;+ ;NAME: ; tplot_apply_timebar ;PURPOSE: ; Plots vertical lines (timebars) for plotted tplot variables, if ; there is a timebar tag in the limits structure for those ; variables. To set values, use the 'options' programs: e.g., ; options, 'tha_efs', 'timebar', {time:'2016-07-01 '+['06:22', '07:00']} ; sets two vertical lines for the 'tha_efs' variable.. ; Then call ; tplot_apply_timebar ; options, 'tha_efs', 'timebar', {time:'2016-07-01/'+['06:22','07:00'], color:[3, 6], linestyle:2, thick:2.0} ; Adds color for each of the lines. Linestyle and thick are also ; options for the timebar; color, linestyle and thick can be arrays or scalars ; The timebar value only needs to be a structure if other options are set ; options, 'tha_efs', 'timebar', '2016-07-07/06:12' ; will work ; Note that tplot needs to have been called previously ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tplot_apply_timebar ;INPUT: ; none ;OUTPUT: ; none ;KEYWORDS: ; varname = if set, only do the timebars for the named variable(s) ; clear = if set, clear the options for the affected variable ;HISTORY: ; 2016-07-29, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-10-10 12:29:12 -0700 (Mon, 10 Oct 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22074 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/tplot/tplot_apply_timebar.pro $ ;- Pro tplot_apply_timebar, varname = varname, clear = clear @tplot_com ;the tplot_vars.options structure tells us what's on the plot If(keyword_set(varname)) Then vn = tnames(varname) Else Begin If(is_struct(tplot_vars) && is_struct(tplot_vars.options)) Then Begin If(tag_exist(tplot_vars.options, 'varnames') && $ is_string(tplot_vars.options.varnames)) Then Begin vn = tnames(tplot_vars.options.varnames) Endif Else Return Endif Else Return Endelse If(~is_string(vn)) Then Begin dprint, 'No Valid tplot variables available' Return Endif nvn = n_elements(vn) For j = 0, nvn-1 Do Begin ;Check limits for timebar tag get_data, vn[j], limits = al, dlimits = dl ;clear the timebar if requested If(keyword_set(clear)) Then Begin If(is_struct(al) && tag_exist(al, 'timebar')) Then Begin str_element, al, 'timebar', /delete store_data, vn[j], limits = al Endif If(is_struct(dl) && tag_exist(dl, 'timebar')) Then Begin str_element, dl, 'timebar', /delete store_data, vn[j], dlimits = dl Endif Continue Endif ;Otherwise apply timebar If(is_struct(al) && tag_exist(al, 'timebar')) Then Begin tb = al.timebar ;tb can be an array or structure If(~is_struct(tb)) Then tb = {time: time_double(tb)} Endif Else If(is_struct(dl) && tag_exist(dl, 'timebar')) Then Begin tb = dl.timebar ;tb can be an array or structure If(~is_struct(tb)) Then tb = {time: time_double(tb)} Endif Else tb = 0b ;Call 'timebar' program to add to plot, if needed If(is_struct(tb)) Then Begin If(tag_exist(tb, 'color')) Then clr = tb.color Else clr = 0 If(tag_exist(tb, 'linestyle')) Then lns = tb.linestyle Else lns = 0 If(tag_exist(tb, 'thick')) Then thk = tb.thick Else thk = 0 timebar, tb.time, color = clr, linestyle = lns, thick = thk, varname = vn[j] Endif Endfor Return End