;+ ;NAME: DSC_EZNAME ; ;DESCRIPTION: ; Given a DSCOVR shortcut string or string array, returns the full TPLOT variable name(s). ; Using shortcut strings implies GSE coordinate system. ; ;INPUTS: ; VARIN: Scalar or array of one of the shortcut strings recognized for DSCOVR. ; 'bx','by','bz','bgse','b','bphi','btheta', ; 'vx','vy','vz','vgse','v','vphi','vtheta','np,','temp','vth', ; 'posx','posy','posz','pos' ; Case is ignored. ; Vector values are in GSE. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; CONF: Set to return the compound variables containing the +-dy lines ; if they are available. ; ie: dsc_ezname('np') --> 'dsc_h1_fc_Np' ; dsc_ezname('np',/conf) --> 'dsc_h1_fc_Np_wCONF' ; where 'dsc_h1_fc_Np_wCONF' looks like: ; 17 dsc_h1_fc_Np_wCONF ; 15 dsc_h1_fc_Np+DY ; 3 dsc_h1_fc_Np ; 16 dsc_h1_fc_Np-DY ; HELP: Set to return an array of the supported shortcut strings ; VERBOSE=: Integer indicating the desired verbosity level. Defaults to !dsc.verbose ; ;OUTPUT: ; String or string array containing the full TPLOT varible name(s). Will return '' if passed ; unsupported fields. ; ;EXAMPLES: ; fn = dsc_ezname('vx') ; tn = dsc_ezname(['v','Np','Temp']) ; tplot,fn ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2017 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/dscovr/misc/dsc_ezname.pro $ ;- FUNCTION DSC_EZNAME,VARIN,CONF=conf,HELP=help,VERBOSE=verbose COMPILE_OPT IDL2 dsc_init rname = dsc_getrname() if not isa(verbose,/int) then verbose=!dsc.verbose supported = [ $ 'bx','by','bz','bgse','b','bphi','btheta',$ 'vx','vy','vz','vgse','v', 'vphi','vtheta','np','temp','vth', $ 'posx','posy','posz','pos'] if keyword_set(help) then begin dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,rname+": Returning the supported Shortcut Strings." return,supported endif conf = keyword_set(conf) ? 1 : 0 if ~isa(varin,/string) then varin='' else varin=varin.ToLower() names = [] for i=0,varin.length-1 do begin case varin[i] of 'bx' : name = 'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE_x' 'by' : name = 'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE_y' 'bz' : name = 'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE_z' 'bgse': name = 'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE' 'b' : name = 'dsc_h0_mag_B1F1' 'bphi' : name = 'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE_PHI' 'btheta' : name = 'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE_THETA' 'vx' : begin name = 'dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE_x' if conf then name=name+'_wCONF' end 'vy' : begin name = 'dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE_y' if conf then name=name+'_wCONF' end 'vz' : begin name = 'dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE_z' if conf then name=name+'_wCONF' end 'vgse': begin name = 'dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE' if conf then name=name+'_wCONF' end 'v' : name = 'dsc_h1_fc_V' 'vphi' : name = 'dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE_PHI' 'vtheta' : name = 'dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE_THETA' 'np' : begin name = 'dsc_h1_fc_Np' if conf then name=name+'_wCONF' end 'temp': begin name = 'dsc_h1_fc_THERMAL_TEMP' if conf then name=name+'_wCONF' end 'vth' : begin name = 'dsc_h1_fc_THERMAL_SPD' if conf then name=name+'_wCONF' end 'pos' : name = 'dsc_orbit_GSE_POS' 'posx': name = 'dsc_orbit_GSE_POS_x' 'posy': name = 'dsc_orbit_GSE_POS_y' 'posz': name = 'dsc_orbit_GSE_POS_z' else : begin name = '' dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,rname+": '"+varin[i].toString()+"' not recognized" end endcase names = [names,name] endfor if (names.length eq 1) then return,name else return,names END