:10:44 -0800 (Fri, 28 Feb 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 14467 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/goes/goes_load_crib_sheet.pro $ ;- ; initialize the GOES configuration goes_init, /reset ; we'll be making a lot of windows, so let's use a variable to keep track windownum = 0 ; set the default time span of 21 days timespan, '2012-01-01', 21, /days ; start by loading some 1-m averaged magnetometer data for GOES-15. Note that you can see the ; tplot variables created by the load routine in 'tplotnames' goes_load_data, trange = trange, datatype = 'fgm', probes = '15', /avg_1m, tplotnames = tplotnames ; make a plot of H from both FGM sensors in ENP coordinates ; (note: ENP coordinates is the native GOES coordinate system) tplot, ['g15_H_enp_1', 'g15_H_enp_2'], window=windownum stop ; we can transform the FGM data into other coordinate systems as well, ; first by making a transformation matrix, using the position data loaded from the load routine. ; the new transformation matrix should be named 'g15_pos_gei_enp_mat' enp_matrix_make, 'g15_pos_gei' ; rotate the FGM data from ENP coordinates to GEI coordinates tvector_rotate, 'g15_pos_gei_enp_mat', 'g15_H_enp_1', /invert ; that rotation gives a tplot variable with the horrible name 'g15_b_enp_rot', we can copy ; it to a new variable with a better name, 'g15_H_gei' copy_data, 'g15_H_enp_1_rot', 'g15_H_gei' ; and now we can set the labels and title appropriately options,'g15_H_gei',labels=['x_gei','y_gei','z_gei'],ytitle='g15_H_gei' ; and finally plot H, from the first sensor, in both ENP coordinates and GEI coordinates window, ++windownum tplot, ['g15_H_enp_1', 'g15_H_gei'], window=windownum stop ; load some 1-m averaged data from the magnetospheric electron detector onboard GOES-15 ; using the /noephem keyword because we've already loaded the ephemeris data for this time range goes_load_data, trange = trange, datatype = 'maged', probes = '15', /avg_1m, tplotnames = tplotnames, /noephem ; plot the flux of mangetospheric electrons at 40 keV ; note that the name of the tplot variable containing the flux loaded can take a variety of forms, ; depending on the data. This example shows 40keV electrons, corrected for dead times and other ; sources of contamination window, ++windownum tplot, 'g15_maged_40keV_dtc_cor_flux', window=windownum ; open another window for plotting the uncorrected data window, ++windownum ; for this time (first 21 days of 2012), we also have MAGED data that has been corrected for dead times, ; but not other forms of contamination tplot, 'g15_maged_40keV_dtc_uncor_flux', window=windownum stop ; now, we can calculate the pitch angles for each of the telescopes using FGM data goes_lib ; compiles GOES post processing library routines ; this should create a new tplot variable named 'goes_pitch_angles' with the center pitch angle ; for each of the 9 telescopes goes_pitch_angles, 'g15_H_enp_1', 'g15_HT_1', prefix = 'g15' window, ++windownum tplot, 'g15_pitch_angles', window=windownum stop ; load some 5-m averaged data from the magnetospheric proton detector onboard GOES-15 ; note that 1-m averaged data is also available here, we choose to show 5-m averages here ; so that the user knows both 1-m and 5-m averages are available for most GOES instruments goes_load_data, trange = trange, datatype = 'magpd', probes = '15', /avg_5m, tplotnames = tplotnames, /noephem ; open a new window for plotting the MAGPD data window, ++windownum ; plot the magnetospheric proton flux at 95 keV, corrected for dead times but not other sources of ; contamination (electrons) tplot, 'g15_magpd_95keV_dtc_cor_flux', window=windownum stop ; load some 1-m averaged X-ray flux from the XRS instrument goes_load_data, trange = trange, datatype = 'xrs', probes = '15', /avg_1m, tplotnames = tplotnames, /noephem ; open a new window for plotting GOES XRS data window, ++windownum tplot, 'g15_xrs_avg', window=windownum stop ; load some 1-m averaged data from the electron, proton and alpha detector (EPEAD) goes_load_data, trange = trange, datatype = 'epead', probes = '15', /avg_1m, tplotnames = tplotnames, /noephem ; open a new window for plotting proton data from the GOES EPEAD instrument ; the center energy for this bin is 2.5 MeV window, ++windownum tplot, 'g15_prot_2.5MeV_uncor_flux', window=windownum ; open a window for plotting electron data from the GOES EPEAD instrument ; the center energy for this bin is 0.6 MeV window, ++windownum tplot, 'g15_elec_0.6MeV_uncor_flux', window=windownum ; open a window for plotting alpha particle data from the GOES EPEAD instrument ; the center energy for this bin is 6.8 MeV window, ++windownum tplot, 'g15_alpha_6.8MeV_flux', window=windownum stop ; load some 1-m averaged data from the high energy proton and alpha detector goes_load_data, trange = trange, datatype = 'hepad', probes = '15', /avg_1m, tplotnames = tplotnames, /noephem ; open a new window for plotting high energy proton data from HEPAD window, ++windownum ; the center energy for this bin is 375 MeV tplot, 'g15_hepadp_375MeV_flux', window=windownum ; open a new window for plotting high energy alpha data from HEPAD window, ++windownum ; the center energy for this bin is 2980 MeV tplot, 'g15_hepada_2980MeV_flux', window=windownum stop ; finally, we load some data for the energetic particle sensor (EPS) onboard the GOES spacecraft ; prior to GOES-13 (the EPS instrument is valid for GOES-12 and below) ; set a new time span for loading GOES-12 EPS data timespan, '2008-01-01', 21, /days ; note that only averaged data (1-m, 5-m) is available for the EPS instrument goes_load_data, datatype = 'eps', probes = '12', /avg_1m ; open a new window for plotting the electron integral flux for GOES-12 EPS at 0.6MeV window, ++windownum tplot, 'g12_elec_0.6MeV_iflux', window=windownum ; open a new window for plotting the proton flux at 2.4 MeV window, ++windownum tplot, 'g12_prot_2.4MeV_flux', window=windownum stop end