;+ ;NAME: DSC_DYPLOT ; ;DESCRIPTION: ; Plot a shaded area showing confidence range where avaialable. ; Will look for tplot variable options tags ; dsc_dy: 0 - do not show dy interval ; 1 - show dy interval if available ; dsc_dycolor: (int) Colortable reference for dy fill color ; ;INPUT: ; ;KEYWORDS: (Optional) ; COLOR=: TEMPORARILY DISABLED. CURRENTLY COLOR IS IGNORED AND ALL PLOTS USE THE DEFAULT GRAY. ; Set to desired fill color. (int or int array) Will override any options set in the dlimits/limits ; structures. If not set will reference the 'dsc_dycolor' variable option or ; choose a reasonable default. ; FORCE: Set to ignore the 'dsc_dy' tag setting and show the DY for all requested panels if DY available ; NEW_DYINFO=: (output) Named variable to hold the keyword settings passed to this call of the routine ; OLD_DYINFO=: Set to a structure containing keywords to this routine. Will supercede any other keywords set. ; PANEL=: Array of indices describing which panels for which to draw confidence. (1 indexed like TPLOT) ; If this is not set the routine will attempt to draw confidence for all panels. ; POS=: 4xn array describing the positions of each of the n panels in the plot of interest. ; Defaults to the positions found in the 'tplot_vars' structure. ; TVINFO=: Structure containing TPLOT variables information - as returned ; from the 'new_tvar' keyword to tplot. ; If not set uses that found in common 'tplot_vars' ; VERBOSE=: Integer indicating the desired verbosity level. Defaults to !dsc.verbose ; WINDOW=: Which direct graphics window to target for this polyfill. (int) ; This is gererally not needed if plotting on an existing tplot window. Will default ; to whatever is set by the TVINFO structure being used. ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2017 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/dscovr/plot/dsc_dyplot.pro $ ;- PRO DSC_DYSINGLE,d,meta,tvinfo,pos,pidx,color compile_opt idl2 if isa(d,'STRUCT') && tag_exist(d,'dy') then begin if tag_exist(meta,'datagap') then begin x = d.x y = d.y dy = d.dy makegap,meta.datagap,x,y,dy=dy dg = where(~finite(y[*,0]),dgcount) if dgcount gt 0 then d = {x:x, y:y, dy:dy} endif else dgcount = 0 device,get_decomposed = decomp device,/decomposed color = 'c8c8c8'x for pc = 0,dgcount do begin if dgcount eq 0 then begin dpc = d endif else begin ix0 = (pc eq 0) ? 0 : dg[pc-1]+1 ix1 = (pc eq dgcount) ? n_elements(d.x)-1 : dg[pc]-1 dpc = {x:d.x[ix0:ix1], y:d.y[ix0:ix1,*], dy:d.dy[ix0:ix1,*]} endelse xrange = tvinfo.settings.x.crange + tvinfo.settings.time_offset idx = where(dpc.x ge xrange[0] and dpc.x le xrange[1], count) if count gt 1 then begin dims = size(dpc.y,/dim) t_scale = ([dpc.x[idx],reverse(dpc.x[idx])]-tvinfo.settings.time_offset)/tvinfo.settings.time_scale nx = data_to_normal(t_scale,tvinfo.settings.x) ny = data_to_normal([dpc.y[idx,0]+dpc.dy[idx,0],reverse(dpc.y[idx,0]-dpc.dy[idx,0])],tvinfo.settings.y[pidx]) polyfill,nx,ny,color=color[0],/normal,clip=pos,noclip=0 if (dims.length gt 1) then begin ncolors = color.length for j=1,dims[1]-1 do begin ny = data_to_normal([dpc.y[idx,j]+dpc.dy[idx,j],reverse(dpc.y[idx,j]-dpc.dy[idx,j])],tvinfo.settings.y[pidx]) polyfill,nx,ny,color=color[(j mod ncolors)],/normal,clip=pos,noclip=0 endfor endif endif endfor device,decomposed=decomp endif END PRO DSC_DYCMPND,d,meta,tvinfo,pos,pidx,color compile_opt IDL2 get_data,d[0],data=d1_all ;+DY get_data,d[-1],data=d2_all ;-DY if tag_exist(meta,'datagap') then begin x1 = d1_all.x y1 = d1_all.y x2 = d2_all.x y2 = d2_all.y makegap,meta.datagap,x1,y1 makegap,meta.datagap,x2,y2 dg = where(~finite(y1[*,0]),dgcount) if dgcount gt 0 then begin d1_all = {x:x1, y:y1} d2_all = {x:x2, y:y2} endif endif else dgcount = 0 device,get_decomposed = decomp device,/decomposed color = 'c8c8c8'x for pc = 0,dgcount do begin if dgcount eq 0 then begin d1 = d1_all d2 = d2_all endif else begin ix0 = (pc eq 0) ? 0 : dg[pc-1]+1 ix1 = (pc eq dgcount) ? n_elements(x)-1 : dg[pc]-1 d1 = {x:d1_all.x[ix0:ix1], y:d1_all.y[ix0:ix1,*]} d2 = {x:d2_all.x[ix0:ix1], y:d2_all.y[ix0:ix1,*]} endelse xrange = tvinfo.settings.x.crange + tvinfo.settings.time_offset idx = where(d1.x ge xrange[0] and d1.x le xrange[1], count) if count gt 1 then begin dims = size(d1.y,/dim) t_scale = ([d1.x[idx],reverse(d2.x[idx])]-tvinfo.settings.time_offset)/tvinfo.settings.time_scale nx = data_to_normal(t_scale,tvinfo.settings.x) ny = data_to_normal([d1.y[idx,0],reverse(d2.y[idx,0])],tvinfo.settings.y[pidx]) polyfill,nx,ny,color=color[0],/normal,clip=pos,noclip=0 if (dims.length gt 1) then begin ncolors = color.length for j=1,dims[1]-1 do begin ny = data_to_normal([d1.y[idx,j],reverse(d2.y[idx,j])],tvinfo.settings.y[pidx]) polyfill,nx,ny,color=color[(j mod ncolors)],/normal,clip=pos,noclip=0 endfor endif endif endfor device,decomposed=decomp END PRO DSC_DYPLOT,NEW_DYINFO=new_dyinfo,TVINFO=tvinfo,POS=pos,PANEL=panel,WINDOW=w,COLOR=cf,FORCE=force, $ VERBOSE=verbose,OLD_DYINFO=old_dyinfo COMPILE_OPT IDL2 @tplot_com.pro if (isa(old_dyinfo) && ~tag_exist(old_dyinfo,'empty')) then begin if tag_exist(old_dyinfo,'tvinfo') then tvinfo = old_dyinfo.tvinfo if tag_exist(old_dyinfo,'pos') then pos = old_dyinfo.pos if tag_exist(old_dyinfo,'panel') then panel = old_dyinfo.panel if tag_exist(old_dyinfo,'window') then w = old_dyinfo.window if tag_exist(old_dyinfo,'color') then cf = old_dyinfo.color if tag_exist(old_dyinfo,'force') then force = old_dyinfo.force if tag_exist(old_dyinfo,'verbose') then verbose = old_dyinfo.verbose endif new_dyinfo = {} if isa(tvinfo) then str_element,new_dyinfo,'tvinfo',tvinfo,/add_rep if isa(pos) then str_element,new_dyinfo,'pos',pos,/add_rep if isa(panel) then str_element,new_dyinfo,'panel',panel,/add_rep if isa(w) then str_element,new_dyinfo,'window',w,/add_rep if isa(cf) then str_element,new_dyinfo,'color',cf,/add_rep if isa(verbose) then str_element,new_dyinfo,'verbose',verbose,/add_rep if isa(force) then str_element,new_dyinfo,'force',force,/add_rep if ~isa(new_dyinfo) then str_element,new_dyinfo,'empty',1,/add_rep dsc_init rname = dsc_getrname() if not isa(verbose,/int) then verbose=!dsc.verbose catch, err if err ne 0 then begin if err eq -539 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': Invalid TPLOT Window reference. A TPLOT window must be open before calling this procedure.' endif else dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': Error in dsc_dyplot. Exiting.' catch,/cancel return endif if ~keyword_set(tvinfo) then tvinfo=tplot_vars np = n_elements(tvinfo.options.varnames) if (w ne !null) then wset,w $ else if tag_exist(tvinfo.options,'window') then wset,tvinfo.options.window if ~keyword_set(pos) then begin pos = fltarr(4,np) xw = tvinfo.settings.x.window yw = tvinfo.settings.y.window pos[0,*] = tvinfo.settings.x.window[0] pos[1,*] = tvinfo.settings.y.window[0,*] pos[2,*] = tvinfo.settings.x.window[1] pos[3,*] = tvinfo.settings.y.window[1,*] endif if (panel eq !null) then panel=indgen(np) else panel = panel-1 if max(panel) ge np then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': bad panel number' return endif if (cf ne !null) then begin color=cf cf = 1 endif else cf=0 for i=0,n_elements(panel)-1 do begin meta = {init:0} get_data,tvinfo.options.varnames[panel[i]],data=d,alimit=alimit extract_tags,meta,alimit,tags=['dsc_dy','dsc_dycolor','datagap'] if isa(d,/STRING,/ARRAY) then begin if d[0].Matches('\+DY') then begin ; string => DY combo variable of 2 or 3 elements drawpanel = keyword_set(force) ? 1 : (tag_exist(meta,'dsc_dy')) ? meta.dsc_dy : 0 if drawpanel then begin if ~cf then color = (tag_exist(meta,'dsc_dycolor')) ? meta.dsc_dycolor : 3 dsc_dycmpnd,d,meta,tvinfo,pos[*,panel[i]],panel[i],color endif endif else begin foreach varname,d do begin localtags = {} get_data,varname,data=vardata,alimit=varlimit extract_tags,localtags,varlimit,tags=['dsc_dy','dsc_dycolor','datagap'] extract_tags,localtags,meta drawpanel = keyword_set(force) ? 1 : (tag_exist(localtags,'dsc_dy')) ? localtags.dsc_dy : 0 if drawpanel then begin if ~cf then color = (tag_exist(localtags,'dsc_dycolor')) ? localtags.dsc_dycolor : 3 dsc_dysingle,vardata,localtags,tvinfo,pos[*,panel[i]],panel[i],color endif endforeach endelse endif else if isa(d,'STRUCT') then begin drawpanel = keyword_set(force) ? 1 : (tag_exist(meta,'dsc_dy')) ? meta.dsc_dy : 0 if drawpanel then begin if ~cf then color = (tag_exist(meta,'dsc_dycolor')) ? meta.dsc_dycolor : 3 dsc_dysingle,d,meta,tvinfo,pos[*,panel[i]],panel[i],color endif endif endfor tplot,/oplot,old_tvars=tvinfo END