;+ ;NAME: ; auto_downsample ;PURPOSE: ; Downsamples spectral data to fit a given array and interpolates back ; to the original. For specplot.pro in cases where there is a time ; variation faster than the time resolution of device pixels. Not ; done if n_elements(x_out) > n_elements(x_in)/2, or if dx_out/dx_in ; is less than 2.0. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spec_out = auto_downsample(spec_in, x_in, x_out) ;INPUT: ; spec_in = a spectrogram, ntimesXnchannels, or nxXny ; x_in = x coordinate for input ; x_out = x coordinate for output, the default is to use this for ; scaling, an interpolate the result back to x_in, the x_out ; coordinates are not overwritten ;KEYWORDS: ; downsample_interp2out = if set, then do not interpolate back to the ; input coordinates, but to the output coordinates ;HISTORY: ; 31-aug-2018, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-18 11:26:36 -0700 (Mon, 18 Mar 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26846 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/tplot/auto_downsample.pro $ ;- Function auto_downsample, spec_in, x_in, x_out, $ downsample_interp2out = downsample_interp2out nx_in = n_elements(x_in) nx_out = n_elements(x_out) If(nx_out Gt nx_in/2) Then Begin dprint, dlevel = 4, 'nx_out > nx_in/2, no downsample' Return, spec_in Endif ;an implicit assumption here is that both x_in and x_out are uniform grids dx_out = x_out[1]-x_out[0] dx_in = x_in[1]-x_in[0] scale = dx_out/dx_in If(scale Lt 2.0) Then Begin dprint, dlevel = 4, 'dx_in/dx_out > 1/2, no downsample' Return, spec_in Endif nx_new = ceil(nx_in/scale) ;use histogram with reverse indices xxx = histogram(x_in, min = x_in[0], max = x_in[nx_in-1], nbins = nx_new, $ locations=yyy, reverse_i = rii) ny = n_elements(spec_in[0, *]) spec_new = replicate(spec_in[0], nx_new, ny) ;Average in each bin For j = 0, nx_new-1 Do Begin If(rii[j] Ne rii[j+1]) Then Begin ss = rii[rii[j]:rii[j+1]-1] If(ny Eq 1) Then spec_new[j] = total(spec_in[ss]) $ Else spec_new[j, *] = mean(spec_in[ss, *], dim=1, /nan) Endif Endfor ;Need bin mipoints, fixed last point, 2019-03-18, jmm yyy = [yyy, 2.0*yyy[nx_new-1]-yyy[nx_new-2]] x_new = 0.5*(yyy[1:*]+yyy) ;New spectrum is sort of the same as a spectrum on x_out, but not ;quite, interploate back using interp.pro If(keyword_set(downsample_interp2out)) Then Begin spec_out = interp(spec_new, x_new, x_out, $ /no_check_monotonic, /ignore_nan, /no_extrap) Endif Else Begin spec_out = interp(spec_new, x_new, x_in, $ /no_check_monotonic, /ignore_nan, /no_extrap) Endelse Return, spec_out End