;+ ; Procedure: goes_combine_tdata ; ; Purpose: ; The procedures in this library combine multi-dimensional GOES tplot variables ; and ensure the combined tplot variables contain the standard data attributes structure ; required for TDAS/SPEDAS data processing and analysis ; ; For instance, GOES magnetometer data can be loaded as 'he', 'hn', 'hp', ; goes_combine_mag_data will find and combine these into a single 'g[8-15]_h_enp' variable, with ; the coordinates set to 'ENP' and units set to 'nT' in the data attributes structure ; ; ; Notes: ; If the get_support_data keyword isn't set, these routines will delete the tplot variables ; corresponding to the support data (i.e., variables ending in *_NUM_PTS and *_QUAL_FLAG). ; ; If the user loads support data for one type of particle data (i.e., electrons) and then ; loads a different type of data without support data, the initial support data may be removed ; by these routines (due to the globbing). ; ; For the instruments with multiple detectors: ; EPEAD: E, W detectors are combined into a single tplot variable with the E-component ; in the first column of the Y component [*,0] and the W-component in the second ; column of the Y component [*,1] ; MAG(E/P)D: The 9-telescopes are combined into a single tplot variable with each detector ; in the (detector-1) column of the Y-component; note that this is also in order of ; increasing energy ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-04-29 07:58:21 -0700 (Fri, 29 Apr 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 20969 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/goes/goes_combine_tdata.pro $ ;- pro goes_set_ephem_data_att, ephem_tvar, prefix, tplotnames = tplotnames compile_opt idl2, hidden if undefined(prefix) then prefix = '' if undefined(ephem_tvar) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Error setting the data attributes structure for an ephemeris tvariable; no variable defined' return endif if tnames(ephem_tvar) eq '' then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Error setting the data attributes structure for an ephemeris tvariable; invalid tplot variable' return endif ; get the dlimits structure get_data, ephem_tvar, dlimits=dlim ; get the units from the dlimits structure str_element, dlim, 'cdf.vatt.units', dlunits, success=units_success if units_success eq 0 then dlunits = 'none' ; get the coordinate system from the dlimits structure str_element, dlim, 'cdf.vatt.coordinate_system', coord_sys, success=coordsys_success if coordsys_success eq 0 then coord_sys = 'none' data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'ephem', units: dlunits, coord_sys: coord_sys, st_type: 'none'} options, ephem_tvar, 'data_att', data_att, /add, /def tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,ephem_tvar] : ephem_tvar end pro goes_combine_eps_data, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames compile_opt idl2, hidden ; the EPS instruments are the particle detectors onboard the GOES 8-12 spacecraft ; data is loaded for 7 proton channels, 3 electron channels and 6 alpha channels (sometimes) ; data can be corrected, uncorrected, flux and/or integral flux if undefined(prefix) then prefix = '' ; just in case the prefix wasn't set if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' ; alpha flux eps_alpha_flux = tnames('*_a?_flux') ; electron integral flux, without corrections applied eps_elec_iflux = tnames('*_e?_flux_i'+suffix) ; electron integral flux, with corrections applied eps_elec_iflux_corr = tnames('*_e?_flux_ic'+suffix) ; proton channels, without corrections applied eps_prot_flux = tnames('*_p?_flux'+suffix) ; proton channels, with corrections applied eps_prot_flux_corr = tnames('*_p?_flux_c'+suffix) ; proton integral flux, with corrections applied eps_prot_iflux_corr = tnames('*_p?_flux_ic'+suffix) tvars = ['eps_elec_iflux', 'eps_elec_iflux_corr', 'eps_prot_flux', 'eps_prot_flux_corr', 'eps_prot_iflux_corr', 'eps_alpha_flux'] ; electron energy channels eps_elec_en = ['0.6','2.0','4.0'] ; MeV ; proton energy channels eps_prot_en = ['2.4','6.5','12','27.5','60','122.5','332.5'] ; MeV ; alpha particle energy channels eps_alph_en = ['7', '15.5', '40.5', '105', '200', '400'] ; MeV eps_energies = ['eps_elec_en', 'eps_prot_en', 'eps_alph_en'] ; instead of having individual loops for each potential data type from the EPS ; instrument, we have a single loop that loops through the potential types ; using scope_varfetch for tvarname_idx = 0, n_elements(tvars)-1 do begin ; get the tvariable names tvarnames = scope_varfetch(tvars[tvarname_idx]) ; proton_check is 1 if the first tvariable name has the format of proton data, ; i.e., 'g12_p1_flux_ic' proton_check = stregex(tvarnames[0], '.+[_p][0-9]{1}[_].+', /bool) electron_check = stregex(tvarnames[0], '.+[_e][0-9]{1}[_].+',/bool) alpha_check = stregex(tvarnames[0], '.+[_a][0-9]{1}[_].+', /bool) if electron_check eq 1 then begin center_energies = scope_varfetch(eps_energies[0]) energy_array = eps_energies[0] endif if proton_check eq 1 then begin center_energies = scope_varfetch(eps_energies[1]) energy_array = eps_energies[1] endif if alpha_check eq 1 then begin center_energies = scope_varfetch(eps_energies[2]) energy_array = eps_energies[2] endif for tvar_idx = 0, n_elements(tvarnames)-1 do begin if tvarnames[tvar_idx] ne '' then begin get_data, tvarnames[tvar_idx], data=eps_data, dlimits=eps_dlimits if is_struct(eps_data) then begin ; get species type using regex speciestype = stregex(energy_array, '.+[_](.{4})[_].+', /subexp, /extr) ; check if this variable contains flux or integral flux (for appropriate naming) integralflux = stregex(tvarnames[tvar_idx], '.+[_]?[i].*') if integralflux eq -1 then iflux = '' else iflux = 'i' ; store the data attributes in a structure data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'eps', units: eps_dlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: 'none', st_type: 'none'} labels = center_energies[tvar_idx]+'MeV' str_element, eps_dlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, eps_dlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, eps_dlimits, 'labflag', 2, /add newtvar = prefix + speciestype[1] + '_' + center_energies[tvar_idx] + 'MeV_'+iflux+'flux'+suffix ; update the vname in the CDF structure eps_dlimits.cdf.vname = newtvar store_data, newtvar, data = {x:eps_data.X, y:eps_data.Y}, dlimits = eps_dlimits tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] del_data, tvarnames[tvar_idx] endif endif endfor endfor end pro goes_combine_epead_data, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames compile_opt idl2, hidden if undefined(prefix) then prefix = '' ; so the code doesn't die without a prefix set if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' ; ^^ ; EPEAD telescope detector information: ; - 3 proton channels: P1 (0.74-4.2 MeV), P2 (4.2-8.7 MeV), P3 (8.7-14.5 MeV) ; - 3 alpha channels: A1 (3.8-9.9 MeV), A2 (9.9-20.5 MeV), A3 (20.5-61 MeV) ; ; EPEAD dome detector information: ; - 4 proton channels: P4 (15-40 MeV), P5 (38-82 MeV), P6 (84-200 MeV), P7 (110-900 MeV) ; - 3 alpha channels: A4 (60-160 MeV), A5 (160-260 MeV), A6 (330-500 MeV) ; - 3 electron channels: E1 (> 0.6 MeV), E2 (> 2 MeV), E3 (> 4 MeV) wp_detectors_uncor = tnames('*_P'+strcompress(string(indgen(8)), /rem)+'W_UNCOR_FLUX'+suffix) ep_detectors_uncor = tnames('*_P'+strcompress(string(indgen(8)), /rem)+'E_UNCOR_FLUX'+suffix) wp_detectors_cor = tnames('*_P'+strcompress(string(indgen(8)), /rem)+'W_COR_FLUX'+suffix) ep_detectors_cor = tnames('*_P'+strcompress(string(indgen(8)), /rem)+'E_COR_FLUX'+suffix) wa_detectors = tnames('*_A'+strcompress(string(indgen(7)), /rem)+'W_FLUX'+suffix) ea_detectors = tnames('*_A'+strcompress(string(indgen(7)), /rem)+'E_FLUX'+suffix) we_detectors_uncor = tnames('*_E'+strcompress(string(indgen(4)), /rem)+'W_UNCOR_FLUX'+suffix) ee_detectors_uncor = tnames('*_E'+strcompress(string(indgen(4)), /rem)+'E_UNCOR_FLUX'+suffix) we_detectors_cor = tnames('*_E'+strcompress(string(indgen(4)), /rem)+'W_COR_FLUX'+suffix) ee_detectors_cor = tnames('*_E'+strcompress(string(indgen(4)), /rem)+'E_COR_FLUX'+suffix) ; in the data file, the center energies for proton data are labeled as: ; P1 = 2.5 MeV, P2 = 6.5 MeV, P3 = 11.6 MeV ; P4 = 30.6 MeV, P5 = 63.1 MeV, P6 = 165 MeV, P7 = 433 MeV proton_en = ['2.5', '6.5', '11.6', '30.6', '63.1', '165', '433'] ; Start with the proton detectors ; (note actual pointing direction depends on S/C orientation) for pidx = 0, n_elements(wp_detectors_uncor)-1 do begin if (n_elements(wp_detectors_uncor) gt pidx) && (n_elements(ep_detectors_uncor) gt pidx) then begin if tnames(ep_detectors_uncor[pidx]) ne '' && tnames(wp_detectors_uncor[pidx]) ne '' then begin newtvar = prefix+'prot_'+proton_en[(pidx)]+'MeV_uncor_flux'+suffix store_data, newtvar[0], data=[ep_detectors_uncor[pidx], wp_detectors_uncor[pidx]] options, newtvar[0], labels = ['E', 'W'], labflag = 2, colors=[2, 4] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] endif endif ; try to grab the data and dlimits structures for data corrected for electron contamination if (n_elements(wp_detectors_cor) gt pidx) && (n_elements(ep_detectors_cor) gt pidx) then begin ; make sure these variables exist before trying to access them if tnames(ep_detectors_cor[pidx]) ne '' && tnames(wp_detectors_cor[pidx]) ne '' then begin newtvar = prefix+'prot_'+proton_en[pidx]+'MeV_cor_flux'+suffix store_data, newtvar[0], data=[ep_detectors_cor[pidx], wp_detectors_cor[pidx]] options, newtvar[0], labels = ['E', 'W'], labflag = 2, colors=[2, 4] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] endif endif endfor ; now, for the electron detectors electron_en = ['0.6', '2', '4'] for eidx = 0, n_elements(we_detectors_uncor)-1 do begin if (n_elements(we_detectors_uncor) gt eidx) && (n_elements(ee_detectors_uncor) gt eidx) then begin if tnames(ee_detectors_uncor[eidx]) ne '' && tnames(we_detectors_uncor[eidx]) ne '' then begin newtvar = prefix+'elec_'+electron_en[eidx]+'MeV_uncor_flux'+suffix store_data, newtvar[0], data=[ee_detectors_uncor[eidx], we_detectors_uncor[eidx]] options, newtvar[0], labels = ['E', 'W'], labflag = 2, colors=[2, 4] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] endif endif ; now for the corrected electron data if (n_elements(we_detectors_cor) gt eidx) && (n_elements(ee_detectors_cor) gt eidx) then begin if tnames(ee_detectors_cor[eidx]) ne '' && tnames(we_detectors_cor[eidx]) ne '' then begin newtvar = prefix+'elec_'+electron_en[eidx]+'MeV_cor_flux'+suffix store_data, newtvar[0], data=[ee_detectors_cor[eidx], we_detectors_cor[eidx]] options, newtvar[0], labels = ['E', 'W'], labflag = 2, colors=[2, 4] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] endif endif endfor ; finally, the alpha particles alpha_en = ['6.8', '15.2', '40.7', '110', '210', '415'] for aidx = 0, n_elements(wa_detectors)-1 do begin if (n_elements(wa_detectors) gt aidx) && (n_elements(ea_detectors) gt aidx) then begin if tnames(ea_detectors[aidx]) ne '' && tnames(wa_detectors[aidx]) ne '' then begin newtvar = prefix+'alpha_'+alpha_en[aidx]+'MeV_flux'+suffix store_data, newtvar[0], data=[ea_detectors[aidx], wa_detectors[aidx]] options, newtvar[0], labels = ['E', 'W'], labflag = 2, colors=[2, 4] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] endif endif endfor ; delete the support data if the user didn't specifically request it if undefined(get_support_data) then begin ; note: the globbing here should be as specific as possible, ; so as to not delete support data loaded for other instruments epead_proton_num_pts = tnames('*_P*_NUM_PTS'+suffix) epead_elec_num_pts = tnames('*_E*_NUM_PTS'+suffix) epead_alpha_num_pts = tnames('*_A*_NUM_PTS'+suffix) epead_proton_qual_flag = tnames('*_P*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix) epead_elec_qual_flag = tnames('*_E*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix) epead_alpha_qual_flag = tnames('*_A*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix) del_data, [epead_proton_num_pts, epead_elec_num_pts, epead_alpha_num_pts] del_data, [epead_proton_qual_flag, epead_elec_qual_flag, epead_alpha_qual_flag] endif else begin ; the user requested support data support_types = ['QUAL_FLAG','NUM_PTS']+suffix for support_type = 0, n_elements(support_types)-1 do begin ; proton support data eproton_support = prefix + 'P'+strcompress(string((indgen(7)+1)), /rem)+'E_'+support_types[support_type] wproton_support = prefix + 'P'+strcompress(string((indgen(7)+1)), /rem)+'W_'+support_types[support_type] ; loop through the proton support variables for psupport_idx = 0, n_elements(eproton_support)-1 do begin newtvarname = prefix + 'prot_'+proton_en[psupport_idx]+'MeV_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) join_vec, [eproton_support[psupport_idx], wproton_support[psupport_idx]], newtvarname tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvarname] : newtvarname del_data, [eproton_support[psupport_idx], wproton_support[psupport_idx]] endfor ; electron support data eelectron_support = prefix + 'E'+strcompress(string((indgen(3)+1)), /rem)+'E_'+support_types[support_type] welectron_support = prefix + 'E'+strcompress(string((indgen(3)+1)), /rem)+'W_'+support_types[support_type] ; loop through the electron support variables for esupport_idx = 0, n_elements(eelectron_support)-1 do begin newtvarname = prefix + 'elec_'+electron_en[esupport_idx]+'MeV_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) join_vec, [eelectron_support[esupport_idx],welectron_support[esupport_idx]], newtvarname tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvarname] : newtvarname del_data, [eelectron_support[esupport_idx],welectron_support[esupport_idx]] endfor ; alpha support data ealpha_support = prefix + 'A'+strcompress(string((indgen(6)+1)), /rem)+'E_'+support_types[support_type] walpha_support = prefix + 'A'+strcompress(string((indgen(6)+1)), /rem)+'W_'+support_types[support_type] ; loop through alpha support variables for asupport_idx = 0, n_elements(ealpha_support)-1 do begin newtvarname = prefix + 'alpha_'+alpha_en[asupport_idx]+'MeV_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) join_vec, [ealpha_support[asupport_idx], walpha_support[asupport_idx]], newtvarname tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvarname] : newtvarname del_data, [ealpha_support[asupport_idx], walpha_support[asupport_idx]] endfor endfor endelse end pro goes_combine_hepad_data, type, probe, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames compile_opt idl2, hidden ; HEPAD detector information: ; - 2 alpha channels: A7 (2560-3400 MeV) and A8 (>3400 MeV) ; - 4 proton channels: P8 (330–420 MeV), P9 (420–510 MeV), P10 (510–700 MeV), P11 (> 700 MeV) ; HEPAD support data: ; - channels: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 proton_flux_channels = tnames('*_P*_FLUX'+suffix) alpha_flux_channels = tnames('*_A*_FLUX'+suffix) ; count rates proton_count_rates = tnames('*_P*_COUNT_RATE'+suffix) alpha_count_rates = tnames('*_A*_COUNT_RATE'+suffix) support_count_rates = tnames('*_S*_COUNT_RATE'+suffix) ; for HEPAD, each energy bin has only one channel, so all we need to do is ; change the name of the tplot variable to our standard format and make sure ; the data attributes are set correctly hepad_proton_center_en = ['375', '465', '605', '700'] for p_index = 0, n_elements(proton_flux_channels)-1 do begin get_data, proton_flux_channels[p_index], data = protondata, dlimits = protondlimits ; check the returned structures if (is_struct(protondata) && is_struct(protondlimits)) then begin ; store the data attributes in a structure data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'hepad', units: protondlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: 'none', st_type: 'none'} ; label the energies labels = [hepad_proton_center_en[p_index]+'MeV'] str_element, protondlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, protondlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, protondlimits, 'labflag', 2, /add newtvar = prefix+'hepadp_'+hepad_proton_center_en[p_index]+'MeV_flux'+suffix ; update the vname in the CDF structure protondlimits.cdf.vname = newtvar store_data, newtvar[0], data=protondata, dlimits=protondlimits tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] del_data, proton_flux_channels[p_index] endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Invalid structure; data might be missing.' endelse endfor ; now loop over proton count rate variables for pcr_index = 0, n_elements(proton_count_rates)-1 do begin get_data, proton_count_rates[pcr_index], data = protondata, dlimits = protondlimits ; check the returned structures if (is_struct(protondata) && is_struct(protondlimits)) then begin ; store the data attributes in a structure data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'hepad', units: protondlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: 'none', st_type: 'none'} ; label the energies labels = [hepad_proton_center_en[pcr_index]+'MeV'] str_element, protondlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, protondlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, protondlimits, 'labflag', 2, /add newtvar = prefix+'hepadp_'+hepad_proton_center_en[pcr_index]+'MeV_CR'+suffix ; update the vname in the CDF structure protondlimits.cdf.vname = newtvar store_data, newtvar[0], data=protondata, dlimits=protondlimits tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] del_data, proton_count_rates[pcr_index] endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Invalid structure; data might be missing.' endelse endfor ; again, the alpha SSDs have a single channel for each energy bin ; so we just need to set the data attributes hepad_alpha_center_en = ['2980','3400'] for a_index = 0, n_elements(alpha_flux_channels)-1 do begin get_data, alpha_flux_channels[a_index], data = alphadata, dlimits = alphadlimits ; check the returned structures if (is_struct(alphadata) && is_struct(alphadlimits)) then begin ; store the data attributes in a structure data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'hepad', units: alphadlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: 'none', st_type: 'none'} ; label the energies labels = [hepad_alpha_center_en[a_index]+'MeV'] str_element, alphadlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, alphadlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, alphadlimits, 'labflag', 2, /add newtvar = prefix+'hepada_'+hepad_alpha_center_en[a_index]+'MeV_flux'+suffix ; update the vname in the CDF structure alphadlimits.cdf.vname = newtvar store_data, newtvar[0], data=alphadata, dlimits=alphadlimits tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] del_data, alpha_flux_channels[a_index] endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Invalid structure; data might be missing.' endelse endfor ; and now, loop over alpha count rate variables for acr_index = 0, n_elements(alpha_count_rates)-1 do begin get_data, alpha_count_rates[acr_index], data = alphadata, dlimits = alphadlimits ; check the returned structures if (is_struct(alphadata) && is_struct(alphadlimits)) then begin ; store the data attributes in a structure data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'hepad', units: alphadlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: 'none', st_type: 'none'} ; label the energies labels = [hepad_alpha_center_en[acr_index]+'MeV'] str_element, alphadlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, alphadlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, alphadlimits, 'labflag', 2, /add newtvar = prefix+'hepada_'+hepad_alpha_center_en[acr_index]+'MeV_CR'+suffix ; update the vname in the CDF structure alphadlimits.cdf.vname = newtvar store_data, newtvar[0], data=alphadata, dlimits=alphadlimits tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] del_data, alpha_count_rates[acr_index] endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Invalid structure; data might be missing.' endelse endfor ; 5 tplot variables are created for HEPAD housekeeping ; here, we combine them and make sure the attributes are set ; (only keep these if get_support_data is set) if undefined(get_support_data) then begin ; if the user didn't request support data, let's remove it. del_data, [tnames('*_P*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix), tnames('*_P*_NUM_PTS'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames('*_A*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix), tnames('*_A*_NUM_PTS'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames('*_S*_COUNT_RATE'+suffix), tnames('*_S*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix), tnames('*_S*_NUM_PTS'+suffix)] endif else begin ; the user requested the support data, let's combine it for them ; start with the S* count rates hepad_s_cr = prefix + 'S'+strcompress(string(indgen(5)+1),/rem)+'_COUNT_RATE'+suffix newtvarname = prefix + 'S_count_rate'+suffix join_vec, hepad_s_cr, newtvarname tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvarname] : newtvarname support_types = ['NUM_PTS', 'QUAL_FLAG']+suffix for support_type = 0, n_elements(support_types)-1 do begin ; first the S* quality flags and number of points hepad_s_support = prefix + 'S'+strcompress(string(indgen(5)+1),/rem)+'_'+support_types[support_type] newtvarname = prefix + 'S_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) join_vec, hepad_s_support, newtvarname tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvarname] : newtvarname ; now the support data for protons hepad_alpha_support = prefix + 'A'+['7','8']+'_'+support_types[support_type] for asupport_idx = 0, n_elements(hepad_alpha_support)-1 do begin get_data, hepad_alpha_support[asupport_idx], data=asupportdata, dlimits=asupportdlimits if (is_struct(asupportdata) && is_struct(asupportdlimits)) then begin newtvarname = prefix + 'hepada_'+hepad_alpha_center_en[asupport_idx]+'MeV_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) store_data, newtvarname, data={x:asupportdata.X, y: asupportdata.Y}, dlimits=asupportdlimits tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvarname] : newtvarname endif else begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Invalid structure; support data might be missing.' endelse endfor ; and finally the support data for alpha particles hepad_prot_support = prefix + 'P'+['8','9','10','11']+'_'+support_types[support_type] for psupport_idx = 0, n_elements(hepad_prot_support)-1 do begin get_data, hepad_prot_support[psupport_idx], data=psupportdata, dlimits=psupportdlimits if (is_struct(psupportdata) && is_struct(psupportdlimits)) then begin newtvarname = prefix + 'hepadp_'+hepad_proton_center_en[psupport_idx]+'MeV_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) store_data, newtvarname, data={x:psupportdata.X, y:psupportdata.Y}, dlimits=psupportdlimits tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvarname] : newtvarname endif else begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Invalid structure; support data might be missing.' endelse endfor endfor del_data, [tnames('*_P*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix), tnames('*_P*_NUM_PTS'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames('*_A*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix), tnames('*_A*_NUM_PTS'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames('*_S*_COUNT_RATE'+suffix), tnames('*_S*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix), tnames('*_S*_NUM_PTS'+suffix)] endelse end pro goes_combine_xrs_data, probe, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames compile_opt idl2, hidden ; The XRS tplot variables are different depending on which GOES spacecraft we're interested in ; for GOES 8-12, the tplot names for XRS are 'xs' (short wavelength) ; and 'xl' (long wavelength) with no quality/number of points support data. ; for GOES 13-15, the tplot names for XRS are 'A_AVG' (short wavelength) ; and 'B_AVG' (long wavelength) with support data in *_QUAL_FLAG and *_NUM_PTS if undefined(probe) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Error, probe argument required in calls to goes_combine_xrs_data' return endif else if size(probe, /type) ne 7 then probe=strcompress(string(probe),/rem) if (uint(probe) le 12) and (uint(probe) ge 8) then begin xrays = 'g'+probe+'_'+['xs', 'xl']+suffix endif else if (uint(probe) le 15) and (uint(probe) ge 13) then begin ; check for averaged data first if tnames('*_A_AVG'+suffix) ne '' then begin xrays = 'g'+probe+'_'+['A_AVG', 'B_AVG']+suffix endif else if tnames('*_A_FLUX'+suffix) ne '' then begin ; if we don't find any averaged data, let's look for unaveraged data xrays = 'g'+probe+'_'+['A_FLUX', 'B_FLUX']+suffix endif endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 1, 'Invalid GOES probe # -- valid probes are 08 - 15' return endelse ; loop through the XRS tplot variables for xray_index = 0, n_elements(xrays)-1 do begin ; grab the data and dlimits structures for this tplot variable get_data, xrays[xray_index], data = xrsdata, dlimits = xrsdlimits ; check that valid structures were returned if ~is_struct(xrsdata) || ~is_struct(xrsdlimits) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error getting data from tplot variable. Possibly an invalid tname?' return endif ; XRS data should be plotted with logarithmic scaling in the y-component str_element, xrsdlimits, 'log', xrs_log_value, success=s if s ne 0 then str_element, xrsdlimits, 'ylog', 1, /add if xray_index eq 0 then begin ; first tplot variable, need to create an array of floats to store xray data xray_avg = fltarr(n_elements(xrsdata.Y),2) xray_avg[*, xray_index] = xrsdata.Y[*] xray_times = xrsdata.X[*] endif else begin xray_avg[*, xray_index] = xrsdata.Y[*] ; store the data attributes in a structure data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'xrs', units: xrsdlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: 'none', st_type: 'none'} ; update the dlimits structure for the xrays tplot variable ; the upper limit on the short wavelength band for GOES 08-12 is 0.3 nm ; and 0.4 nm for GOES 13-15 labels = (uint(probe) le 12) ? ['0.05-0.3 nm','0.1-0.8 nm'] : ['0.05-0.4 nm','0.1-0.8 nm'] str_element, xrsdlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, xrsdlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, xrsdlimits, 'labflag', 1, /add str_element, xrsdlimits, 'colors', [2,6], /add str_element, xrsdlimits, 'ytitle', 'Xray Flux!C [W/m!U2!N]', /add str_element, xrsdlimits, 'ysubtitle', '', /add ; store the tplot variable newtvar = 'g'+probe+'_xrs_avg'+suffix ; update the vname in the CDF structure xrsdlimits.cdf.vname = newtvar store_data, newtvar[0], data={x:xray_times, y:xray_avg, v:xray_avg}, dlimits=xrsdlimits tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar[0]] : newtvar[0] endelse endfor ; now that we've stored the combined data, delete the old tplot variables del_data, xrays if undefined(get_support_data) then begin del_data, [tnames('*_A_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix), tnames('*_B_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames('*_A_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames('*_B_NUM_PTS'+suffix)] endif else begin ; the user requested support data if tnames('*_A_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix) ne '' then begin ; note that only GOES spacecraft > 12 have support data (quality flags and number of points) included join_vec, [tnames('*_A_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames('*_B_NUM_PTS'+suffix)], prefix + 'xrs_num_pts'+suffix join_vec, [tnames('*_A_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix), tnames('*_B_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)], prefix + 'xrs_qual_flag'+suffix tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,prefix+['xrs_num_pts','xrs_qual_flag']+suffix] : prefix+['xrs_num_pts','xrs_qual_flag']+suffix ; now that we've combined the support data, delete the old tvars del_data, [tnames('*_A_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix), tnames('*_B_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames('*_A_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames('*_B_NUM_PTS'+suffix)] endif endelse end pro goes_combine_mag_data, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames compile_opt idl2, hidden ; ensure a prefix/suffix has been set if undefined(prefix) then prefix = '' if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' ; Usually, GOES magnetometer data is loaded using 3 different coordinate systems: ; 1) ENP coordinates ; 2) Spacecraft coordinates ; 3) Sensor coordinates ; Start with FGM ENP coordinates if tnames('*HE_1'+suffix) eq '' then begin oldgoes = 1 ; oldgoes is set to 1 for GOES 8-12 tojoin = prefix + 'h'+['e', 'n', 'p'] + suffix get_data, tojoin[0], dlimits=tojoindlimits endif else begin oldgoes = 0 ; oldgoes is set to 0 for GOES 13-15 tojoin_1 = prefix + 'H'+['E', 'N', 'P']+'_1' + suffix tojoin_2 = prefix + 'H'+['E', 'N', 'P']+'_2' + suffix get_data, tojoin_1[0], dlimits=tojoindlimits endelse ; check that a valid dlimits structure was returned if ~is_struct(tojoindlimits) then begin dprint, dlevel = 1, 'Couldn''t find FGM data in ENP coordinates' return endif ; miscellaneous data attributes data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'fgm', units: tojoindlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: 'enp', st_type: 'none'} ; label the field components labels = ['E','N','P'] str_element, tojoindlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, tojoindlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, tojoindlimits, 'labflag', 2, /add str_element, tojoindlimits, 'colors', [2,4,6], /add if oldgoes eq 0 then begin newtvar = prefix + 'H_enp_' + ['1','2']+suffix for tojoin_idx = 0, n_elements(tojoin_1)-1 do begin store_data, tojoin_1[tojoin_idx], dlimits = tojoindlimits store_data, tojoin_2[tojoin_idx], dlimits = tojoindlimits endfor ; join the ENP tvariables join_vec, tojoin_1, newtvar[0] join_vec, tojoin_2, newtvar[1] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar] : newtvar ; delete the old ENP tvariables for idx_enp = 0, n_elements(tojoin_1)-1 do begin del_data, [tojoin_1[idx_enp], tojoin_2[idx_enp]] endfor endif else begin for tojoin_idx = 0, n_elements(tojoin)-1 do begin store_data, tojoin[tojoin_idx], dlimits = tojoindlimits endfor ; join the ENP variables join_vec, tojoin, prefix + 'H_enp'+suffix tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames, prefix + 'H_enp'+suffix] : prefix + 'H_enp'+suffix for idx_enp = 0, n_elements(tojoin)-1 do begin del_data, tojoin[idx_enp] endfor endelse ; FGM in spacecraft coordinates tojoin_1 = prefix+['BXSC', 'BYSC', 'BZSC']+'_1' tojoin_2 = prefix+['BXSC', 'BYSC', 'BZSC']+'_2' ; store the data attributes in a structure data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'fgm', units: tojoindlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: 'spacecraft', st_type: 'none'} ; label the field components labels = ['Bxsc','Bysc','Bzsc'] str_element, tojoindlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, tojoindlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, tojoindlimits, 'labflag', 2, /add str_element, tojoindlimits, 'colors', [2,4,6], /add for tojoin_idx = 0, n_elements(tojoin_1)-1 do begin store_data, tojoin_1[tojoin_idx], dlimits = tojoindlimits store_data, tojoin_2[tojoin_idx], dlimits = tojoindlimits endfor ; join the tvars in spacecraft coordinates newtvar = prefix + 'Bsc_'+['1','2']+suffix join_vec, tojoin_1, newtvar[0] join_vec, tojoin_2, newtvar[1] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar] : newtvar ; delete the old tvariables in spacecraft coordinates for idx_sc = 0, n_elements(tojoin_1)-1 do begin del_data, [tojoin_1[idx_sc], tojoin_2[idx_sc]] endfor ; FGM in sensor coordinates tojoin_1 = prefix + 'B'+['X','Y','Z']+'_1' tojoin_2 = prefix + 'B'+['X','Y','Z']+'_2' ; update the data attributes structure data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: (strsplit(prefix,'_', /extra))[0], instrument: 'fgm', units: tojoindlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: 'sensor', st_type: 'none'} ; label the field components labels = ['Bxsens','Bysens','Bzsens'] str_element, tojoindlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, tojoindlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, tojoindlimits, 'labflag', 2, /add str_element, tojoindlimits, 'colors', [2,4,6], /add for tojoin_idx = 0, n_elements(tojoin_1)-1 do begin store_data, tojoin_1[tojoin_idx], dlimits = tojoindlimits store_data, tojoin_2[tojoin_idx], dlimits = tojoindlimits endfor ; join the tvars in sensor coordinates newtvar = prefix + 'Bsens_'+['1', '2']+suffix join_vec, tojoin_1, newtvar[0] join_vec, tojoin_2, newtvar[1] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar] : newtvar ; delete the old tvars in sensor coordinates for idx_sensor = 0, n_elements(tojoin_1)-1 do begin del_data, [tojoin_1[idx_sensor], tojoin_2[idx_sensor]] endfor ; need to add the new total tplot variables to the list of tplot names if oldgoes eq 0 then begin newtvar = prefix + 'HT_'+['1', '2']+suffix new_btsc = prefix + 'BTSC_'+['1', '2']+suffix endif else begin newtvar = prefix + 'ht'+suffix new_btsc = prefix + 'btsc'+suffix endelse tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar] : newtvar tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,new_btsc] : new_btsc ; if the user didn't request support data, delete it if undefined(get_support_data) then begin del_data, [tnames(prefix + 'B?_?_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames(prefix + 'B?_?_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames(prefix + 'B?SC_?_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames(prefix + 'B?SC_?_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames(prefix + 'H?_?_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames(prefix + 'H?_?_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)] endif else begin ; the user requested the support data, so we'll combine it for them support_types = ['NUM_PTS', 'QUAL_FLAG']+suffix for support_type = 0, n_elements(support_types)-1 do begin ; join support data for ENP coordinates support_enp_join_1 = prefix + 'H'+['E', 'N', 'P']+'_1_'+support_types[support_type] support_enp_join_2 = prefix + 'H'+['E', 'N', 'P']+'_2_'+support_types[support_type] newtvar = prefix + ['H_enp_1_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type]), 'H_enp_2_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type])] join_vec, support_enp_join_1, newtvar[0] join_vec, support_enp_join_2, newtvar[1] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar] : newtvar ; join support data for spacecraft coordinates support_sc_join_1 = prefix + ['BXSC', 'BYSC', 'BZSC']+'_1_'+support_types[support_type] support_sc_join_2 = prefix + ['BXSC', 'BYSC', 'BZSC']+'_2_'+support_types[support_type] newtvar = [prefix+'Bsc_1_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type]), prefix+'Bsc_2_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type])] join_vec, support_sc_join_1, newtvar[0] join_vec, support_sc_join_2, newtvar[1] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar] : newtvar ; join support data for sensor coordinates support_sens_join_1 = prefix + 'B'+['X','Y','Z']+'_1_'+support_types[support_type] support_sens_join_2 = prefix + 'B'+['X','Y','Z']+'_2_'+support_types[support_type] newtvar = [prefix+'Bsens_1_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type]), prefix+'Bsens_2_'+strlowcase(support_types[support_type])] join_vec, support_sens_join_1, newtvar[0] join_vec, support_sens_join_2, newtvar[1] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtvar] : newtvar ; now for the field totals tplot_rename, prefix + 'BTSC_1_' + support_types[support_type], prefix + 'BTsc_1_' + strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) tplot_rename, prefix + 'BTSC_2_' + support_types[support_type], prefix + 'BTsc_2_' + strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) tplot_rename, prefix + 'HT_1_' + support_types[support_type], prefix + 'HT_1_' + strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) tplot_rename, prefix + 'HT_2_' + support_types[support_type], prefix + 'HT_2_' + strlowcase(support_types[support_type]) endfor ; delete the support variables that we just joined del_data, [tnames(prefix + 'B?_?_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames(prefix + 'B?_?_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames(prefix + 'B?SC_?_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames(prefix + 'B?SC_?_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)] del_data, [tnames(prefix + 'H?_?_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames(prefix + 'H?_?_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)] endelse end ; type is particle species type, should be either E for electrons or P for protons ; probe should be the numeric identifier for the spacecraft, i.e., 13, 14, 15 pro goes_combine_magpart_data, type, probe, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames compile_opt idl2, hidden if undefined(type) or undefined(probe) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Error: goes_combine_particle_data requires 2 inputs: type and probe.' return endif ; we need the species type to be capitalized so that we can use it to find the tplot variables type = strupcase(type) ; sc is the typical GOES prefix, i.e., g15 ;sc = 'g'+strcompress(string(probe),/remove_all) sc = strsplit(prefix, '_', /extract) ; the energies here are from the GOES-N databook ; note that these are only the center energies for the ; instrument's energy bands energies = intarr(5,2) ; electron energies energies[*,0] = [40, 75, 150, 275, 475] ; proton energies energies[*,1] = [95, 140, 210, 300, 575] ; first work on the MAGE/PD tplot variables that are corrected for both dead times and contamination (COR) ; and then work on the tplot variables that are corrected for dead times but not other sources of contamination (UNCOR) ; this could be sped up significantly by vectorizing the for loops dtype = ['FLUX', 'CR'] dtc_type = ['DTC', 'UDTC'] contam_type = ['COR', 'UNCOR'] for dtc_idx = 0, n_elements(dtc_type)-1 do begin for dtype_index = 0, n_elements(dtype)-1 do begin for contam_index = 0, n_elements(contam_type)-1 do begin ; find all the tplot variables for this spacecraft, particle species and contamination type tdtcflux = tnames(sc+'_M*M'+type+'*_'+dtc_type[dtc_idx]+'_'+contam_type[contam_index]+'_'+dtype[dtype_index]+suffix) ;tudtcflux = tnames(sc+'_M*M'+type+'*_UDTC_'+contam_type[contam_index]+'_*') ; loop through the tplot variables for tvar_index = 0, n_elements(tdtcflux)-1 do begin ; use regex to identify the telescope and energy for this tplot varible cortemp = stregex(tdtcflux[tvar_index], '^'+sc+'_M_(.+)M'+type+'(.)_'+dtc_type[dtc_idx]+'_'+contam_type[contam_index]+'_'+dtype[dtype_index], $ /extract, /subexp) ; cortemp should always contain 3 elements here, the first being the full regex match ; the second is the # corresponding to the telescope (or look direction) ; the third is the # corresponding to the energy band if (n_elements(cortemp) eq 3) && (cortemp[0] ne '') then begin telescope = cortemp[1] energy = cortemp[2] get_data, tdtcflux[tvar_index], data=tcordata, dlimits=tcordlimits ; if this is the first telescope, we need to create the array that we'll use to ; store the data from all telescopes for this energy band if telescope eq 1 then begin newmagedvar = fltarr(n_elements(tcordata.Y),9) ; 9 telescopes total newmagedvar[*,0] = tcordata.Y[*] ; we also need to store the time data. note that we assume here that the time data for the first ; telescope matches the time data for the rest of the telescopes exactly maged_timedata = tcordata.X[*] endif else if telescope eq 9 then begin ; this is the last telescope, store the new tplot variable newmagedvar[*,8] = tcordata.Y[*] newtname = strcompress(sc+'_mag'+strlowcase(type)+'d_'+string(energies[energy-1, (type eq 'P')])+'keV_'+strlowcase(dtc_type[dtc_idx])+'_'+strlowcase(contam_type[contam_index])+'_'+strlowcase(dtype[dtype_index])+suffix, /remove_all) ; miscellaneous data attributes data_att = {project: 'GOES', observatory: sc[0], instrument: 'mag'+strlowcase(type)+'d', units: tcordlimits.cdf.vatt.units, coord_sys: tcordlimits.cdf.vatt.coordinate_system, st_type: 'none'} ; label the 9 telescopes labels = strcompress(string(indgen(9)+1)) str_element, tcordlimits, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, tcordlimits, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, tcordlimits, 'labflag', 1, /add ; update the vname in the CDF structure tcordlimits.cdf.vname = newtname[0] store_data, newtname[0], data={x:maged_timedata, y:newmagedvar, v:newmagedvar}, dlimits=tcordlimits tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,newtname[0]] : newtname[0] endif else begin ; save the data for telescopes 2-8 newmagedvar[*,telescope-1] = tcordata.Y[*] endelse ; we assume the data was stored for this variable, go ahead and delete it del_data, tdtcflux[tvar_index] endif else begin ; cortemp wasn't a 3 element array. this means the regex wasn't able to ; find the telescope/energy band information from the tplot variable name dprint, dlevel = 1, 'No ' +contam_type[contam_index] + ' MAG'+type+'D data to load.' endelse endfor endfor endfor endfor ; combine support data, if the user requested it; delete the tplot variables if not if undefined(get_support_data) then begin ; MAG*D support data include number of points and quality flags for each energy/telescope del_data, [tnames(sc+'_M*M'+type+'*_NUM_PTS'+suffix), tnames(sc+'_M*M'+type+'*_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix)] endif else begin ; 9 telescopes at five different energies for en_idx = 0, 4 do begin ; NUM_PTS variables num_pts_tvars = prefix+'M_'+strcompress(string((indgen(9)+1)), /rem)+'M'+type+strcompress(string(en_idx+1), /rem)+'_NUM_PTS'+suffix ; QUAL_FLAG variables qual_flag_tvars = prefix+'M_'+strcompress(string((indgen(9)+1)), /rem)+'M'+type+strcompress(string(en_idx+1), /rem)+'_QUAL_FLAG'+suffix new_num_pts_tvar = prefix+'mag'+strlowcase(type)+'d_'+strcompress(string(energies[en_idx, (type eq 'P')]), /rem)+'keV_num_pts'+suffix new_qual_flag_tvar = prefix+'mag'+strlowcase(type)+'d_'+strcompress(string(energies[en_idx, (type eq 'P')]), /rem)+'keV_qual_flag'+suffix join_vec, num_pts_tvars, new_num_pts_tvar join_vec, qual_flag_tvars, new_qual_flag_tvar tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,[new_num_pts_tvar, new_qual_flag_tvar]] : [new_num_pts_tvar, new_qual_flag_tvar] del_data, [num_pts_tvars, qual_flag_tvars] endfor endelse end ; interface to the routines that combine different tdata loaded ; by the GOES netCDF load routines pro goes_combine_tdata, datatype = datatype, probe = probe, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames, noephem = noephem compile_opt idl2, hidden if undefined(prefix) then prefix = '' if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' ; called from goes_load_data, after generating tplot variables if undefined(datatype) || undefined(probe) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, can''t combine data without datatype and probe in goes_combine_tdata' return endif case datatype of 'fgm': goes_combine_mag_data, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames 'eps': goes_combine_eps_data, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames 'epead': goes_combine_epead_data, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames 'maged': goes_combine_magpart_data, 'E', probe, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames 'magpd': goes_combine_magpart_data, 'P', probe, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames 'hepad': goes_combine_hepad_data, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames 'xrs': goes_combine_xrs_data, probe, prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, get_support_data = get_support_data, tplotnames = tplotnames endcase ; delete ephemeris data loaded by the GOES load routines if ~undefined(noephem) then begin del_data, prefix + ['time_tag_orbit', 'inclination', 'west_longitude', 'time_tag'] + suffix endif else begin ; keep the ephemeris - let's make sure the data attributes are set correctly ; time_tag_orbit contains time values for orbit data (west_longitude, inclination) ; first, let's check that the standard ephemeris tvariables are loaded goes_set_ephem_data_att, prefix+'time_tag_orbit'+suffix, prefix, tplotnames = tplotnames goes_set_ephem_data_att, prefix+'inclination'+suffix, prefix, tplotnames = tplotnames goes_set_ephem_data_att, prefix+'west_longitude'+suffix, prefix, tplotnames = tplotnames goes_set_ephem_data_att, prefix+'time_tag'+suffix, prefix, tplotnames = tplotnames endelse end