;+ ; Procedure: goes_init ; ; Purpose: Initializes system variables for GOES data. Can be called from idl_startup to set ; custom locations. ; ; Keywords: ; reset: resets configuration data already in place on the machine ; local_data_dir: location to save data files on the local machine ; remote_data_dir: location of the data on the remote machine ; no_color_setup: skip setting up the graphics configuration ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-01-03 12:53:41 -0800 (Tue, 03 Jan 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22478 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/goes/goes_init.pro $ ;- pro goes_init, reset=reset, local_data_dir=local_data_dir, remote_data_dir=remote_data_dir, no_color_setup = no_color_setup defsysv,'!goes',exists=exists if not keyword_set(exists) then begin defsysv,'!goes', file_retrieve(/structure_format) endif if keyword_set(reset) then !goes.init=0 if !goes.init ne 0 then return !goes = file_retrieve(/structure_format) ;Read saved values from file ftest = goes_read_config() If(size(ftest, /type) Eq 8) && ~keyword_set(reset) Then Begin !goes.local_data_dir = ftest.local_data_dir !goes.remote_data_dir = ftest.remote_data_dir !goes.no_download = ftest.no_download !goes.no_update = ftest.no_update !goes.downloadonly = ftest.downloadonly !goes.verbose = ftest.verbose Endif else begin; use defaults if keyword_set(reset) then begin print,'Resetting GOES to default configuration' endif else begin print,'No GOES config found...creating default configuration' endelse !goes.local_data_dir = spd_default_local_data_dir() + 'goes' + path_sep() !goes.remote_data_dir = 'https://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/' endelse !goes.min_age_limit = 900 ; Don't check for new files if local file is less than 900 seconds old. if file_test(!goes.local_data_dir+'.master') then begin ; Local directory IS the master directory !goes.no_server = 1 endif ; Do not do color setup if taken care for already if not keyword_set(no_color_setup) then begin spd_graphics_config,colortable=colortable endif ; no_color_setup !goes.init = 1 printdat,/values,!goes,varname='!goes' end