;+ ;dsc_mission_compare method: Plot ; ;Creates a plot to visualize the comparison described in the associated ;DSC_MISSION_COMPARE object. Loads data as needed. ; ;Calling Sequence: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; mco.plot ; ;Inputs: ; (none) ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2018 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/dscovr/mission_compare/dsc_mission_compare__plot.pro $ ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;ace_mfi_load datatype = One of: ['k0, 'h0', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3'] -- k0 is default ;ace_swe_load [k0,k1,h0,h2] -- k0 default PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::Plot rstr = {routines, magload:'',plasload:'',ezname:''} vstr = {varstruct, type:'', ytitle:'', ysubtitle:'', create:'', parent:''} minfo = dictionary({ $ WIND:{routines,'wi_mfi_load','wi_swe_load','wi_ezname'}, $ DSC: {routines,'dsc_load_mag','dsc_load_fc','dsc_ezname'}, $ ACE: {routines,'ace_mfi_load','ace_swe_load','ace_ezname'} $ }) vardict = dictionary({ $ b: {varstruct, 'mag', 'B', '[nT]','cart_to_sphere','bgse'}, $ bx: {varstruct, 'mag', 'Bx (GSE)', '[nT]','split_vec','bgse'}, $ by: {varstruct, 'mag', 'By (GSE)', '[nT]','split_vec','bgse'}, $ bz: {varstruct, 'mag', 'Bz (GSE)', '[nT]','split_vec','bgse'}, $ btheta: {varstruct, 'mag', 'Btheta (GSE)', '[deg]','cart_to_sphere','bgse'}, $ bphi: {varstruct, 'mag', 'Bphi (GSE)', '[deg]','cart_to_sphere','bgse'}, $ v: {varstruct, 'plas', 'V', '[km/s]','cart_to_sphere','vgse'}, $ vx: {varstruct, 'plas', 'Vx (GSE)', '[km/s]','split_vec','vgse'}, $ vy: {varstruct, 'plas', 'Vy (GSE)', '[km/s]','split_vec','vgse'}, $ vz: {varstruct, 'plas', 'Vz (GSE)', '[km/s]','split_vec','vgse'}, $ vtheta: {varstruct, 'plas', 'Vtheta (GSE)', '[deg]','cart_to_sphere','vgse'}, $ vphi: {varstruct, 'plas', 'Vphi (GSE)', '[deg]','cart_to_sphere','vgse'}, $ np: {varstruct, 'plas', 'Ion N', '[#/cc]','load',''}, $ vth: {varstruct, 'plas', 'Vth', '[km/s]','load',''} $ }) self.CheckSettings spd_graphics_config ; based on vars and missions -- determine variables to look for varlist = self.GetVars() m1vars = call_function(minfo[self.mission1].ezname,varlist) m2vars = call_function(minfo[self.mission2].ezname,varlist) ; if variables missing - load /process as needed trg = timerange() missing = dictionary( $ self.mission1,dictionary('mag',[],'plas',[]), $ self.mission2,dictionary('mag',[],'plas',[]) $ ) foreach m1var,m1vars,i do begin if m1var eq '' then begin print,self.mission1 +' does not support '+varlist[i] endif else if ~tdexists(m1var,trg[0],trg[1]) then begin (missing[self.mission1])[(vardict[varlist[i]]).type] = $ [(missing[self.mission1])[(vardict[varlist[i]]).type],{abbr:varlist[i],name:m1var}] endif endforeach foreach m2var,m2vars,i do begin if m2var eq '' then begin print,self.mission2 + ' does not support '+varlist[i] endif else if ~tdexists(m2var,trg[0],trg[1]) then begin (missing[self.mission2])[(vardict[varlist[i]]).type] = $ [(missing[self.mission2])[(vardict[varlist[i]]).type],{abbr:varlist[i],name:m2var}] endif endforeach ;foreach mission in 'missing' ; if any mag type missing then ; start at first one, lookup 'parent', check forparent exist.. - or if it's just loadable ; if not exist - load parent ; lookup create function / call on parent ; now -- check entire misson/mag list -- any still missing? ; if yes, jump to next missing index and loop again ; else done ; repeate with plas foreach mission,missing,mkey do begin foreach typelist,mission,tkey do begin done = (isa(typelist)) ? 0 : 1 i = 0 while not done do begin info = vardict[(typelist[i]).abbr] if info.create ne 'load' then pname = call_function(minfo[mkey].ezname,info.parent) $ else pname = typelist[i].name testpname = pname ; if isa(pname) then testpname = pname ;because tdexists() modifies the input if (info.create eq 'load') || ( ~tdexists(testpname,trg[0],trg[1])) then begin if info.type eq 'mag' then call_procedure,minfo[mkey].magload $ else if info.type eq 'plas' then call_procedure,minfo[mkey].plasload $ else message,'ERROR' endif ;check this one again here.. in case straight loading got it testpname = pname if tdexists(testpname,trg[0],trg[1]) then begin testname = (typelist[i]).name if ~tdexists(testname,trg[0],trg[1]) then begin if (info.create eq 'cart_to_sphere') then begin get_data,pname,data=d x = d.y[*,0] y = d.y[*,1] z = d.y[*,2] cart_to_sphere,x,y,z,r,theta,phi,ph_0_360=1 store_data,pname+'_F2',data={x:d.x, y:r} store_data,pname+'_THETA',data={x:d.x, y:theta} store_data,pname+'_PHI',data={x:d.x, y:phi} endif else if (info.create eq 'split_vec') then begin split_vec,pname endif endif endif ; test again for missings, if no , set done needmore = 0 for j=i,n_elements(typelist)-1 do begin testname = (typelist[j]).name if (~tdexists(testname,trg[0],trg[1])) then begin if j ne i then begin needmore = 1 print,'Still missing ',(typelist[j]).name break endif endif endfor if needmore then begin i = j endif else done = 1 endwhile endforeach endforeach tn = [] color = self.getColor() foreach var,varlist,i do begin comboname = self.mission1+'&'+self.mission2+'_'+var options,m1vars[i],labels=self.mission1 options,m2vars[i],labels=self.mission2 store_data,comboname,data=[m1vars[i],m2vars[i]],dlimit={ytitle:vardict[var].ytitle,ysbutitle:vardict[var].ysubtitle,colors:[color.m1[i],color.m2[i]]} tn = [tn,comboname] endforeach tplot,tn,title=self.title,new_tvars=new_tvars ; TODO how to change panel order..? END