;+ ;PROCEDURE: deriv_data, n1,n2 ;PURPOSE: ; Creates a tplot variable that is the derivative of a tplot variable. ;INPUT: n1 tplot variable names (strings) ; ;Keywords: ; newname = the name of the tplot variable in which output should be ; stored. This will produce an error if you use this option with globbing. ; nsmooth = If this keyword is set smoothing will be performed. The ; number you set this keyword equal to is the width of the smoothing ; to be applied to the data. It is the same as the ; width argument to the idl smooth procedure. To get an explanation of ; how this keyword works please see the idl documentation for the ; 'width' keyword to the idl 'smooth' procedure. ; suffix = the suffix to be applied to the input data. Use this if you ; want to call this procedure on multiple tplot variables ; simultaneously. ; replace = set this keyword if you want to replace the original ; variables with the new values ; display_object = Object reference to be passed to dprint for output. ; ; Examples: ; deriv_data,'thb_fgs_dsl' ; deriv_data,'th?_fgs_dsl',suffix='_fgsderiv' ; deriv_data,'thb_fgs_dsl thb_state_pos',nsmth=2 ; deriv_data,'thb_fgs_dsl',newname='fgs_derivd' ; deriv_data,'the_*',/replace ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2008-04-28 13:27:07 -0700 (Mon, 28 Apr 2008) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 2851 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/branches/tdas_4_00/idl/themis/common/thm_config.pro $ ; ;- PRO deriv_data,names,newname=newname,nsmooth=nsmth,suffix=suffix,replace=replace, display_object=display_object ns = tnames(names,n) ;validate keywords and set defaults if n_elements(ns) gt 1 && keyword_set(newname) then begin message,'Cannot call deriv_data on multiple tplot variables and use the newname keyword at the same time' endif if keyword_set(replace) && keyword_set(suffix) then begin message,'Replace and suffix are mutually exclusive keywords' endif if keyword_set(replace) then begin suffix = '' endif if ~keyword_set(suffix) then begin suffix = '_ddt' endif for i=0,n-1 do begin n1 = ns[i] get_data,n1,data=d,dlimits=dl if not keyword_set(d) then begin msg = 'data not defined! '+n1 dprint, verbose = verbose, dlevel = 2, msg, display_object=display_object continue endif if(n_elements(d.x) Lt 3) then begin msg = 'not enough time elements for derivative: '+n1 dprint, verbose = verbose, dlevel = 2, msg, display_object=display_object continue endif if ~keyword_set(newname) then begin nout = n1+suffix endif else begin nout = newname endelse if keyword_set(nsmth) then begin d.x = smooth(d.x,nsmth < (n_elements(d.x)-1),/nan,/edge_truncate) for j=0, n_elements(d.y[0,*])-1 do begin d.y[*,j] = smooth(d.y[*,j],nsmth < (n_elements(d.y[*,j])-1),/nan,/edge_truncate) endfor endif ;for state derived quantities, guarantee that the metadata properly reflects derivative number str_element,dl,'data_att.st_type',st_type,success=s if s then begin if st_type eq 'pos' then begin str_element,dl,'data_att.st_type','vel',/add endif else if st_type eq 'vel' then begin str_element,dl,'data_att.st_type','acc',/add endif endif ;append correction to units ;also check y axis subtitle for unit reference str_element,dl,'data_att.units',units,success=s if s then begin dl.data_att.units += '/s' str_element,dl,'ysubtitle', yst, success=s2 if s2 then begin split = stregex(yst, '(.*\['+units+')(\].*)', /subexp,/extract) if split[0] ne '' then begin dl.ysubtitle = split[1]+'/s'+split[2] endif endif endif y = float(d.y) if ndimen(d.y) eq 1 then y = deriv(d.x,double(d.y)) if ndimen(d.y) eq 2 then $ for j=0,dimen2(d.y)-1 do y[*,j] = deriv(d.x,d.y[*,j]) store_data,nout,data={x:d.x,y:y},dlimits=dl endfor return end