;+ ;NAME: DSC_OVERVIEW_MAG ; ;DESCRIPTION: ; Multi-panel plot of DSCOVR Magnetic Field data using TPLOT calls (direct graphics). ; Vector components are shown in GSE coordinates. ; ;INPUTS: ; DATE: Date of interest. String, in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS' (as accepted by 'timespan') ; Will plot 1 full day. ; If this argument is not passed it will look for the TRANGE keyword. ; ;KEYWORDS: (Optional) ; IMPORT_ONLY: Set when replaying GUI overviews. We only want it to import data since the window/panel ; structure is already a serialized xml tgd document ; GUI: Set to create the plot inside the SPD_GUI (uses TPLOT_GUI calls) ; SAVE: Set to save a .png copy of the generated plot(s) in the !dsc.save_plots_dir/mag/ directory ; SPLITS: Set to split the time range into quarters and create 4 consecutive ; plots in addition to the overview of the whole time range. ; TRANGE=: Set this to the time range of interest. This keyword will be ignored if ; DATE argument is passed. The routine will return without plotting if neither ; DATE nor TRANGE is set. (2-element array of doubles (as output by timerange()) ; or strings (as accepted by timerange())) ; VERBOSE=: Integer indicating the desired verbosity level. Defaults to !dsc.verbose ; ;KEYWORD OUTPUTS: ; ERROR=: Returns 1 on error ; WREF=: Array of integer id(s) of direct graphics window(s) created with this call. (long) ; ;EXAMPLES: ; dsc_overview_mag,'2017-02-13',/splits,wref=wr ; dsc_overview_mag,trange=timerange(),/save ; ; trg = timerange(['2017-05-21/13:00:00','2017-05-21/18:30:00']) ; dsc_overview_mag,trange=trg,/splits,/save ; dsc_overview_mag,trange=['2017-01-01','2017-01-02/06:00:00'] ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2017 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/dscovr/plot/dsc_overview_mag.pro $ ;- PRO DSC_OVERVIEW_MAG,DATE,TRANGE=trg,SPLITS=splits,SAVE=save,VERBOSE=verbose,WREF=wr, $ ERROR=error,GUI=gui,IMPORT_ONLY=import_only COMPILE_OPT IDL2 dsc_init rname = dsc_getrname() if not isa(verbose,/int) then verbose=!dsc.verbose error = 0 tn_before = [tnames('*',create_time=cn_before)] catch,err if err ne 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': You must supply a date or timerange: ('+rname.toLower()+',''YYYY-MM-DD'') or ('+rname.toLower()+',trange=[t1,t2])' error = 1 return endif date_err_msg = 'Date Input Error' if isa(date,'undefined') then begin if (~isa(trg,/float,/array) and ~isa(trg,/string,/array)) then message,date_err_msg trg = timerange(trg) endif else begin if (~isa(date,/string,/scalar)) then message,date_err_msg timespan,date,1,/day trg = timerange() endelse catch,/cancel mindate = timerange('2015-02-11') foreach time,trg do begin if time lt mindate[0] then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': Please supply a date after launch (2015-02-11)' error = 1 return endif endforeach wr = [] dsc_load_mag,trange=trg var = ['b','bz','btheta','bphi'] tn = dsc_ezname(var) ; make sure the data was loaded dsc_data_loaded = tnames(tn) if n_elements(dsc_data_loaded) eq n_elements(tn) then begin dsc_clearopts,tn options,tn,title='',labels='' foreach n,tn do begin dsc_get_ylimits,n,limstr,trg,/inc,/buff options,n,yrange=limstr.yrange,ystyle=1 endforeach tstr = time_string(trg) ; Command line plotting if isa(gui,'undefined') then begin options,tn[0],colors='k' options,tn[1],colors='r',labels='' options,tn[2:3],colors=250 dm = GET_SCREEN_SIZE() xsize=0.7*dm[0] ysize=0.8*dm[1] spd_graphics_config wtitle = 'DSCOVR MAG: ('+tstr[0]+' - '+tstr[1]+')' window,/free,title=wtitle,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize w = !d.window tplot,tn,trange=trg,window=w,title='DSCOVR Magnetic Field 1 second resolution' if keyword_set(splits) then begin trgs = dindgen(5,start=trg[0],increment=.25*(trg[1]-trg[0])) tstrs = time_string(trgs) wtitle = 'DSCOVR MAG 1/4: ('+tstrs[0]+' - '+tstrs[1]+')' window,/free,title=wtitle,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize w1 = !d.window wtitle = 'DSCOVR MAG 2/4: ('+tstrs[1]+' - '+tstrs[2]+')' window,/free,title=wtitle,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize w2 = !d.window wtitle = 'DSCOVR MAG 3/4: ('+tstrs[2]+' - '+tstrs[3]+')' window,/free,title=wtitle,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize w3 = !d.window wtitle = 'DSCOVR MAG 4/4: ('+tstrs[3]+' - '+tstrs[4]+')' window,/free,title=wtitle,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize w4 = !d.window foreach n,tn do begin dsc_get_ylimits,n,limstr,trgs[0:1],/include_err,/buff options,n,yrange=limstr.yrange,ystyle=1 endforeach tplot,tn,trange=trgs[0:1],title='DSCOVR Magnetic Field 1 second resolution - Split 1 of 4',window=w1 foreach n,tn do begin dsc_get_ylimits,n,limstr,trgs[1:2],/include_err,/buff options,n,yrange=limstr.yrange,ystyle=1 endforeach tplot,tn,trange=trgs[1:2],title='DSCOVR Magnetic Field 1 second resolution - Split 2 of 4',window=w2 foreach n,tn do begin dsc_get_ylimits,n,limstr,trgs[2:3],/include_err,/buff options,n,yrange=limstr.yrange,ystyle=1 endforeach tplot,tn,trange=trgs[2:3],title='DSCOVR Magnetic Field 1 second resolution - Split 3 of 4',window=w3 foreach n,tn do begin dsc_get_ylimits,n,limstr,trgs[3:4],/include_err,/buff options,n,yrange=limstr.yrange,ystyle=1 endforeach tplot,tn,trange=trgs[3:4],title='DSCOVR Magnetic Field 1 second resolution - Split 4 of 4',window=w4 wr = [w1,w2,w3,w4] endif if keyword_set(save) then begin dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,rname+':Saving DSCOVR Magnetic Field Overview Plots' dir = !dsc.save_plots_dir+'mag/' prefix = 'dsc_mag_tplotoverview_' ; full overview tstr = time_string(trg,format=6) makepng,dir+prefix+tstr[0]+'_'+tstr[1],/mkdir,window=w ; 1/4 time splits if keyword_set(splits) then begin tstr = time_string(trgs,format=6) foreach wndw,wr,i do makepng,dir+prefix+tstr[i]+'_'+tstr[i+1],/mkdir,window=wndw endif endif wr = [w,wr] dsc_clearopts,tn ; Plotting in the GUI endif else begin tplot_options, title='DSCOVR MAG Overview ('+tstr[0]+' - '+tstr[1]+')' fsize=8 foreach name,tn do store_data,name,newname='GUIOV_'+name tn = 'GUIOV_'+tn options,tn[0],colors=252 options,tn[1],colors='r' options,tn[2:3],colors=210 spd_ui_cleanup_tplot,tn_before,create_time_before=cn_before,del_vars=to_delete,new_vars=new_vars tplot_gui, trange=trg, /no_verify, /add_panel, tn, import_only=import_only activeWindow = !spedas.windowStorage->GetActive() activeWindow->GetProperty, panels = panelsObj panels = panelsObj->get(/all) for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin panels[i].getProperty,yaxis=yobj,tracesettings=trobj if tn[i].Matches('PHI') then begin yobj.setProperty,majortickauto=0,firsttickat=0,majortickevery=90,nummajorticks=5,majortickunits=0 endif else if tn[i].Matches('THETA') then begin yobj.setProperty,majortickauto=0,firsttickat=-90,majortickevery=45,nummajorticks=5,majortickunits=0 endif ; Don't connect gaps numtraces = trobj.count() if numtraces gt 0 then begin lines = trobj.get(/all) foreach line,lines do begin line.setProperty,drawbetweenpts=1,separatedby=5.0,separatedunits=1 endforeach endif else begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': No data in panel '+(i+1).toString() error = 1 return endelse yobj.setProperty,lineatzero=0 yobj.getproperty,titleobj=ytitleObj yobj.getproperty,subtitleobj=ysubtitleObj yobj.getproperty,annotatetextobj=atextObj ytitleObj.setProperty,size=fsize+1 ysubtitleObj.setProperty,size=fsize atextObj.setProperty,size=fsize ytitleObj.getProperty,value=ytitle ; Nicer legend names if numtraces eq 1 then begin newlgd = {panel: i+1, numtraces: 1 , tracenames: [ytitle]} endif else begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': Unexpected number of traces in panel '+(i+1).toString() error = 1 return endelse panels[i].getProperty,legendsettings=lgd lgd.UpdateTraces,newlgd endfor panels[-1].getProperty,xaxis=xobj xobj.getproperty,annotatetextobj=atext atext.setProperty,size=fsize if n_elements(to_delete) gt 0 && is_string(to_delete) then begin store_data,to_delete,/delete endif endelse endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 1, 'Error creating DSCOVR MAG overview plot - no data loaded for ' + time_string(trg) error = 1 endelse END