;+ ; ;PROCEDURE: STORE_DATA_COLBAR ; ;PURPOSE: Wrapper of 'store_data' to create a tplot variable ; of color bar as a function of time. ; ;INPUTS: Time and bar data array. They must be same elements. ; Basic usage is the same as 'store_data'. ; ; ;KEYWORDS: See, 'store_data', and 'draw_color_scale'. ; ; DATA: Variable that contains the data structure. ; ; LIMITS: Variable that contains the limit structure. ; ; RANGE: Array of two giving the range in data values the ; scale corresponding to. ; ; BRANGE: INTARR(2) giving the range in color map values the ; scale spans. ; ; BOTTOM: Sets the bottom color for byte-scaling. ; ; TOP: Sets the top color for byte-scaling. ; ; LOG: If set, make scale logarithmic. ; ;CREATED BY: Takuya Hara on 2015-05-01. ; ;LAST MODIFICATION: ; $LastChangedBy: hara $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-05-06 16:30:16 -0700 (Wed, 06 May 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17491 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/tools/tplot/store_data_colbar.pro $ ; ;- PRO store_data_colbar, name, time, bar, values, data=data, lim=lim, verbose=verbose, $ range=range, brange=brange, bottom=bottom, top=top, log=log IF SIZE(name, /type) EQ 0 THEN name = 'time_colbar' IF keyword_set(log) THEN lflg = 1 ELSE lflg = 0 IF SIZE(data, /type) NE 8 THEN BEGIN IF (SIZE(time, /type) EQ 0) OR (SIZE(bar, /type) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Input data is not enough.', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF tag_exist(data, 'x') THEN time = data.x $ ELSE BEGIN dprint, 'No time information.', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose RETURN ENDELSE IF tag_exist(data, 'y') THEN bar = data.y $ ELSE BEGIN dprint, 'No color bar information.', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose RETURN ENDELSE IF tag_exist(data, 'v') THEN values = data.v ENDELSE IF N_ELEMENTS(time) NE N_ELEMENTS(bar) THEN BEGIN dprint, 'The time and bar data must be same elements', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose RETURN ENDIF IF SIZE(values, /type) EQ 0 THEN values = [0., 1.] store_data, name, data={x: time, y: [ [bar], [bar] ], v: values}, $ dlim={ytitle: '', yticks: 1, yminor: 1, ytickname: [' ', ' '], spec: 1, $ no_color_scale: 1}, lim=lim IF SIZE(range, /type) NE 0 THEN IF N_ELEMENTS(range) EQ 2 THEN $ zlim, name, MIN(range), MAX(range), lflg, /def IF SIZE(brange, /type) NE 0 THEN IF N_ELEMENTS(brange) EQ 2 THEN BEGIN bottom = MIN(brange) top = MAX(brange) ENDIF IF SIZE(bottom, /type) NE 0 THEN options, name, 'bottom', bottom, /def IF SIZE(top, /type) NE 0 THEN options, name, 'top', top, /def RETURN END