;+ ; Written by Davin Larson ; ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-04-28 16:55:34 -0700 (Tue, 28 Apr 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28618 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/SPP/COMMON/spp_file_retrieve.pro $ ; ; Function: files = spp_file_retrieve(PATHNAME) ; Purpose: Retrieve or Download Solar Probe data files (i.e. L0 files) (Can be used to generate filenames too) ; INPUT: ; PATHNAME: string specifying relative path to files. Default might change- Currently: 'psp/pfp/l0/YYYY/MM/mvn_pfp_all_l0_YYYYMMDD_v???.dat' ; PATHNAME must be relative to the LOCAL_DATA_DIR and REMOTE_DATA_DIR fields of the source keyword. ; "globbed" filenames (*,?) are accepted. ; typical usage: ; files = spp_file_retrieve('psp/xxxxxx/YYYY/MM/mvn_pfp_all_l0_YYYYMMDD_v???.dat',/daily_names) ; get L0 files for user defined time span ; files = spp_file_retrieve(pathname,/daily_names,trange=trange) ; set time range ;Keywords: (All are optional - none are recommended) ; L0: set to 1 to return PFP L0 files ; DAILY_NAMES : resolution (in days) for generating file names. ; YYYY, yy, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, .f, DOY, DOW, TDIFF are special characters that will be substituted with the appropriate date/time field ; Be especially careful of extensions that begin with '.f' since these will be translated into a fractional second. ; See "time_string" TFORMAT keyword for more info. ; TRANGE : two element vector containing start and end times (UNIX_TIME or UT string). if not present then timerange() is called to obtain the limits. ; SOURCE: alternate file source. Default is whatever is return by the function: mvn_file_source() (see "mvn_file_source" for more info) ; FILES: if provided these will be passed through as output. ; VALID_ONLY: Set to 1 to prevent non existent files from being returned. ; CREATE_DIR: Generates a filename and creates the directories needed to create the file without errors. Will not check for file on remote server. ; ; KEYWORDS Passed on to "FILE_RETRIEVE": ; LAST_VERSION : [0,1] if set then only the last matching file is returned. (Default is defined by source) ; VALID_ONLY: [0,1] If set then only existing files are returned. (Default is defined by source keyword) ; VERBOSE: set verbosity level (2 is typical) ; USER_PASS: user:password combination for the remote server ; LIMITATIONS: ; Beware of file pathnames that include the character sequences: YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, .f since these can be retranslated to the time ;- function spp_file_retrieve,pathname,trange=trange,ndays=ndays,nhours=nhours,verbose=verbose, source=src, $ last_version=last_version, $ prefix = prefix, $ key = source_key, $ no_server = no_server, $ ssr = ssr,ptp=ptp, $ no_update=no_update,create_dir=create_dir,pos_start=pos_start, $ daily_names=daily_names,hourly_names=hourly_names,resolution = res,shiftres=shiftres,valid_only=valid_only, $ fields_mago_survey = fields_mago_survey, $ ; no_server=no_server,user_pass=user_pass,L0=L0, $ cal=cal,TVac=Tvac,snout2=snout2,snout1=snout1,crypt=crypt, goddard = goddard, hires1 = hires1, ion=ion,recent=recent,spani=spani,spanea=spanea,spaneb=spaneb,spc=spc,swem=swem,elec=elec,instr=instr,router=router tstart = systime(1) if keyword_set(fields_mago_survey) then begin pathname = 'psp/data/sci/sweap/.test/l1/mago_survey/YYYY/MM/spp_fld_l1_mago_survey_YYYYMMDD_v00.cdf daily_names = 1 valid_only = 1 endif if keyword_set(recent) then trange = systime(1) - [recent,0] * 86400d ; Obtain the last N*24 hours if keyword_set(ndays) then trange = time_double(trange[0]) + [0,ndays*86400L] if keyword_set(nhours) then trange = time_double(trange[0]) + [0,nhours*3600L] sweap_gsedata_dir = 'spp/data/sci/sweap/prelaunch/gsedata/' realtime_dir = sweap_gsedata_dir+'realtime/' if keyword_set(L0) then begin ; default location of L0 files pathname = 'spp/data/sci/pfp/l0_all/YYYY/MM/spp_swp_all_l0_YYYYMMDD_v???.dat' daily_names=1 last_version =1 endif if keyword_set(elec) then begin spanea = 1 dprint, 'Please use spanea keyword instead' endif ; select for instrument ; note that thus far (20180420) spacecraft = swem if keyword_set(tvac) then snout2=1 if keyword_set(spani) then instr = 'spani' if keyword_set(spanea) then instr='spanea' if keyword_set(spaneb) then instr='spaneb' if keyword_set(spc) then instr = 'spc' if keyword_set(swem) then instr = 'swem' ; select for location if keyword_set(cal) then router = 'cal' if keyword_set(snout2) then router = 'snout2' if keyword_set(snout1) then router = 'snout1' if keyword_set(crypt) then router = 'crypt' if keyword_set(rm133) then router = 'rm133' if keyword_set(goddard) then router = 'hires1' if keyword_set(hires1) then begin router = 'hires1' instr = 'swem' endif if keyword_set(ssr) then begin pathname = 'psp/data/sci/sweap/raw/SSR/YYYY/DOY/*_?_EA' daily_names=1 endif if keyword_set(ptp) then begin pathname = 'psp/data/sci/sweap/raw/PTP/YYYY/DOY/sweap_spp_YYYYDOY_??.ptp.gz daily_names=1 endif if ~keyword_set(pathname) then begin pathname = realtime_dir + router+'/'+instr+'/YYYY/MM/DD/spp_socket_YYYYMMDD_hh.dat.gz' hourly_names =1 valid_only=1 endif if not keyword_set(shiftres) then shiftres =0 sres = shiftres if keyword_set(daily_names) then begin res = round(24*3600L * daily_names) sres= round(24*3600L * shiftres) endif if keyword_set(hourly_names) then begin res = round(3600L * hourly_names) sres= round(3600L * shiftres) endif ;lv = n_elements(last_version) eq 0 ? 1 : last_version vo = n_elements(valid_only) eq 0 ? 0 : valid_only source = spp_file_source(src,source_key=source_key,verbose=verbose,user_pass=user_pass,no_server=no_server,valid_only=vo, $ last_version=last_version,no_update=no_update,resolution=res) pos_start = strlen(source.local_data_dir) dprint,dlevel=5,verbose=verbose,phelp=1,source ; display the options if keyword_set(res) then begin tr = timerange(trange) str = (tr-sres)/res dtr = (ceil(str[1]) - floor(str[0]) ) > 1 ; must have at least one file times = res * (floor(str[0]) + lindgen(dtr))+sres pathnames = time_string(times,tformat=pathname,escape_seq = '\') pathnames = pathnames[uniq(pathnames)] ; Remove duplicate filenames - assumes they are sorted endif else pathnames = pathname if keyword_set(prefix) then pathnames = prefix+pathnames if keyword_set(create_dir) then begin files = source.local_data_dir + pathnames file_mkdir2,file_dirname( files ),_extra=source return,files endif if keyword_set(source_key) then begin if source_key EQ 'FIELDS' then pathnames = str_sub(pathnames, 's\s', 'ss') if source_key EQ 'FIELDS' then begin for i = 0, n_elements(pathnames) - 1 do begin if strpos(pathnames[i], '/l2/') EQ -1 then pathnames = str_sub(pathnames, 'dfb_dc_spec_', 'dfb_dc_spec') if strpos(pathnames[i], '/l2/') EQ -1 then pathnames = str_sub(pathnames, 'dfb_ac_spec_', 'dfb_ac_spec') if strpos(pathnames[i], '/l2/') EQ -1 then pathnames = str_sub(pathnames, 'dfb_dc_xspec_', 'dfb_dc_xspec') if strpos(pathnames[i], '/l2/') EQ -1 then pathnames = str_sub(pathnames, 'dfb_ac_xspec_', 'dfb_ac_xspec') endfor endif ;if source_key EQ 'FIELDS' then pathnames = str_sub(pathnames, 'dfb_ac_spec_', 'dfb_ac_spec') if source_key EQ 'FIELDS' then begin for i = 0, n_elements(pathnames) - 1 do begin if strpos(pathnames[i], '/l1b/') EQ -1 and $ strpos(pathnames[i], '/l2/') EQ -1 then $ pathnames[i] = str_sub(pathnames[i], 'dfb_wf_', 'dfb_wf') endfor endif endif files = file_retrieve(pathnames,_extra=source) dprint,dlevel=3,verbose=verbose,systime(1)-tstart,' seconds to retrieve ',n_elements(files),' files' if n_elements(files) eq 1 then files=files[0] return,files end