;+ ;NAME: cdf_var_atts ;FUNCTION: cdf_var_atts(id [,var[,attname]]) ;PURPOSE: ; Returns a structure that contains all the attributes of a variable within ; a CDF file. If attname is provided then it returns the value of only that attribute. ;KEYWORDS: ; DEFAULT: The default value of the attribute. ; ATTRIBUTES=att A named variable that returns an array of structures containing attribute info ; if this variable is passed in on subsequent calls to cdf_var_atts it can significantly ; improve performance. OBSOLETE!!! ;USAGE: ; atts = cdf_var_atts(file) ; returns structure containing all global attributes ; atts = cdf_var_atts(file ;INPUT: ; id: CDF file ID or filename. ; var; CDF variable name or number ; attname: CDF attribute name ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ; $LastChangedBy: ali $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-05-04 17:46:15 -0700 (Mon, 04 May 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28667 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/SPP/sweap/COMMON/cdf_var_atts2.pro $ ;- function cdf_var_atts2,id0,var,attname,default=default,zvar=zvar, $ convert_int1_to_int2=convert_int1_to_int2 if size(/type,id0) eq 7 then id=cdf_open(id0) else id=id0 t0=systime(1) attstr = n_elements(default) ne 0 ? default : orderedHASH() ; Define default return value quiet = !quiet !quiet = keyword_set(convert_int1_to_int2) ; and !quiet inq = cdf_inquire(id) if n_elements(var) eq 0 then begin ; Get all global attributes cdf_control,id,get_numattrs=na for a=0,na[0]+na[1]-1 do begin cdf_attinq,id,a,name,scope,maxent if strmid(scope,0,1) ne 'G' then continue ;message,'Bad scope' gentry=0 value = !null while( cdf_attexists(id, a, gentry) ) do begin cdf_attget, id, a, gentry, value_new value = [value,value_new] gentry = gentry+1 endwhile if gentry eq 1 then value=value[0] attstr[name] = value endfor endif else begin ; Get variable attributes varn = size(/type,var) eq 7 ? cdf_varnum(id,var,zvar) : var ; use variable number to improve performance if keyword_set(attname) then begin ; Get only one attribute if cdf_attexists(id,attname,varn,zvar=zvar) then cdf_attget,id,attname,varn,zvar=zvar,attstr endif else begin ; Get a structure containing all variable attributes for a=0,inq.natts-1 do begin cdf_attinq,id,a,name,scope,maxent if strmid(scope,0,1) ne 'V' then continue ;message,'Bad scope' if cdf_attexists(id,a,varn,zvar=zvar) then begin if keyword_set(names_only) then begin if keyword_set(attstr) then attstr=[attstr,name] $ else attstr=name endif else begin cdf_attget,id,a,varn,zvar=zvar,value,cdf_type=cdf_type if keyword_set(convert_int1_to_int2) and (cdf_type eq 'CDF_INT1') then begin dprint,dlevel=4,'Warning converting attribute from INT1 to INT2' value = value - (value ge 128) * 256 endif if size(/type,value) eq 7 then if strpos(value,'>$<') ge 1 then $ value = strsplit(/extract,value,'>$<') ; break strings into arrays if separater token is found ; name = idl_validname(name,/convert_all) attstr[name] = value endelse endif endfor endelse endelse done: !quiet = quiet ;dprint,dlevel=8,format='(f8.3," secs to read attribute: ",a)',systime(1)-t0,n_elements(var) ne 0 ? string(var) : '' if size(/type,id0) eq 7 then cdf_close,id return,attstr end