;+ ;Procedure: ; tplot_multiaxis_kludge ; ;Purpose: ; Apply workaround for simultaneous left/right y axes to ; list of tplot variables. ; ;Calling Sequence: ; tplot_multiaxis_kludge, names, [,/left] [,/right] [,/reset] ; ;Input: ; names: string array of tplot variables ; left: flag denoting left handed y axes ; right: flag denoting right handed y axes ; reset: flag to remove previous changes ; ;Output: ; None, alters limits structure of tplot variables ; ;Notes: ; -See tplot_multiaxis.pro ; -Existing "ystyle" and "axis" elements of limits struct will be clobbered. ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-02-07 12:15:26 -0800 (Thu, 07 Feb 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 26569 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/tplot/tplot_multiaxis_kludge.pro $ ;- pro tplot_multiaxis_kludge, names, left=left, right=right, reset=reset, no_zoffset=no_zoffset compile_opt idl2, hidden if undefined(names) then return ;clear previously added options if keyword_set(reset) then begin for i=0, n_elements(names)-1 do begin options, names[i], 'axis' options, names[i], 'ystyle' endfor return endif ;init axis structure that will be passed through limits to mplot base = {yaxis:0, ystyle:1} if keyword_set(right) then begin base.yaxis=1 endif else if keyword_set(left) then begin base.yaxis=0 endif else begin return endelse for i=0, n_elements(names)-1 do begin if tnames(names[i]) eq '' then continue get_data, names[i], lim=lim, dlim=dlim ;use variable name as default y title axis = {ytitle: strjoin(strsplit(names[i],'_',/extract),'!c')} str_element, lim, 'colors', this_color, success=s if s then str_element, axis, 'color', this_color[0], /add ;copy & overwrite axis options from metadata into struct extract_tags, axis, dlim, /axis extract_tags, axis, lim, /axis extract_tags, axis, base ;must be last! ;ysubtitle is ad hoc tplot feature so it must be grabbed separately str_element, dlim, 'ysubtitle', ysubtitle str_element, lim, 'ysubtitle', ysubtitle if ~undefined(ysubtitle) then axis.ytitle += '!c'+ysubtitle str_element, lim, 'spec', spec, success=ls str_element, dlim, 'spec', spec, success=ds s = ls+ds ; 0 if never spec, > 0 otherwise ;add options to limits struct extract_tags, lim, {ystyle:1+4, axis:axis};, no_color_scale:1} ; now moving color scale outside of the margins store_data, names[i], lim=lim if s gt 0 && spec eq 1 then begin options, names[i], ystyle=9 ; instead of turning off color scale with no_color_scale, we'll move it off the screen ; to get it back, simply change the margins on the right-hand side if ~keyword_set(no_zoffset) then options, names[i], 'zoffset', [12, 15] endif endfor end