function string_value,str,error =err err = execute('x='+str) if err eq 0 then x=!values.f_nan return,x end function strings_to_structure,strings,structure ;new_struct = structure for i=0,n_elements(strings)-1 do begin s = strings[i] if strpos(s,'=') gt 0 then begin ss = strsplit(s,'=',/extract) ; printdat,ss name = (reverse(strsplit(ss[0],' ',/extract)))[0] ; printdat,name value = string_value(SS[1],error=err) if err ne 0 then str_element,/add,structure,idl_validname(name),value endif endfor return,structure end ;+ ;FUNCTION: data=read_asc(filename) ;PURPOSE: ; Reads data from an ascii file and puts data in an array of structures. ; Columns of data should be delimited by spaces. ; Data is returned as an array of structures. The elements of the structure ; correspond to the columns of the file. ;CALLING PROCEDURE: ; read_ascii,data,'file.dat' ;KEYWORDS: ; TAGS: If set then the labels in the text line ; preceeding the data will be used for the default struct tag names. ; (There should be one label per column of data) ; FORMAT: a structure that specifies the output format ; of the data. For example if the input file has the ; following data: ; Year Day secs Vx Vy Vz N ; 1996 123 13.45 512.3 -10.3 10.5 5.3 ; the format could be specified as: ; FORMAT={year:0,day:0,sec:0.d,v:fltarr(3),n:0.} ; if this keyword is not specified then a default structure will be created. ; NHEADER: set to number of header lines ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-03-18 19:42:06 -0700 (Wed, 18 Mar 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28440 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh:// $ ;- function read_asc,filenames,header_info,format=f,verbose=verbose,tags=filetags,time=time $ ,append=append $ ,seperators=seps $ ,ctype=ctype ,remap=remap $ ,nheader=nheader , headers =headers $ ,tokens=tokens, thisfile=thisfile $ ,compress = compress $ ,conv_time=conv_time $ ,filter=filter, double=double ,tformat=tformat ; ,no_conv_time=no_conv_time if keyword_set(append) then data=append else data=0 if keyword_set(thisfile) then begin stack = scope_traceback(/structure) filenames = stack[scope_level()-2].filename tokens = ';' endif linenumber=0 if not keyword_set(filenames) then filenames=dialog_pickfile(filter=filter) on_ioerror,badfile for fn=0,n_elements(filenames)-1 do begin filename = filenames[fn] if not keyword_set(filename) then return,data if n_elements(compress) eq 0 then compress = (strmid(filename,2,3,/reverse_offset) eq '.gz') ;dprint,dlevel=3,'compress=',compress openr,lun,filename,/get_lun,compress=compress if not keyword_set(ctype) then begin ctype = bytarr(256) ctype[[32,9]] = 1 ; white space ctype[byte('.-0123456789')] =2 ; numbers endif s = '' if keyword_set(f) and keyword_set(conv_time) then begin time = strpos(tag_names_r(f),'TIME') ge 0 wtime = where(time,ntime) endif ;rec = 0l rec = keyword_set(data) * n_elements(data) max = rec for i=0,(keyword_set(nheader) ? nheader : 0)-1 do begin linenumber++ readf,lun,s if i eq 0 then headers = s else headers = [headers,s] if keyword_set(verbose) then print,s endfor if not keyword_set(seps) then seps = ' ,' return_header_info = arg_present(header_info) while not eof(lun) do begin linenumber++ readf,lun,s if keyword_set(tokens) then begin pos = strpos(s,tokens) if pos ne 0 then continue s = strmid(s,strlen(tokens)) endif if keyword_set(verbose) then print,s if return_header_info then begin header_info = strings_to_structure(s,header_info) endif bt = byte(s) nbt = n_elements(bt) if keyword_set(remap) then begin bt = remap[bt] s = string(bt) endif j = 0 while (j lt nbt-1) and (ctype[bt[j]] eq 1) do j=j+1 ; skip white space if ctype[bt[j]] eq 2 then begin ; numbers encountered if not keyword_set(f) then begin ; define structure if needed ps = strsplit(strcompress(strtrim(s,2)),seps,/extract) n = n_elements(ps) type = (strpos(ps,'.') ge 0) or (strpos(ps,'e') ge 0) or strlowcase(ps) eq 'nan' time = (strpos(ps,'/') ge 0) if keyword_set(filetags) then tags=strsplit(strcompress(strtrim(ls,2)),' ',/extract) $ else tags='v'+strtrim(indgen(n),2) n= n_elements(tags) wtime = where(time,ntime) if ntime gt 0 then begin tags[wtime] = 'TIME' type[wtime] = 2 endif for i=0,n-1 do begin case type[i] of 0: fill = 0l 1: fill = 0. 2: fill = 0.d endcase if keyword_set(double) then fill = 0d if i eq 0 then f = create_struct(idl_validname(tags[0],/convert_all),fill) $ else f = create_struct(f,idl_validname(tags[i],/convert_all),fill) endfor endif f0 = f if rec ge max then begin ;Enlarge data array (if neccesary) add = floor(max * .5 + 100) if max ne 0 then data=[data,replicate(f0,add)] $ else data = replicate(f0,add) max = max+add endif if keyword_set(ntime) then begin ; ps = str_sep(strcompress(strtrim(s,2)),' ') s = strcompress(strtrim(s,2)) nt = n_tags(f0) pos1=0 for i=0,nt-1 do begin pos2 = strpos(s,' ',pos1) if i eq (nt-1) then pos2 = strlen(s) ps = strmid(s,pos1,pos2-pos1) pos1=pos2+1 if time[i] then f0.(i)=time_double(ps,tformat=tformat) else begin x=f0.(i) reads,ps,x f0.(i) = x endelse endfor endif else reads,s,f0 data[rec]=f0 rec = rec+1 endif else begin if strlen(s) gt 1 then ls = s ; if keyword_set(verbose) then print,s endelse endwhile if rec ne 0 then data=data[0:rec-1] free_lun,lun append = 1 endfor return,data badfile: dprint,!error_state.msg dprint,'linenumber=',linenumber dprint,'Invalid file: '+filename if keyword_set(lun) then free_lun,lun return,data end