;+ ; PROCEDURE: AKB_LOAD_PWS ; ; :Description: ; This procedure reads Akebono/PWS spectrum data to generate tplot variables ; containing them. Data files are automatically downloaded via the net if needed. ; ; IDL and TDAS/SPEDAS should be installed properly to run this procedure. ; ; :Keywords: ; trange: two-element array of a time range for which data are loaded. ; downloadonly: Set to only download data files and suppress generating tplot variables. ; no_download: Set to suppress downloading data files via the net, and read them locally. ; verbose: Set an integer from 0 to 9 to get verbose error messages. ; More detailed logs show up with increasing number. ; :Examples: ; IDL> timespan, '1990-02-02' ; IDL> akb_load_pws ; ; :History: ; 2014-04-04: Initial release ; ; :Author: ; Tomo Hori (horit at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp) ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-17 21:51:57 -0700 (Sun, 17 Mar 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26838 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/akebono/pws/akb_load_pws.pro $ ;- PRO akb_load_pws, $ trange=trange, $ downloadonly=downloadonly, $ no_download=no_download, $ verbose=verbose ;Initialize the TDAS environment thm_init ;Set up the structure including the local/remote data directories. source = file_retrieve( /struct ) source.local_data_dir = root_data_dir()+'exosd/pws/' source.remote_data_dir = 'http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/stp/data/exosd/pws/' if keyword_set(downloadonly) then source.downloadonly=1 if keyword_set(no_download) then source.no_download=1 if keyword_set(verbose) then source.verbose =verbose if keyword_set(trange) and n_elements(trange) eq 2 then timespan, time_double(trange) ;Relative path with wildcards for data files pathformat = 'YYYY/ak_h1_pws_YYYYMMDD_v01.cdf' ;Expand the wildcards in the relative file paths for designated ;time range, which is set by "timespan". relpathnames = file_dailynames(file_format=pathformat) ;Check the time stamps of data files and download if they are newer files = file_retrieve(relpathnames, _extra=source, /last_version) if keyword_set(downloadonly) then return ;Exit unless data files are downloaded or found locally. idx = where( file_test(files) ) if idx[0] eq -1 then begin message, /cont, 'No data file is found in the local repository for the designated time range!' return endif ;Get the list of locally exisiting data files fpaths = files[idx] prefix = 'akb_pws_' ;Prefix for tplot variable name ; Read CDF files and load data as tplot variables cdf2tplot,file=fpaths,verbose=source.verbose,prefix=prefix ;Set labels, plot ranges, and so forth ylim, prefix+'RX?',2.0e4,5.1e6, 1 ;log scale for Y-axis options, prefix+'RX?', 'ztitle', '[dB]' options, prefix+'RX?', 'ysubtitle', '[Hz]' options, prefix+'RX1', 'ytitle', 'akb!Cpws!CE-field RX1' return end