;+ ;NAME: DSC_GET_YLIMITS ; ;DESCRIPTION: ; Calculates appropriate ylimits for a string array of TPLOT variables ; to be plotted in the same panel. ; ;INPUT: ; DATASTR: String array of TPLOT variables ; LIMITS: Limits structure to be modified (usually the limits ; structure of the TPLOT variable whose data ; field is a string array of TPLOT variables) ; TRG: Time range over which to calculate the limits (double[2]) ; ;KEYWORDS: (Optional) ; BUFF: Set to add a 10% buffer to yrange. Default is exact to data min/max. ; COMP=: Indicate with vector component to range over. (int) Ignored for scalar variables. ; INCLUDE_ERROR: Set to include the data.dy in the range calculation ; VERBOSE=: Integer indicating the desired verbosity level. Defaults to !dsc.verbose ; ;OUTPUTS: ; LIMITS.yrange is created or modified. ; ;EXAMPLES: ; dsc_get_ylimits,'dsc_h0_mag_B1F1',limstr,trg ; dsc_get_ylimits,'dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE_x',limstr,trg,/inc,/buff ; ; tn = dsc_ezname(['vx','vy','b','temp']) ; dsc_get_ylimits,tn,limstr,trg,/buff ;All variables set to the same yrange ; ;NOTES: ; Adapted from TPLOT 'get_ylimits' procedure. ; -Added support for limit based on single component of a vector ; -Added /BUFF flag for 10% buffer in y-range ; -Added /INCLUDE_ERROR flag to include any 'dy' in the min/max calculations ; ;ADAPTED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2017 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/dscovr/misc/dsc_get_ylimits.pro $ ;- PRO DSC_GET_YLIMITS,DATASTR,LIMITS,TRG,COMP=comp,INCLUDE_ERROR=inc_err,BUFF=buff,VERBOSE=verbose COMPILE_OPT IDL2 dsc_init rname = dsc_getrname() if not isa(verbose,/int) then verbose=!dsc.verbose limits = [] miny = 0. maxy = 0. str_element,limits,'min_value',min_value str_element,limits,'max_value',max_value str_element,limits,'ylog',ytype for i=0,n_elements(datastr)-1 do begin get_data,datastr[i],data=data,dtype=dtype if (dtype eq 3) and keyword_set(data) then begin dsc_get_ylimits,data,limstr,trg,comp=comp,include_err=inc_err,verbose=verbose ;don't add buffer repeatedly if miny ne maxy then begin if limstr.yrange[0] lt miny then miny = limstr.yrange[0] if limstr.yrange[1] gt maxy then maxy = limstr.yrange[1] endif else begin miny = limstr.yrange[0] maxy = limstr.yrange[1] endelse endif else if (dtype eq 1) and keyword_set(data) then begin good = where(finite(data.x),count) if count eq 0 then message,'No valid X data' ind = where(data.x[good] ge trg[0] and data.x[good] le trg[1],count) if count eq 0 then ind = indgen(n_elements(data.x)) else ind = good[ind] ysize = size(data.y) if (ysize[0] eq 2 and comp ne !null) then begin if ~isa(comp,/int) then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+": Bad component" return endif else if (comp ge ysize[2]) then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+": Component out of range" return endif else begin if keyword_set(inc_err) and tag_exist(data,'dy') then $ yrange = minmax([data.y[ind,comp]+data.dy[ind,comp],data.y[ind,comp]-data.dy[ind,comp]],posi=ytype, max=max_value,min=min_value) $ else yrange = minmax(data.y[ind,comp],posi=ytype, max=max_value,min=min_value) endelse endif else begin if keyword_set(inc_err) and tag_exist(data,'dy') then $ yrange = minmax([data.y[ind,*]+data.dy[ind,*],data.y[ind,*]-data.dy[ind,*]],posi=ytype, max=max_value,min=min_value) $ else yrange = minmax(data.y[ind,*],posi=ytype, max=max_value,min=min_value) endelse if miny ne maxy then begin if yrange[0] lt miny then miny = yrange[0] if yrange[1] gt maxy then maxy = yrange[1] endif else begin miny = yrange[0] maxy = yrange[1] endelse endif endfor ybuff = keyword_set(buff) ? (maxy-miny)*.05 : 0 str_element,limits,'yrange',[miny-ybuff, maxy+ybuff],/add END