;+ ;NAME: ;highlight_time_interval ;PURPOSE: ;for a given tplot variable, click on a time interval to highlight ;using the fill_time_intv option ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ;highlight_time_interval, tplot_variable, time_interval=time_interval, ; color = color, polyfill_options = ; polyfill_options, delete=delete ;INPUT: ;tplot_variable - one or more tplot variables, No input will apply to ; all tplot variables. ;KEYWORDS: ;time_interval - a 2 or 2Xntimes array of time intervals. The default ; is to use interactive ctime calls. If interactive, ; then n_intervals is used to calculate the number of ; time_intervals. ;color - a color value or ntimes color values, the default is color ; zero, string input is ok, e.g., 'rgb' for three intervals ;line_fill - sets polyfill line_fill option, that uses parallel lines ; instead of solid color ;orientation - angle in degrees for orientation of lines for line_fill ; option ;linestyle - linestyle for line_fill option ;thick - line thickness for line_fill option ;n_intervals - used for cases with no time inputs, for number of ; intervals to choose interactively. ;delete - delete highlights. ;refresh - call tplot to show the intervals ;NOTES: ; The same intervals are applied to each of the input tplot variables ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-11-15 11:20:05 -0800 (Fri, 15 Nov 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28023 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/tplot/highlight_time_interval.pro $ ;- Pro highlight_time_interval, tplot_var, time_interval = time_interval, $ color = color, line_fill = line_fill, $ orientation = orientation, linestyle = linestyle, $ thick = thick, delete = delete, $ n_intervals = n_intervals, $ refresh = refresh, _extra = _extra ;get tplot variables tvar = tnames(tplot_var) If(~is_string(tvar)) Then Begin dprint, 'No Variables: ' Return Endif nvar = n_elements(tvar) ;delete options If(keyword_set(delete)) Then Begin For j = 0, nvar-1 Do options, tvar[j], 'fill_time_intv', undefined_variable Return Endif ;get time intervals If(keyword_set(time_interval)) Then Begin tintv = time_double(time_interval) nintv = n_elements(tintv[0, *]) Endif Else Begin If(keyword_set(n_intervals)) Then nintv = n_intervals $ Else nintv = 1 tintv = dblarr(2, nintv) ctime, tintvj, npoints = 2*nintv, $ prompt = "Use cursor to select start and end times, for all intervals" tintv = reform(tintvj, 2, nintv) Endelse ;Ok, now call options to get all of the time intervals If(keyword_set(color)) Then col = get_colors(color) Else col = 0 opt = {time:tintv, color:col} If(keyword_set(line_fill)) Then str_element, opt, 'line_fill', line_fill, /add If(keyword_set(orientation)) Then str_element, opt, 'orientation', orientation, /add If(keyword_set(linestyle)) Then str_element, opt, 'linestyle', linestyle, /add If(keyword_set(thick)) Then str_element, opt, 'thick', thick, /add options, tvar, 'fill_time_intv', opt If(keyword_set(refresh)) Then tplot End