; PROGRAM: erg_crib_gmag_mm210
;   This is an example crib sheet that will load 210 MM magnetometer data.
;   Open this file in a text editor and then use copy and paste to copy
;   selected lines into an idl window.
;   Or alternatively compile and run using the command:
;     .run erg_crib_gmag_mm210
; NOTE: See the rules of the road.
;       For more information, see http://stdb2.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/mm210/
; Written by: Y. Miyashita, Jun 16, 2010
;             ERG-Science Center, ISEE, Nagoya Univ.
;             erg-sc-core at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp
;   $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-17 21:51:57 -0700 (Sun, 17 Mar 2019) $
;   $LastChangedRevision: 26838 $

; initialize

; set the date and duration (in days)
timespan, '2006-11-20'

; load 1 min resolution data
erg_load_gmag_mm210, site='msr rik', datatype='1min'

; view the loaded data names

; plot the H, D, and Z components
tplot, ['mm210_mag_*_1min_hdz']

; load 1 sec resolution data
erg_load_gmag_mm210, site='msr rik', datatype='1sec'

; view the loaded data names

; plot the H, D, and Z components
tplot, ['mm210_mag_*_1sec_hdz']
