;+ ;NAME: ; DSC_MISSION_COMPARE__DEFINE ; ;PURPOSE: ; Defines an object that represents a comparison between data of two missions ; and enables simplified plotting of matching parameters between the two. ; Currently supports the DSCOVR, WIND, and ACE default loaded datatypes. ; ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = Obj_New("DSC_MISSION_COMPARE") ; mco = Obj_New("DSC_MISSION_COMPARE",m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; mco = dsc_mission_compare() ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; ; REQUIRED INPUT: ; none - it will query for required information if none is passed. ; ;KEYWORDS (Optional): ; C1=: Mission 1 color (array/scalar) (int/string) ; C2=: Mission 2 color (array/scalar) (int/string) ; Color arrays must match size to number of variables selected ; IDL single char color strings supported. [k,m,b,c,g,y,r,w] ; M1=: Mission 1 shortcut string (string) ; M2=: Mission 2 shortcut string (string) ; SET=: A DSC_MISSION_COMPARE structure to use to initialize this object. ; This keyword supercedes the other keywords. ; TITLE=: Title to use for comparison plot. If not set, will create a ; default based on the missions set (string) ; VARS=: Shortcut string(s) describing which variable(s) to compare between ; the two missions. If scalar, will describe a plot with one panel. ; If array, the comparison plot will have one panel for each array ; element. (string) ; ;OUTPUT: ; dsc_mission_compare object reference ; ;METHODS: ; SetAll - modify this object by passing a DSC_MISSION_COMPARE structure ; SetTitle - modify the comparison plot title ; SetMissions - modify which missions to compare. Pass arguments or set interactively. ; SetVars - sets all comparison variables based on passed string array OR interactive prompt ; SetVar - set one variable to be compared, leaving other variable settings intact. OR set all with keyword \all. ; SetColor - set the plotted line colors for the selected variables ; Plot - create a plot based on this comparison object ; ClearVar - de-selects one variable from the comparison, leaving other variable settings intact. OR unset all with keyword \all ; Reorder - reorders the comparison variables ; GetAll - returns a structure of type {dsc_mission_compare} containing this object's values ; GetTitle - returns the object title (string) ; GetColor - returns the object color settings ; GetVars - returns a string array of shortcut names for all variables to be compared. ; FindMTag - (Static Method) find a mission tag based on a passed string ; OR return all supported mission tags with the \all keyword ; ;NOTES: ; print/implied print are overloaded for this class. ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2018 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/dscovr/mission_compare/dsc_mission_compare__define.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::INIT,set=setting_str,m1=m1,m2=m2,vars=vars,title=title,c1=c1,c2=c2 compile_opt idl2 if isa(setting_str,'DSC_MISSION_COMPARE') then begin if isa(setting_str._color[0]) then c1 = *setting_str._color[0] if isa(setting_str._color[1]) then c2 = *setting_str._color[1] struct_assign,setting_str,self self.CheckSettings if isa(c1) then begin self.setColor,1 self.setColor,1,c1 endif if isa(c2) then begin self.setColor,2 self.setColor,2,c2 endif defTitle = self.getDefTitle() self._defTitle = (self.title eq defTitle) ? !TRUE : !FALSE endif else begin self._order = ptr_new(/allocate_heap) self._color = [ptr_new(/allocate_heap),ptr_new(/allocate_heap)] self.setMissions,m1,m2 if isa(vars) then self.setVars,vars else self.setVars if isa(c1) then self.setColor,1,c1 if isa(c2) then self.setColor,2,c2 if isa(title) then self.setTitle,title else self.setTitle endelse return,1 END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Set new values of this object by passing a DSC_MISSION_COMPARE structure ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; c = mco.getall() ; c.btheta=1 ; c.vx = 1 ; c.np = 0 ; c.m1='ace' ; mco.setall,c ;- PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::SetAll,setting_str compile_opt idl2 if isa(setting_str,'DSC_MISSION_COMPARE') then begin if isa(setting_str._color[0]) then c1 = *setting_str._color[0] if isa(setting_str._color[1]) then c2 = *setting_str._color[1] struct_assign,setting_str,self self.CheckSettings if isa(c1) then begin self.setColor,1 self.setColor,1,c1 endif if isa(c2) then begin self.setColor,2 self.setColor,2,c2 endif defTitle = self.getDefTitle() self._defTitle = (self.title eq defTitle) ? !TRUE : !FALSE endif else dprint,dlevel=2,'Invalid input. DSC_MISSION_COMPARE expected.' END FUNCTION DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::_overloadPrint compile_opt idl2 vars = self.getvars() colors = self.getcolor() if isa(vars,/NULL) then vars = '' if isa(colors,/NULL) then colors = {m1:'',m2:''} out = { $ mission1: self.mission1, $ mission2: self.mission2, $ title: self.title, $ variables: vars, $ M1_color: colors.m1, $ M2_color: colors.m2 $ } return, out END FUNCTION DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::_overloadImpliedPrint,varname compile_opt idl2 return, self.DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::_overloadPrint() END PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::CheckSettings compile_opt idl2 std_names = DSC_MISSION_COMPARE.FindMTag(/all) m1_r = where(self.mission1 eq std_names,m1count) m2_r = where(self.mission2 eq std_names,m2count) if (m1count ne 1) || (m2count ne 1) || $ self.mission1 eq self.mission2 then self.SetMissions,self.mission1,self.mission2 tags = tag_names(self) settags = [] ix = (where(tags eq 'TITLE'))[0] + 1 jx = (where(tags eq '_ORDER'))[0] - 1 for i = ix,jx do begin if self.(i) ne 0 then begin self.(i) = 1 settags = [settags,tags[i]] endif endfor if ~isa(self._order) then self._order = ptr_new(/allocate_heap) for i=0,1 do begin if ~isa(self._color[i]) then begin self._color[i] = ptr_new(/allocate_heap) self.SetColor,i+1 endif endfor varnames = self.getVars() if ~isa(varnames) then self.setVars $ else if ~isa(*self._order,/NULL) then begin self.CleanOrder ;remove any duplicate entries if ~dsc_is_permutation(settags.toLower(),*self._order) then begin (*self._order) = [] dprint,dlevel=2,'Invalid Order: using default' endif endif END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Modify the comparison plot title. ; Called with no argument will set the default title based on selected missions ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; mco.setTitle,'Comparing WIND and DSCOVR' ;- PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::SetTitle,title compile_opt idl2 if isa(title,'UNDEFINED') then begin self.title = self.getDefTitle() self._defTitle = !TRUE ;self.title = self.mission1+' with '+self.mission2+' overplotted in black' $ endif else if isa(title,/STRING,/SCALAR) then begin self.title = title self._defTitle = !FALSE endif else dprint,dlevel=2,'Invalid Title' END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Set which missions to compare. ; Pass as string arguments or set interactively if no arguments passed. ; If only one argument is passed, it updates Mission 1 ; ; If missions are changed and it is already using a default title, ; it will update the default title. Otherwise, it will prompt the ; user whether or not to update the current title to a new default ; title. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; mco.setMissions,'ace','dsc' ;- PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::SetMissions,m1,m2 compile_opt idl2 m1_init = self.mission1 m2_init = self.mission2 opts = DSC_MISSION_COMPARE.findMtag(/all) addtxt = ((1+indgen(opts.length)).toString())+':' if (n_params() eq 0) || (isa(m1,'UNDEFINED') && isa(m2,'UNDEFINED')) then begin id=-1. catch,ioerr repeat begin read,id,prompt='(Mission 1) '+((addtxt+opts).Join(' '))+'? (#)>' found = where(id eq 1+indgen(opts.length),count) endrep until (count ne 0) catch,/cancel self.mission1 = opts[id-1] case (id) of 1: begin opts2 = opts[1:*] addtxt2 = addtxt[1:*] end n_elements(opts): begin opts2 = opts[0:-2] addtxt2 = addtxt[0:-2] end else: begin opts2 = [opts[0:id-2],opts[id:*]] addtxt2 = [addtxt[0:id-2],addtxt[id:*]] end endcase count = 0 catch,ioerr repeat begin read,id,prompt='(Mission 2) '+((addtxt2+opts2).Join(' '))+'? ' found = where(id eq addtxt2.Extract('[0-9]'),count) endrep until (count ne 0) catch,/cancel self.mission2 =opts[id-1] endif else if n_params() eq 1 then begin self.SetMissions,m1,self.mission2 endif else begin m1_good = 0 m2_good = 0 if isa(m1,/STRING,/SCALAR) then begin stdName = DSC_MISSION_COMPARE.FindMTag(m1) if stdName ne !NULL then begin self.mission1 = stdName m1_good = 1 endif endif if isa(m2,/STRING,/SCALAR) then begin stdName = DSC_MISSION_COMPARE.FindMTag(m2) if stdName ne !NULL then begin self.mission2 = stdName m2_good = 1 endif endif if m1_good && m2_good then begin if self.mission1 eq self.mission2 then begin m2_good = 0 dprint,dlevel=2,'Notice: Duplicate mission settings not allowed.' endif endif if (m1_good + m2_good eq 0) then begin print,'Bad Arguments. Please select missions -- ' self.SetMissions endif else if ~(m1_good && m2_good) then begin good_id = (m1_good) ? 1 + where(self.mission1 eq opts) : 1 + where(self.mission2 eq opts) id = good_id[0] case (id) of 0: message,'Something went wrong.' 1: begin opts2 = opts[1:*] addtxt2 = addtxt[1:*] end n_elements(opts): begin opts2 = opts[0:-2] addtxt2 = addtxt[0:-2] end else: begin opts2 = [opts[0:id-2],opts[id:*]] addtxt2 = [addtxt[0:id-2],addtxt[id:*]] end endcase if m1_good then begin if isa(m2,'UNDEFINED') then m2='UNDEFINED' print,'Mission1 = ',self.mission1 print,'Mission2 = ',m2 print,'Mission 2 invalid. Plese select:' count=0 catch,ioerr repeat begin read,id,prompt='(Mission 2) '+((addtxt2+opts2).Join(' '))+'? ' found = where(id eq addtxt2.Extract('[0-9]'),count) endrep until (count ne 0) catch,/cancel self.mission2 =opts[id-1] endif else begin if isa(m1,'UNDEFINED') then m1='UNDEFINED' print,'Mission1 = ',m1 print,'Mission2 = ',self.mission2 print,'Mission 1 invalid. Plese select:' count=0 catch,ioerr repeat begin read,id,prompt='(Mission 1) '+((addtxt2+opts2).Join(' '))+'? ' found = where(id eq addtxt2.Extract('[0-9]'),count) endrep until (count ne 0) catch,/cancel self.mission1 =opts[id-1] endelse endif endelse ; Don't prompt for title update if called privately changed = ((m1_init ne self.mission1) || (m2_init ne self.mission2)) ? !TRUE : !FALSE catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel if changed then begin if self._defTitle then self.setTitle else self.QueryTitleUpdate endif print,'New settings:' print,'Mission1 = ',self.mission1,format='(T4,2A)' print,'Mission2 = ',self.mission2,format='(T4,2A)' print,"Title = '",self.title,"'",format='(T4,3A/)' return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_MISSION_COMPARE') then return END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns the title generated by default. ; ;- FUNCTION DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::getDefTitle compile_opt idl2 colortext = strarr(2) for i=0,1 do begin if self._unifcolor[i] then begin colortext[i] = ' in ' case ((*self._color[i])[0]) of 0: cl = 'black' 1: cl = 'magenta' 2: cl = 'blue' 3: cl = 'cyan' 4: cl = 'green' 5: cl = 'yellow' 6: cl = 'red' 255: cl = 'white' else: begin cl = '' colortext[i] = '' end endcase colortext[i] = colortext[i]+cl endif endfor defTitle = self.mission1+colortext[0]+' with '+self.mission2+' overplotted'+colortext[1] return,defTitle end PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::QueryTitleUpdate compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Work around to act as a private method catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method; return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_MISSION_COMPARE') then begin dotitle = '' print,"Current Title:'"+self.title+"'. " repeat read,dotitle,prompt="Update to '"+self.getDefTitle()+"' (y/n)?" $ until (dotitle.toLower() eq 'y' || dotitle.toLower() eq 'n') if dotitle.toLower() eq 'y' then self.setTitle endif catch, /cancel END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Sets all comparison variables. ; ; If passed a string (scalar or array) will set these variables ; as those to be compared and will de-select all others. ; ; If no strings, or bad strings, are passed the routine will provide ; an interactive prompt. ; ; Array order implies the panel order in the plotted comparison. ; If supplying variables interactively, the panel order is the ; order in which the variables are entered at the prompt. ; ; If passed a {DSC_MISSION_COMPARE} structure it will set the variables ; based on the fields set in the structure, preserving any valid ; ordering and colors if they are set in the structure. Title and ; mission fields in the structure are ignored. May update the default title. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; mco.setVars ; mco.setVars,'bx' ;; Now only BX is set ; mco.setVars,['v','np','bz'] ;; Now only V,NP,BZ are set. BX is cleared ; ; g = mco.getAll() ; g.by = 1 ; g.v = 0 ; mco.setVars,g ;; Now NP,BZ, and BY are set. ;- PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::SetVars,vars compile_opt idl2 self.ClearVar,/all if isa(vars,/STRING) then begin foreach var,vars do begin self.setVar,var endforeach endif else begin selfstrct = self.getall() tags = tag_names(selfstrct) sidx = (where(tags eq 'TITLE'))[0]; + 1 eidx = (where(tags eq '_ORDER'))[0] if isa(vars,'DSC_MISSION_COMPARE') then begin print,'Setting variables from Structure' for i=sidx+1,eidx-1 do begin self.(i) = vars.(i) endfor self._order = vars._order self.CheckSettings self.setColor for i=0,1 do if isa(vars._color[i]) then self.setColor,i+1,*vars._color[i] endif else begin for i=sidx+1,eidx-1 do begin print,(i-sidx).toString()+': '+tags[i] endfor prompt = 'Select AT LEAST ONE variable:' vset = -1 catch, ioerr if ioerr ne 0 then begin print,'Invalid entry. Try again' endif repeat begin read,vset,prompt=prompt if (vset lt 0) || (vset ge n_elements(tags)-sidx-1) then message,'Out of Range' $ else if (vset ne 0) then begin self.setVar,tags[vset+sidx] prompt = '['+(self.getVars()).Join(',')+'] Another? [0 to quit]:' endif endrep until (vset eq 0) catch,/cancel endelse endelse self.CheckSettings print,'['+(self.getVars()).Join(',')+']' END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Set one variable to be compared, leaving other variable ; settings intact. The newly added variable will be placed ; at the end of the ordering. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; All: Set all variables as selected with keyword \all. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; mco.setVar,'bz' ;; Now NP,BX,BY and BZ are all set ; mco.setVar,/all ;- PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::SetVar,var,all=all compile_opt idl2 tags = tag_names(self) sidx = (where(tags eq 'TITLE'))[0] eidx = (where(tags eq '_ORDER'))[0] if keyword_set(all) then begin *self._order = [] for i=1+sidx, eidx-1 do begin self.(i) = 1 *self._order = [*self._order,tags[i]] endfor *self._order = *self._order.toLower() self.setColor endif else begin if ~keyword_set(var) || ~isa(var,/STRING) then var = '' var = var.toUpper() for i=1+sidx, eidx-1 do begin if tags[i] eq var then begin self.(i) = 1 *self._order = [*self._order,var.toLower()] *self._color[0] = [*self._color[0],2] *self._color[1] = [*self._color[1],0] self.CleanOrder break endif endfor endelse if self._defTitle then self.SetTitle END ;+ ;Description: ; Set the color of lines to be plotted by DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::Plot ; ;KEYWORDS: ; HELP: Print usage instructions ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by'],c1=120,c2='g') ; mco.setColor ; Set all lines to default colors ; mco.setColor,1 ; Set all mission1 lines to default color ; mco.setColor,2,'r' ; Set all mission2 lines red ; mco.setColor,1,250,'np' ; Set mission1 NP variable line to colortable valued 250 ; ;- pro DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::SetColor,mission,color,panel,help=help compile_opt idl2 if keyword_set(help) then begin instructions = [ $ 'Syntax: DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::SetColor,mission,color,panel', $ '(All arguments are optional.)',$ 'With:',$ 'NO ARGUMENTS','Sets all lines to default colors',$ 'MISSION only','Sets all lines for this MISSION to default color',$ 'MISSION,COLOR','Sets all lines for this MISSION to this/these COLOR(s)',$ 'MISSION,COLOR,PANEL','Sets PANEL lines for this MISSION to this/these COLORS(s)',$ 'COLOR and PANEL arguments may be arrays.',$ '-COLOR and PANEL arguments must match in size OR COLOR must be scalar.',$ '-Scalar COLOR will set all selected PANEL(s) to COLOR',$ '-Unedefined PANEL argument will apply to all panels',$ 'Examples:',$ 'mco.setColor','All M1 lines are blue, M2 lines black',$ 'mco.setColor,1,','All M1 lines are blue. M2 lines remain as previously set',$ 'mco.setColor,2,''r''','All M2 lines are red. M1 lines remain as previously set',$ 'mco.setColor,1,128,[1,3]','Set M1 lines in panels 1 and 3 to colortable value 128',$ 'mco.setColor,2,[1,4],[1,3]','Set M2 lines in panels 1&3 to color values 1&4, respectively',$ 'mco.setColor,1,''g'',''np''','Set M1 NP line to green'$ ] print,instructions,format='(/3(A/),4(T4,A,T30,A/)/A/3(T4,A/)/A/6(T4,A,T35,A/)/)' return endif vars = self.getVars() if isa(vars,/NULL) then return c = intarr(2,vars.length) c[0,*] = 2 ;Mission 1 default color is blue, Mission 2 default color is black if isa(mission,'UNDEFINED') then begin for i=0,1 do *self._color[i] = c[i,*] self._unifcolor = [!TRUE,!TRUE] endif else begin if ~isa(mission,/INT) || ((mission ne 1)&&(mission ne 2)) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Unexpected argument. Mission must be 1 or 2.' return endif if isa(color,'UNDEFINED') then begin *self._color[mission-1] = c[mission-1,*] self._unifcolor[mission-1] = !TRUE endif else begin if ~(isa(color,/INT)||isa(color,/STRING)) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Unexpected argument. Color must be INT(0-255) or STRING(''k'',''b'',''g'',''y'',''r'',''c'',''m'',''w'')' return endif if isa(panel,'UNDEFINED') then begin panel = indgen(vars.length) endif else begin if isa(panel,/STRING) then begin panel_string = panel panel = intarr(panel_string.length) foreach p,panel_string.toLower(),i do begin ip = where(vars eq p, count) if (count eq 0) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Panel argument '+panel_string[i]+' is not a selected variable' return endif panel[i] = ip endforeach endif else if isa(panel,/INT)&&~isa(panel,/BOOLEAN) then begin foreach p,panel do begin ip = where(p eq panel,count) if ~((p ge 1)&&(p le vars.length)) || (count gt 1) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Bad panel argumement. Must be INT(s) in ['+((1+indgen(vars.length)).toString()).Join(',')+'] with no duplicates' return endif endforeach panel -= 1 endif else begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Unexpected argument. Panel must be INT(s) in ['+((1+indgen(vars.length)).toString()).Join(',')+'] or STRING(s) in ['+(self.getVars()).Join(',')+']' return endelse endelse ;end panel check cscalar = !FALSE if ~(color.length eq panel.length) then begin if (color.length eq 1 && panel.length gt 1) then begin color = make_array(panel.length,value=color[0]) cscalar = !TRUE endif else begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Incompatible color/panel argument size' return endelse endif if (panel.length gt vars.length) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Too many color/panel arguments. There are only '+(vars.length).toString()+' variables currently selected.' return endif droplist = [] if isa(color,/INTEGER) then begin foreach clr,color,j do begin if (clr lt 0) || (clr gt 255) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'[ '+clr.toString()+' ]Bad color value. Leaving unmodified.' droplist = [droplist,j] endif endforeach endif else begin color_str = color.toLower() color = make_array(panel.length,value=0) foreach clr,color_str,j do begin case (clr) of 'k': color[j] = 0 'm': color[j] = 1 'b': color[j] = 2 'c': color[j] = 3 'g': color[j] = 4 'y': color[j] = 5 'r': color[j] = 6 'w': color[j] = 255 else: begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'[ '+clr+' ]Bad color value. Leaving unmodified' droplist = [droplist,j] end endcase endforeach endelse if ~isa(droplist,/NULL) then begin if (N_ELEMENTS(droplist) eq N_ELEMENTS(color)) then return $ else begin foreach d,droplist do begin dsc_remove,d,color dsc_remove,d,panel endforeach endelse endif (*self._color[mission-1])[panel] = color if cscalar && (color.length eq vars.length) then $ self._unifcolor[mission-1] = !TRUE $ else self.CheckUniformColor endelse ; end check color defined endelse ;end check mission defined if self._defTitle then self.SetTitle end ;+ ; DESCRIPTION ; Determine whether all selected variables are set ; to the same color within each mission. ;- pro DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::CheckUniformColor compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Work around to act as a private method catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method; return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_MISSION_COMPARE') then begin self._unifcolor = [!TRUE,!TRUE] colors = self.GetColor() if ~isa(colors,/NULL) then begin for i=0,1 do begin last = colors.(i)[0] foreach c,colors.(i) do begin if c ne last then begin self._unifcolor[i] = !FALSE break endif last = c endforeach endfor endif endif catch,/cancel end ;+ ; DESCRIPTION ; Clean duplicates from Order array ;- pro DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::CleanOrder compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Work around to act as a private method catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method; return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_MISSION_COMPARE') then begin if ~isa(*self._order,/NULL) then begin uvar = (*self._order)[uniq(*self._order, sort(*self._order))] rindex = [] foreach var,uvar do begin ii = where(*self._order eq var,count) if count gt 1 then rindex = [rindex,ii[1:*]] endforeach dsc_remove,rindex,*self._order for i=0,1 do dsc_remove,rindex,*self._color[i] endif self.CheckUniformColor endif catch,/cancel end ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; De-selects one variable from the comparison, leaving other ; variable settings intact. OR unset all with keyword \all ; ;KEYWORDS: ; All: Mark all variables as unselected with keyword \all. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; mco.clearVar,'by' ;; Now only NP,BX ; mco.clearVar,/all ;- PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::ClearVar,var,all=all compile_opt idl2 tags = tag_names(self) sidx = (where(tags eq 'TITLE'))[0] eidx = (where(tags eq '_ORDER'))[0] if keyword_set(all) then begin *self._order = [] for i=0,1 do *self._color[i] = [] for i=1+sidx,eidx-1 do begin self.(i) = 0 endfor endif else begin if ~keyword_set(var) || ~isa(var,/STRING) then var = '' var = var.toUpper() found = 0 for i=1+sidx,eidx-1 do begin if tags[i] eq var then begin found = 1 self.(i) = 0 j = where(*self._order eq tags[i].toLower(),count,/NULL) break endif endfor if ~found then dprint,dlevel=2,'Invalid variable name: '+var.toString() $ else if count eq n_elements(*self._order) then begin *self._order = [] for i=0,1 do *self._color[i] = [] endif else begin dsc_remove,j,*self._order for i=0,1 do dsc_remove,j,*self._color[i] endelse self.CheckUniformColor if self._defTitle then self.SetTitle endelse END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Reorders the comparison variables. ; If passed no arguments it will enter an interactive session. ; ; Order positions are described by 1-indexed positions. ; (I.e.- the top panel is in position 1, the next panel down in ; position 2, etc.) ; ;INPUT: ; TARGET: ; if SCALAR - An identifier of the item in the variable list ; that you want moved. STRING or INTEGER. ; A STRING must match one of the selected variables. ; An INTEGER must index a valid position. (I.e.- if ; there are 4 selected variables, then a 1,2,3,and 4 are ; valid positions. ; if ARRAY - A description of the desired ordering. STRING or INTEGER. ; A STRING array must be a permutation of the existing ; selected values. ; AN INTEGER array must be a permuation of the existing positions. ; (I.e.- if there are 4 selected elements, then the existing positions ; can be described as [1,2,3,4]. Passing [4,1,2,3] as TARGET requests ; that the last item be moved to the first position, the first item ; moved to the second position, etc.) ; DESTINATION: The desired end position for target element. (INTEGER) ; Default is 1. ; This argument only has meaning if TARGET is SCALAR; it is ; ignored otherwise. ;- pro DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::Reorder,target,destination compile_opt idl2 current = self.getVars() n = current.length curcolor = self.getColor() m1col = curcolor.m1 m2col = curcolor.m2 if isa(target,'UNDEFINED') then begin instructions = [ $ 'Reorder items by entering ITEM,POSITION pairs.', $ 'Enter q to quit', $ 'Example: >bx,2 (Move BX to the 2nd position)', $ 'Example: >5,3 (Move the item currently in 5th to the 3rd spot)', $ 'Example: >q (Quit)'] print,instructions,format='(A/A,3(/T4,A))' repeat begin move = '' print,'Current: ',format='(/A)' foreach var,current,i do begin print,(i+1),var,format='(T4,I2,": ",A)' endforeach read,move,prompt='Move? (item,pos) or (q to quit)> ' if move.toLower() ne 'q' then begin done = !FALSE move = move.Split(',') if move.length ne 2 then begin print,'!!Bad entry.' continue endif if ~valid_num(move[1]) || move[1] lt 1 || move[1] gt n $ then begin print,'POSITION argument must be INTEGER between 1 and '+n.toString() continue endif dest = move[1] - 1 if ~valid_num(move[0]) then begin targ = where(current eq move[0],/NULL) if isa(targ,/NULL) then begin print,'ITEM argument is invalid. Choose from: ['+current.Join(',')+']' continue endif endif else begin if (move[0] le 0) || (move[0] gt current.length) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'ITEM argument is invalid. Must be between 1 and '+n.toString() continue endif targ = move[0]-1 endelse tval = current[targ] col1 = m1col[targ] col2 = m2col[targ] dsc_remove,targ,current dsc_remove,targ,m1col dsc_remove,targ,m2col case (dest) of 0: begin current = [tval,current] m1col = [col1,m1col] m2col = [col2,m2col] end n-1: begin current = [current,tval] m1col = [m1col,col1] m2col = [m2col,col2] end else: begin current = [current[0:dest-1],tval,current[dest:*]] m1col = [m1col[0:dest-1],col1,m1col[dest:*]] m2col = [m2col[0:dest-1],col2,m2col[dest:*]] end endcase endif else done = !TRUE endrep until done *self._order = current *self._color[0] = m1col *self._color[1] = m2col endif else begin if isa(target,/STRING) || isa(target,/INTEGER) then begin if isa(target,/SCALAR) then begin if isa(destination,'UNDEFINED') then destination = 1 if ~isa(destination,/INTEGER) || (destination le 0) || (destination gt n) then begin dprint,dlevel=2,'Reorder: (no change) DESTINATION argument must be INTEGER between 1 and '+n.toString() return endif destination -= 1 if isa(target,/STRING) then begin target = where(current eq target,/null) if isa(target,/NULL) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Reorder: (no change) TARGET string argument is invalid. Choose from: '+current.Join(',') return endif endif else begin if (target le 0) || (target gt n) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Reorder: (no change) TARGET integer argument is invalid. Must be between 1 and '+n.toString() return endif target -= 1 endelse tval = current[target] col1 = m1col[target] col2 = m2col[target] dsc_remove,target,current dsc_remove,target,m1col dsc_remove,target,m2col case (destination) of 0: begin current = [tval,current] m1col = [col1,m1col] m2col = [col2,m2col] end n-1: begin current = [current,tval] m1col = [m1col,col1] m2col = [m2col,col2] end else: begin current = [current[0:destination-1],tval,current[destination:*]] m1col = [m1col[0:destination-1],col1,m1col[destination:*]] m2col = [m2col[0:destination-1],col2,m2col[destination:*]] end endcase endif else if isa(target,/ARRAY) then begin if target.length eq n then begin if isa(target,/STRING) then begin tarstring = target target = [] foreach var,tarstring do begin ii = where(current eq var,/NULL) if isa(ii,/NULL) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Reorder: (no change) TARGET string array is invalid. ' dprint,DLEVEL=2,' '+var+' Not found in: '+current.Join(',') return endif target = [target,ii] endforeach endif else begin if ~DSC_IS_PERMUTATION(target,1+indgen(n)) then begin dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Reorder: (no change) TARGET integer array argument is invalid. dprint,DLEVEL=2,'Must be a permutation of: ['+((1+indgen(n)).toString()).Join(',')+']' return endif target -= 1 endelse current = current[target] m1col = m1col[target] m2col = m2col[target] endif else begin dprint,dlevel=2,'Reorder: (no change) Array argument must be length '+n.toString() return endelse endif *self._order = current *self._color[0] = m1col *self._color[1] = m2col print,'['+(self.getVars()).Join(',')+']' endif else dprint,dlevel=2,'Reorder: (no change) TARGET argument must be STRING or INTEGER' endelse end ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns a structure of type {DSC_MISSION_COMPARE} ; containing this object's values ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; mc_str = mco.getall() ;- FUNCTION DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::GetAll compile_opt idl2 str = create_struct(name=obj_class(self)) struct_assign,self,str RETURN,str END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns the object title (string) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; defaultTitle = mco.getTitle() ;- FUNCTION DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::GetTitle compile_opt idl2 return,self.title END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns the object color settings as a structure ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; panelcolors = mco.getColor() ;- FUNCTION DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::GetColor compile_opt idl2 foreach clist,self._color do begin if isa(*clist,/NULL) then return,!NULL endforeach return,{m1:*self._color[0], m2:*self._color[1]} END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns a string array of shortcut names for all variables ; to be compared in the order the panels will be shown in a ; plot. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mco = dsc_mission_compare(m1='wi',m2='d',vars=['np','bx','by']) ; vars = mco.getVars() ;- FUNCTION DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::GetVars compile_opt idl2 out = [] if isa(*self._order,/NULL) then begin tags = tag_names(self) ix = (where(tags eq 'TITLE'))[0] + 1 jx = (where(tags eq '_ORDER'))[0] - 1 for i = ix,jx do if self.(i) eq 1 then out = [out,tags[i].toLower()] endif else out = *self._order return,out END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Find the standardized mission tag given a passed string. ; Returns !NULL if string does not match a tag. ; ; Note, this is a static method and can be called on an instance ; of the class or on the class itself. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; All: Return all supported mission tags with the \all keyword ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tagMatch = dsc_mission_compare.findMTags('d') ; allTags = dsc_mission_compare.findMTags(/all) ;- FUNCTION DSC_MISSION_COMPARE::FindMTag,id,all=all compile_opt idl2,static ; out = [] if keyword_set(all) then return,['WIND','DSC','ACE'] if ~keyword_set(id) || ~isa(id,/scalar,/string) then return,[] case !TRUE of id.Matches('(^w|wind|wi)',/fold_case): out = 'WIND' id.Matches('(^d|dsc)',/fold_case): out = 'DSC' id.Matches('(^a|ace)',/fold_case): out = 'ACE' else: out = [] endcase return,out END PRO DSC_MISSION_COMPARE__DEFINE compile_opt idl2 STRUCT = { DSC_MISSION_COMPARE, INHERITS IDL_Object, $ mission1: '', $ mission2: '', $ title: '', $ b: 0, $ bx: 0, $ by: 0, $ bz: 0, $ btheta: 0, $ bphi: 0, $ v: 0, $ vx: 0, $ vy: 0, $ vz: 0, $ vtheta: 0, $ vphi: 0, $ np: 0, $ vth: 0, $ _order: ptr_new(), $ _color: ptrarr(2), $ _unifcolor: [!FALSE,!FALSE], $ _defTitle: !FALSE $ } END