;+ ; NAME: ; SPP_FLD_TMLIB_INIT ; ; PURPOSE: ; Initializes TMlib configuration for loading PSP/FIELDS data. TMlib ; configuration information is stored in an IDL system variable, ; !SPP_FLD_TMLIB. ; ; Also calls routines which ensure that several helper functions (for ; example, functions which define frequencies for FIELDS spectral data ; products) are available for IDL to call. ; ; INPUTS: ; SERVER: Address of the TMlib server. ; TEST_CDF_DIR: The CDF creation routines save CDF files into a directory ; defined by the environment variable SPP_FLD_CDF_DIR. If the TEST_CDF_DIR ; keyword is also set, any CDF files created will also be saved to that ; directory. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; spp_fld_tmlib_init, server = 'spffmdb.ssl.berkeley.edu' ; ; CREATED BY: ; pulupa ; ; $LastChangedBy: pulupalap $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-05-10 13:38:20 -0700 (Fri, 10 May 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27215 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/SPP/fields/common/spp_fld_tmlib_init.pro $ ;- pro spp_fld_tmlib_init, server = server, test_cdf_dir = test_cdf_dir, daily = daily ; Set server if not keyword_set(server) then server = 'spffmdb.ssl.berkeley.edu' ; Set CDF directory if n_elements(daily) EQ 0 then begin cdf_dir = getenv('SPP_FLD_CDF_DIR') endif else begin cdf_dir = getenv('SPP_FLD_DAILY_DIR') endelse if cdf_dir EQ '' then begin cdf_dir = '~/data' dprint, 'Using ~/data to store CDFs', dlevel = 1 dprint, 'Set environment variable SPP_FLD_CDF_DIR to use a different directory', dlevel = 1 endif ; Set test CDF dir (to store all CDFs created during a particular test ; in the same directory for convenience) if ~keyword_set(test_cdf_dir) then test_cdf_dir = '' ; Set up system variable defsysv, '!SPP_FLD_TMLIB', exists = exists if not keyword_set(exists) then begin defsysv, '!SPP_FLD_TMLIB', {server:server, $ cdf_dir:cdf_dir, $ test_cdf_dir:test_cdf_dir} endif else begin !SPP_FLD_TMLIB.server = server !SPP_FLD_TMLIB.cdf_dir = cdf_dir !SPP_FLD_TMLIB.test_cdf_dir = test_cdf_dir end printdat, !SPP_FLD_TMLIB, /values, varname = '!spp_fld_tmlib' !p.background = !d.table_size - 1L !p.color = 0 ; spp_fld_config ; Set up routines to load the DFB frequencies spp_fld_dfb_frequencies end