;+ ;PROCEDURE: mplot, x, y, [,dy] ;INPUT: ; x: 1 or 2 dimensional array of x values. ; y: 1 or 2 dimensional array of y values. ; dy; error bars for y; same dimensions as y. (optional) ;PURPOSE: ; General purpose procedure used to make multi-line plots. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; DATA: A structure that contains the elements 'x', 'y' ['dy']. This ; is an alternative way of inputing the data (used by "TPLOT"). ; LIMITS: Structure containing any combination of the following elements: ; ALL PLOT/OPLOT keywords (ie. PSYM,SYMSIZE,LINESTYLE,COLOR,etc.) ; ALL MPLOT keywords ; NSUMS: array of NSUM keywords. ; LINESTYLES: array of linestyles. ; LABELS: array of text labels. ; LABPOS: array of positions for LABELS. ; LABFLAG: integer, flag that controls label positioning. ; -1: labels placed in reverse order. ; 0: No labels. ; 1: labels spaced equally. ; 2: labels placed according to data. ; 3: labels placed according to LABPOS. ; BINS: flag array specifying which channels to plot. ; OVERPLOT: If non-zero then data is plotted over last plot. ; NOXLAB: if non-zero then xlabel tick marks are supressed. ; COLORS: array of colors used for each curve. ; NOCOLOR: do not use color when creating plot. ;NOTES: ; The values of all the keywords can also be put in the limits structure or ; in the data structure using the full keyword as the tag name. ; The structure value will overide the keyword value. ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;FILE: mplot.pro ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-02-21 16:42:35 -0800 (Fri, 21 Feb 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28332 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/tplot/mplot.pro $ ; ;- pro mplot,xt,yt,dy, $ OVERPLOT = overplot,$ OPLOT = oplot, $ LABELS = labels, $ ;(array of) label(s) for the curve(s) LABPOS = labpos, $ LABFLAG = labflag, $ COLORS = colors, $ ;(array of) color(s) for the curve(s) BINS = bins, $ DATA = data, $ NOERRORBARS = noerrorbars, $ ERRORTHRESH = errorthresh, $ NOXLAB = noxlab, $ ;No xlabels are printed if set NOCOLOR = nocolor, $ ;Colors not automatically generated if set LIMITS = limits ;structure containing miscellaneous keyword tags:values compile_opt idl2 ;forces array indexing with brackets. integer constants without type labels default to 32 bit int ;note that array indexing with brackets should be considered mandatory for all future code, ;As IDL 8+ implements parenthetical array indexes very very inefficiently if keyword_set(data) then begin x = data.x y = data.y str_element,data,'dy',value=dy extract_tags,stuff,data,except=['x','y','dy','v'] str_element,limits,'datagap',dg if keyword_set(dg) then makegap,dg,x,y,dy=dy endif else begin x = xt y = yt endelse if keyword_set(overplot) then oplot=overplot overplot = 1 str_element,limits,'overplot',value=oplot str_element,limits,'noerrorbars',noerrorbars str_element,limits,'errorthresh',errorthresh xrange=[0.,0.] yrange=[0.,0.] charsize = !p.charsize if charsize eq 0 then charsize = 1. extract_tags,stuff,limits ;printdat,stuff str_element,stuff,'nocolor',value=nocolor str_element,stuff,'colors',value=colors str_element,stuff,'color_offset',value=color_offset str_element,stuff,'nsums',value=nsums & n_nsums = n_elements(nsums) & nsum=1 str_element,stuff,'linestyles',value=linestyles n_linestyles = n_elements(linestyles) & linestyle=0 str_element,stuff,'labflag',value=labflag str_element,stuff,'labels',value=labels str_element,stuff,'all_labels',value=all_labels ;pseudo vars only str_element,stuff,'label_index',value=label_index ;pseudo vars only str_element,stuff,'labpos',value=labpos str_element,stuff,'labsize',value=lbsize str_element,stuff,'bins',value=bins str_element,stuff,'indices',value=indices str_element,stuff,'charsize',value=charsize str_element,stuff,'charthick',value=charthick str_element,stuff,'axis',value=axis str_element,stuff,'reverse_order',rev_order extract_tags,plotstuff,stuff,/plot ;plotstuff = stuff extract_tags,oplotstuff,stuff,/oplot extract_tags,xyoutsstuff,stuff,/xyouts str_element,plotstuff,'xrange',value=xrange str_element,plotstuff,'xtype',value=xtype str_element,plotstuff,'xlog',value=xtype str_element,plotstuff,'yrange',value=yrange str_element,plotstuff,'ytype',value=ytype str_element,plotstuff,'ylog',value=ytype str_element,plotstuff,'max_value',value=max_value str_element,plotstuff,'min_value',value=min_value str_element,plotstuff,'notes',value=notes d1 = dimen1(y) d2 = dimen2(y) ndx = ndimen(x) nx = n_elements(x) ;if n_elements(bins) eq 0 then bins = replicate(1b,d2) ;if n_elements(bins) eq 1 then if bins[0] eq 1 then bins = replicate(1b,d2) if ndimen(bins) eq 1 then begin w = where(bins eq 0,count) if count ne 0 then y[*,w] = !values.f_nan endif if ndimen(bins) eq 2 then begin w= where(bins eq 0,count) if count ne 0 then y[w] = !values.f_nan endif if xrange[0] eq xrange[1] then xrange = minmax(x,positive=xtype) turbo = 1 if keyword_set(turbo) and ndx eq 1 and xrange[0] ne xrange[1] and nx gt 1000 then begin ; print,'turbo' mm = minmax(xrange) ; dprint,/phelp,mm,x,dlevel=3 ; dprint,/phelp,where(~ finite(x) ) ; savetomain,x ; savetomain,xrange wf = where(finite(x),count) if count gt 0 then begin ; avoid exception message for non finite numbers w = where(x[wf] ge mm[0] and x[wf] lt mm[1],count) if count gt 0 then w = wf[w] endif else w = wf ; w = where(x ge mm[0] and x lt mm[1],count) if count eq 0 then w = n_elements(x)/2 mm = minmax(w) + [-1,1] mm = 0 > mm < (n_elements(x)-1) x = x[mm[0]:mm[1]] y = y[mm[0]:mm[1],*] if keyword_set(dy) then dy = dy[mm[0]:mm[1],*] max_points = -1 str_element, stuff, 'max_points', value = max_points if max_points GT 0 then mplot_downsample_data, max_points, x, y, dy = dy endif if n_elements(errorthresh) eq 1 and keyword_set(dy) then begin w = where(y/dy lt errorthresh,count) if count gt 0 then y[w] = !values.f_nan endif good = where(finite(x),count) if count eq 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=2,'No valid X data.',/no_check_events return endif ind = where(x[good] ge xrange[0] and x[good] le xrange[1],count) psym_lim = 0 psym= -1 str_element,stuff,'psym',value=psym str_element,stuff,'psym_lim',value=psym_lim str_element,stuff,'psym_hist',value=psym_hist if count lt psym_lim then str_element,/add,plotstuff,'psym',psym if count lt psym_lim then str_element,/add,oplotstuff,'psym',psym if count eq 0 then ind = lindgen(n_elements(x)) else ind = good[ind] if n_elements(yrange) lt 2 || yrange[0] eq yrange[1] then begin ;if yrange[0] eq yrange[1] then begin if ndx eq 1 then $ yrange = minmax(y[ind,*],posi=ytype,max=max_value,min=min_value) $ else $ yrange = minmax(y[ind],posi=ytype,max=max_value,min=min_value) endif if keyword_set(noxlab) then $ str_element,/add,plotstuff,'xtickname',replicate(' ',22) if n_elements(colors) ne 0 then col = get_colors(colors) $ ;else if d2 gt 1 then col=bytescale(pure_col=d2) $ else if d2 gt 1 then col=bytescale(findgen(d2)) $ else col = !p.color if keyword_set(nocolor) then if nocolor ne 2 or !d.name eq 'PS' then $ col = !p.color nc = n_elements(col) if keyword_set(oplot) eq 0 then begin box,plotstuff,xrange,yrange endif ; plot,/nodata,xrange,yrange,_EXTRA = plotstuff str_element,stuff,'notes',notes if keyword_set(notes) then begin dprint,dlevel=3,notes xpos = !x.window[0] + .03*(!x.window[1]-!x.window[0]) ypos = !y.window[1] - .03*(!y.window[1]-!y.window[0]) xyouts,xpos,ypos,'!c'+notes,/normal endif str_element,stuff,'constant',constant str_element,stuff,'nsmooth',nsmooth if n_elements(constant) ne 0 then begin str_element,stuff,'const_color',const_color if n_elements(const_color) ne 0 then ccols = get_colors(const_color) else ccols=!p.color ncc = n_elements(constant) for i=0,ncc-1 do $ oplot,xrange,constant[i]*[1,1],color=ccols[i mod n_elements(ccols)],/linestyle endif labbins = replicate(1,d2) if keyword_set(labels) then begin nlab = n_elements(labels) ;# of labels for variable ;# used for calculating label size and placement ;should include total number in case of pseudo var nlabtot = keyword_set(all_labels) ? n_elements(all_labels):nlab if ~keyword_set(all_labels) && nlab ne d2 then $ dprint,dlevel=2,'Incorrect number of labels',/no_check_events yw = !y.window xw = !x.window if not keyword_set(lbsize) then $ lbsize = charsize < (yw[1]-yw[0])/(nlabtot+1) *!d.y_size/!d.y_ch_size $ else lbsize = lbsize*charsize if n_elements(labflag) eq 0 then begin if keyword_set(labpos) then labflag = 3 else labflag = 2 endif if n_elements(labflag) eq 0 then begin ;no labels labflag=0 endif if labflag eq 1 or labflag eq -1 then begin ;evenly spaced labels nlabpos = (findgen(nlabtot)+0.5)*(yw[1]-yw[0])/nlabtot + yw[0] if labflag eq -1 then nlabpos = reverse(nlabpos) endif if labflag eq 3 then begin ;specified label position if keyword_set(labpos) then begin foo = convert_coord(/data,/to_norm,findgen(n_elements(labpos)),labpos) nlabpos = foo[1,*] endif else dprint,dlevel=2,'Custom label position not set, please set LABPOS option.' endif if keyword_set(all_labels) then begin ;pseudo var labels lidx = where(label_index le n_elements(all_labels)-1,nl) if nl gt 0 then begin ;get correct labels and placement for this variable (set in tplot) labels = all_labels[label_index[lidx]] if keyword_set(nlabpos) then nlabpos = nlabpos[label_index[lidx]] endif else begin labflag = 0 endelse endif labbins = replicate(1,nlab) if ndimen(bins) eq 1 then labbins=bins xpos = !x.window[1] endif else labflag=0 ;offset into colors array in case of pseudo var c_off = size(/type,color_offset) gt 0 ? color_offset:0 if keyword_set(indices) then ind = indices else ind=indgen(d2) if keyword_set(rev_order) then ind = reverse(ind) for n_=0,n_elements(ind)-1 do begin n = ind[n_] ; if keyword_set(rev_order) then n = d2 - n_ -1 ; if bins(n) ne 0 then begin if ndx eq 1 then i=0 else i=n c = col[ (n + c_off) mod nc ] if n_nsums ne 0 then nsum = nsums[n mod n_nsums] if n_linestyles ne 0 then linestyle = linestyles[n mod n_linestyles] xt = x[*,i] yt = y[*,n] if (keyword_set(nsmooth) && (nsmooth lt n_elements(yt))) then yt = smooth(yt,nsmooth,edge_truncate=0) oplot,xt,yt,color=c,nsum=nsum,linest=linestyle,_EXTRA = oplotstuff if keyword_set(psym_hist) then oplot,xt,yt,color=c,nsum=nsum,linestyle=linestyle,psym=10 if keyword_set(axis) then $ for axisind = 0,n_elements(axis)-1 do axis,_extra=axis[axisind] if not keyword_set(noerrorbars) and n_elements(dy) ne 0 then begin tempc = !p.color !p.color = c upper = yt+dy[*,n] lower = yt-dy[*,n] if keyword_set(ytype) then lower = lower > yrange[0]/2. oplot_err,xt,lower,upper ; oploterr,xt,yt,dy(*,n),0 !p.color = tempc endif if keyword_set(labels) and keyword_set(labflag) then begin ;ensure n is in range if n le n_elements(labels)-1 && labbins[n] then begin ypos = 0. if keyword_set(nlabpos) then begin ;evenly spaced labels ypos = nlabpos[n] endif else begin ;labels at end of trace fooind = where(finite(yt),count) if count ne 0 then begin foo = convert_coord(xt[fooind],yt[fooind],/data,/to_norm) fooind = where( foo[0,*] le xw[1],count) if count ne 0 then mx = max(foo[0,fooind],ms) if count ne 0 then ypos = foo[1,fooind[ms]] endif endelse if ypos le yw[1] and ypos ge yw[0] then $ xyouts,xpos,ypos,' '+labels[n],color=c,/norm,charsize=lbsize,charthick=charthick endif endif ; endif endfor ;pass back offset to colors array in case of pseudo var if size(/type,color_offset) gt 0 then begin str_element, limits, 'color_offset', color_offset + d2, /add endif return end