pro tplot_names, datanames , time_range=times, names=names, verbose=verbose, $ sort=sortit, tsort=tsort, asort=asort, $ reverse=rev, create_time=create_time,all=all,current=current,silent=silent ;+ ;PROCEDURE: tplot_names [, datanames ] ;PURPOSE: ; Lists current stored data names that can be plotted with the TPLOT routines. ;INPUT: (Optional) An string (or array of strings) to be displayed ; The strings may contain wildcard characters. ;Optional array of strings. Each string should be associated with a data ; quantity. (see the "store_data" and "get_data" routines) ;KEYWORDS: ; TIME_RANGE: Set this keyword to print out the time range for each quantity. ; CREATE_TIME: Set to print creation time. ; VERBOSE: Set this keyword to print out more info on the data structures ; NAMES: Named variable in which the array of valid data names is returned. ; ASORT: Set to sort by name. ; TSORT: Set to sort by creation time. ; CURRENT: Set to display only names in last call to tplot. ;EXAMPLE ; tplot_names,'*3dp*' ; display all names with '3dp' in the name ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;SEE ALSO: "TNAMES" "TPLOT" ;MODS: Accepts wildcards ; $LastChangedBy: ali $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-03-05 13:17:11 -0800 (Thu, 05 Mar 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28378 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh:// $ ;- if n_elements(data_quants) eq 0 then begin dprint,"No data has been saved yet" return endif ; The following section could eventually be replaced by tnames() names = tnames(datanames,nd,ind=ind,all=all,tplot=current) if keyword_set(sortit) or keyword_set(asort) then begin s = sort(names) names = names[s] ind = ind[s] endif if keyword_set(tsort) then begin s = sort(data_quants[ind].create_time) names = names[s] ind = ind[s] endif if keyword_set(rev) then begin names = reverse(names) ind = reverse(ind) endif mx = max(strlen(names)) ;maximum number of characters in the set of names to be listed column2_offset=strtrim((mx+6) > 10,2) ;sets the number of characters before the next column begins(for example if /time_range is set) ;if the current set of tplot names contains one long name, the /time_range column will be shifted over substantially.(an alternative fix to this problem would truncate strings to prevent the shift) format1='($,i4," ",a,T' +column2_offset+'," ")' format2='($," ",a," ",a)' for k=0L,nd-1 do begin i=ind[k] dq = data_quants[i] tr = time_string(dq.trange) n = dc = dq.dtype dp = dq.dh ndp = n_elements(*dp) if not(keyword_set(silent)) then begin print,i,n ,format=format1 if keyword_set(times) then print,tr[0],tr[1],format=format2 if keyword_set(create_time) then print,systime(0,dq.create_time),format='($," ",a)' if dc eq 3 then for j=0L,ndp-1 do print,(*dp)[j],format='($," ",a)' print if keyword_set(verbose) then begin printdat,dq,level=' ' ;,'DQ' ; printdat,*dq.dl,level=' ','DLIMIT' ; printdat,*dq.lh,level=' ','LIMIT' ; printdat,*dq.dh,level=' ','DATA' endif endif endfor end