;+ ;Procedure: plotxylib ; ;Purpose: A library of helper functions for plotxy, plotxyz, and plotxyvec. ; To make the library available for a routine just call: plotxylib ; That will force all the routines to be compiled. ; ; pxy_set_state sets the state of !TPLOTXY which keeps track ; of windowing information for the plotxy* routines. pxy_push_state ; pushes arguments to these routines onto a data structure that allows ; them to be replot without retyping the arguments. pxy_replot will ; replot a series of calls from memory. pxy_get_pos will calculate ; the position and shape of a window from the windowing information ; in !TPLOTXY and the requested data ranges and margins for a window. ; pxy_set_window is a routine that houses some redundant ; initialization code. ; ; SEE ALSO: plotxy,plotxyz,plotxyvec ; ; $LastChangedBy: lphilpott $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2011-05-26 11:53:59 -0700 (Thu, 26 May 2011) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 8701 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/tplot/plotxylib.pro $ ; ;- ;HELPER FUNCTION ;set window up, store windowing information pro pxy_set_window,overplot,addpanel,replot,window,xsize,ysize,wtitle,multi,mmargin,mtitle,noisotropic,isotropic=isotropic compile_opt hidden,idl2 ;if the window has not yet been generated or no more ;windows are available if ~keyword_set(overplot) && ~keyword_set(addpanel) && strlowcase(!D.name) ne 'ps' && strlowcase(!D.name) ne 'z' then begin if ~undefined(window) or keyword_set(xsize) or keyword_set(ysize) or keyword_set(wtitle) or !D.window eq -1 then begin device,window_state=wlist if ~undefined(window) then begin ;if the window doesn't really exist create it if window ge n_elements(wlist) || window lt 0 then $ message,'You passed an out of range window value' $ else if wlist[window] eq 0 then $ window,window,xsize=640,ysize=512 $ else $ wset,window endif else if !D.window eq -1 then begin window = 0 xsize = 640 ysize = 512 endif else $ window = !D.window if not keyword_set(xsize) then begin xs = !D.X_SIZE endif else begin xs = xsize endelse if not keyword_set(ysize) then begin ys = !D.Y_SIZE endif else begin ys = ysize endelse if not keyword_set(wtitle) then begin wt = strcompress('IDL ' + string(window)) endif else begin wt = wtitle endelse window,window,xsize=xs,ysize=ys,title=wt,retain=2 endif endif ;if this isn't a recursive call making use of the state information ;then we can safely reset the state information ;Moved outside of above if stmt so that multi works properly with postscript. May cause unforeseen bugs. if (~keyword_set(replot) and ~keyword_set(overplot) and ~keyword_set(addpanel)) then begin pxy_set_state,multi, mmargin, mtitle endif if ~keyword_set(multi) and (keyword_set(mtitle) or keyword_set(mmargin)) then begin dprint, 'Can only specify mtitle and mmargin when specifying multi. These arguments will be ignored.' endif if keyword_set(addpanel) then begin if keyword_set(multi) then begin message, 'Add and multi cannot be used in the same command.' endif !tplotxy.current++ endif if ~keyword_set(noisotropic) then begin isotropic = 1 endif else begin isotropic = 0 endelse end ;helper function, intializes the tplotxy system variable pro pxy_set_state,multi, mmargin, mtitle compile_opt idl2,hidden plotlist = 0 if keyword_set(multi) then begin args = strsplit(multi,' *[ ,/:;\.\\] *',/extract,/fold_case,/regex,count=c) if c ne 2 then begin message,'illegal multi string "' + multi + '"' endif if stregex(args[0],'r',/boolean) then begin revcols = 1 endif else begin revcols = 0 endelse if stregex(args[1],'r',/boolean) then begin revrows = 1 endif else begin revrows = 0 endelse cols = long(stregex(args[0],'[0-9]*',/extract)) if cols eq 0 then begin message,'error parsing multi cols: "' + args[0] + '"' endif rows = long(stregex(args[1],'[0-9]*',/extract)) if cols eq 0 then begin message,'error parsing multi rows: "' + args[1] + '"' endif panels = intarr(cols, rows) if keyword_set(mmargin) then begin if n_elements(mmargin) ne 4 then begin message,'malformed mmargin' endif if ~is_num(mmargin,/real) then begin message,'mmargin must contain real number' endif id = where(mmargin gt 1 or mmargin lt 0) if id[0] ne -1 then begin message,'mmargin must be in the range [0,1]' endif if (((mmargin[0]+mmargin[2]) gt 1) or ((mmargin[1]+mmargin[3]) gt 1)) then begin message,'mmargin too big: no space left in window' endif margin = float(mmargin) endif else begin margin = [.0,.0,.0,.0] endelse if keyword_set(mtitle) then begin title = mtitle if (margin[2] eq 0) then begin ;allow some space for the title if the user hasn't margin[2] = 0.05 endif endif else begin title = '' endelse endif else begin revcols = 0 revrows = 0 cols = 1 rows = 1 margin = [.0,.0,.0,.0] title = '' panels = [0] endelse DEFSYSV,'!tplotxy',exists=bool ;free any old memory if bool && is_struct(*(!tplotxy.plotvec)) then begin plotvec = !tplotxy.plotvec t=csvector(*plotvec,/free) ptr_free,plotvec endif if bool && ptr_valid(!tplotxy.panels) then begin paneltemp = !tplotxy.panels ptr_free,paneltemp endif tplotxyval = { rows:rows,$ revrows:revrows,$ cols:cols,$ revcols:revcols,$ current:0,$ ;this doesn't record panels used, but rather where next panel should go automatically (counting from top left). Panels added with mpanel are not included in the count. pos:dblarr(4),$ ;these values needed to properly overplot arrows xrange:dblarr(2),$ yrange:dblarr(2),$ plotvec:ptr_new(csvector('start')),$ margin:margin,$ title:title,$ panels:ptr_new(panels)} DEFSYSV,'!tplotxy',tplotxyval end ;adds the information to repeat the previous tplotxy call to the ;tplotxy global variable pro pxy_push_state,func_name,state,_extra=ex compile_opt idl2,hidden plotvec = *(!tplotxy.plotvec) ptr_free,!tplotxy.plotvec str_element,state,'ex',ex,/add func = {func:func_name,state:state} !tplotxy.plotvec = ptr_new(csvector(func,plotvec)) end ;determines the position of the current panel ;using the margin information and the tplotxy information ;assumes data is already logarithm'd, sorted, etc... function pxy_get_pos,x,y,isotropic,xmargin,ymargin,mpanel compile_opt idl2,hidden ;validate inputs if keyword_set(xmargin) then begin if n_elements(xmargin) ne 2 then begin message,'malformed x margin' endif if ~is_num(xmargin,/real) then begin message,'x margin must contain real number' endif id = where(xmargin gt 1 or xmargin lt 0) if id[0] ne -1 then begin message,'x margin must be in the range [0,1]' endif endif else begin xmargin = [.15,.17] endelse if keyword_set(ymargin) then begin if n_elements(ymargin) ne 2 then begin message,'malformed y margin' endif if ~is_num(ymargin,/real) then begin message,'y margin must contain real number' endif id = where(ymargin gt 1 or ymargin lt 0) if id[0] ne -1 then begin message,'y margin must be in the range [0,1]' endif endif else begin ymargin = [.1,.075] endelse ;verify that the current panel is not too large temparr = where(*(!tplotxy.panels) eq 0, cnt) if ((!tplotxy.current ge (!tplotxy.rows * !tplotxy.cols)) or (cnt eq 0))then begin message,'no more panels available in current layout' endif xpanel_size = 1.0/!tplotxy.cols ypanel_size = 1.0/!tplotxy.rows ; Handle cases where the users wants to plot to a specific panel, or create a plot that takes up multiple panels ; NB: panels is an array that will match the layout you see on your screen (i.e [0,0] is top left), ; ypanel_cur is 0 for the bottom row rather than the top as coordinates are measured from bottom left. if keyword_set(mpanel) then begin !tplotxy.current-- ; current keeps track of the automatic order of panels. Calling with specific panel doesn't count. validarg = stregex(mpanel, '^(([0-9]+,)|([0-9]+:[0-9]+,))(([0-9]+)|([0-9]+:[0-9]+))$',/boolean) if ~validarg then begin message, 'mpanel must be in the form of a string x,y or x1:x2, y1:y2' endif args = strsplit(mpanel,'[,]',/extract,count=c) argcol = long(strsplit(args[0],':',/extract,count=colct)) argrow = long(strsplit(args[1],':',/extract,count=rowct)) xpanel_cur1 = argcol[0] ypanel_cur1 = !tplotxy.rows-1-argrow[0] mincol = argcol[0] if (colct eq 2) then begin maxcol = argcol[1] endif else begin maxcol = argcol[0] endelse minrow = argrow[0] if (rowct eq 2) then begin maxrow = argrow[1] endif else begin maxrow = argrow[0] endelse xpanel_cur2 = maxcol ypanel_cur2 = !tplotxy.rows-1-maxrow if ((mincol gt maxcol) or (minrow gt maxrow)) then begin message, 'mpanel column and row numbers must be specified in ascending order' endif if ((maxcol gt (!tplotxy.cols-1)) or (maxrow gt (!tplotxy.rows -1))) then begin message, 'mpanel column and row numbers must be valid for current plot (column and row numbers start at 0)' endif for i=mincol, maxcol do begin for j=minrow, maxrow do begin if ((*(!tplotxy.panels))[i,j] eq 1) then begin message,'cannot plot in a panel that is already in use' endif ; mark the panel as used (*(!tplotxy.panels))[i,j] = 1 endfor endfor endif else begin ;when mpanel is not set panelfound = 0 spaceavail = 1 while(~panelfound and spaceavail) do begin ;checking space available should not be necessary as this is checked earlier. Putting it here to avoid infinite loop under unforeseen circumstances. if !tplotxy.revcols eq 0 then begin xpanel_cur1 = !tplotxy.current mod !tplotxy.cols endif else begin xpanel_cur1 = !tplotxy.cols - 1 - (!tplotxy.current mod !tplotxy.cols) endelse if !tplotxy.revrows ne 0 then begin ypanel_cur1 = !tplotxy.current / !tplotxy.cols endif else begin ypanel_cur1 = !tplotxy.rows - 1 - (!tplotxy.current / !tplotxy.cols) endelse if ((*(!tplotxy.panels))[xpanel_cur1, (!tplotxy.rows-1-ypanel_cur1)] eq 0) then begin panelfound = 1 endif else begin !tplotxy.current++ temp = where(*(!tplotxy.panels) eq 0, cntempty) if (cntempty eq 0) then begin spaceavail = 0 endif endelse endwhile ; mark the panel as used (*(!tplotxy.panels))[xpanel_cur1,!tplotxy.rows-1-ypanel_cur1] = 1 xpanel_cur2 = xpanel_cur1 ypanel_cur2 = ypanel_cur1 endelse ; sorting out overall margins deltax = 1-!tplotxy.margin[1]-!tplotxy.margin[3] deltay = 1-!tplotxy.margin[0]-!tplotxy.margin[2] ;coordinates x1 = (xpanel_cur1 * xpanel_size + xpanel_size*(xpanel_cur2-xpanel_cur1+1)*xmargin[0])*deltax + !tplotxy.margin[1] x2 = ((xpanel_cur2+1) * xpanel_size - xpanel_size*(xpanel_cur2-xpanel_cur1+1)*xmargin[1])*deltax + !tplotxy.margin[1] ; ypanel counts from bottom up rather than top down y1 = (ypanel_cur2 * ypanel_size + ypanel_size*(ypanel_cur1-ypanel_cur2+1)*ymargin[0])*deltay + !tplotxy.margin[0] y2 = ((ypanel_cur1+1) * ypanel_size - ypanel_size*(ypanel_cur1-ypanel_cur2+1)*ymargin[1])*deltay + !tplotxy.margin[0] if keyword_set(isotropic) then begin x_data_sz = abs(double(x[1])-double(x[0])) y_data_sz = abs(double(y[1])-double(y[0])) ;plot size normalized into centimeters for comparisons x_plot_sz = !D.x_size*(x2-x1)/!D.x_px_cm y_plot_sz = !D.y_size*(y2-y1)/!D.y_px_cm if x_data_sz/y_data_sz lt x_plot_sz/y_plot_sz then begin x_plot_sz = y_plot_sz * x_data_sz/y_data_sz endif else begin y_plot_sz = x_plot_sz * y_data_sz/x_data_sz endelse x2 = x1 + !D.x_px_cm * x_plot_sz/!D.x_size y2 = y1 + !D.y_px_cm * y_plot_sz/!D.y_size endif !tplotxy.pos = [x1,y1,x2,y2] !tplotxy.xrange = x !tplotxy.yrange = y return, [x1,y1,x2,y2] end pro pxy_replot compile_opt idl2,hidden !tplotxy.current = 0 (*(!tplotxy.panels))[*] = 0 plotvec = *(!tplotxy.plotvec) len = csvector(plotvec,/length) for i = 1,len-1 do begin c = csvector(i,plotvec,/read) state=c.state if c.func eq 'plotxy' then begin plotxy, state.vectors,replot=1,_extra=state.ex endif else if c.func eq 'plotxyz' then begin plotxyz,state.x,state.y,state.z,replot=1,_extra=state.ex endif else if c.func eq 'plotxyvec' then begin plotxyvec,state.xy,state.dxy,replot=1,_extra=state.ex endif else begin message,'unrecognized replot function' endelse endfor end pro pxy_make_title xpos = 0.5 ypos = 1-0.9*!tplotxy.margin[2] csize = !tplotxy.margin[2]*!d.y_size*0.5/!d.y_ch_size ;slightly arbitrary numbers to make the title look nice in most cases ;Using a program such as David Fanning's str_size would probably work better. This draws on his program but doesn't try very hard to find the right size currentWindow = !D.Window if((!D.Flags and 256) ne 0) then begin ;Don't try to change size if exporting to postscript for example Window, /Pixmap, /Free, XSize=!D.X_Size, YSize=!D.Y_Size XYOUTS, !tplotxy.title, WIDTH=w, charsize=-csize if (w gt 0.9) then begin while (w gt 0.9) do begin csize = csize-0.2 XYOUTS, !tplotxy.title, WIDTH=w, charsize=-csize endwhile endif endif if currentWindow ne -1 then WSet, currentWindow xyouts,xpos, ypos, !tplotxy.title, alignment=0.5,/normal, charsize=csize end pro plotxylib ;does nothing ;call plotxylib at the beginning of any ;routine that needs the routines in this ;library to guarantee that they are compiled end