;+ ;NAME: DSC_SET_YTITLE ; ;DESCRIPTION: ; Sets sensible default ytitle for DSCOVR tplot variables ; ;INPUT: ; TVAR: TPLOT variable - either string or TPLOT variable number ; ;KEYWORDS: (Optional) ; METADATA=: Metadata structure to mine for sensible title information. ; If omitted, use the dlimits structure returned for TVAR ; VERBOSE=: Integer indicating the desired verbosity level. Defaults to !dsc.verbose ; ;OUTPUTS: ; TITLE=: A named variable that will hold the ytitle string that has been set ; ;EXAMPLE: ; dsc_set_ytitle,'dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE',title=vtitle ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2017 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/dscovr/misc/dsc_set_ytitle.pro $ ;- PRO DSC_SET_YTITLE,TVAR,METADATA=md,TITLE=title,VERBOSE=verbose COMPILE_OPT IDL2, HIDDEN dsc_init rname = dsc_getrname() if not isa(verbose,/int) then verbose=!dsc.verbose if (tvar eq !NULL) then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': You must supply a TPLOT variable. No ytitle set.' return endif dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,rname+': Setting title for tvar= ',tvar tvar = ((isa(tvar,/int,/scalar)&&~isa(tvar,/BOOLEAN)) || isa(tvar,/string,/scalar)) ? tnames(tvar) : '' if tvar eq '' then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': Argument is not a valid TPLOT variable' return endif title = tvar ;set ytitle to variable name if nothing better found case tvar of 'dsc_orbit_J2000_POS': title = 'S/C Position (J2000)' 'dsc_orbit_J2000_VEL': title = 'S/C Velocity (J2000)' 'dsc_orbit_GSE_POS': title = 'S/C Position (GSE)' 'dsc_orbit_MOON_GSE_POS': title = 'Moon Position (GSE)' 'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE': title = 'B (GSE)' 'dsc_h0_mag_B1SDGSE': title = 'B_SIGMA (GSE)' 'dsc_h0_mag_B1RTN': title = 'B (RTN)' 'dsc_h0_mag_B1SDRTN': title = 'B_SIGMA (RTN)' 'dsc_h1_fc_V': title = 'V Magnitude' 'dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE': title = 'V (GSE)' else: begin if isa(md,'UNDEFINED') then get_data,tvar,dlimits=md $ else begin if ~isa(md,'STRUCT') then begin dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,rname+': Metadata is not a structure. Using variable defaults' get_data,tvar,dlimits=md endif endelse haslabel = 0 if tag_exist(md,'labels') then begin if size(md.labels,/n_dim) eq 0 then haslabel = 1 endif if haslabel then begin if title.Matches('orbit') and ~md.labels.Matches('Moon') $ then title = 'S/C '+md.labels.Trim() $ else title=md.labels.Trim() endif else begin if tag_exist(md,'cdf') then $ if tag_exist(md.cdf,'vatt') then $ if tag_exist(md.cdf.vatt,'lablaxis') then title=md.cdf.vatt.lablaxis.Trim() $ else dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,rname+": No ytitle information for '"+title+"'. Using variable name." $ else dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,rname+": No ytitle information for '"+title+"'. Using variable name." $ else dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,rname+": No ytitle information for '"+title+"'. Using variable name." endelse end endcase if title.Matches('( J2000| GSE| GCI| RTN)') then begin matchstr = title.Extract('( J2000| GSE| GCI| RTN)') foreach mtch,matchstr do title = title.Replace(matchstr,' ('+matchstr.Trim()+')') endif dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,rname+": Setting ytitle for '"+tvar+"' to '"+title+"'" options,/def,tvar,ytitle=title END