;+ ;FUNCTION: MGAUSS ;PURPOSE: ; Evaluates multiple gaussian function with background. ; This function may be used with the "fit" curve fitting procedure. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; PARAMETERS: a structure that contain the parameters that define the gaussians ; If this parameter is not a structure then it will be created. ; ;USAGE: ; par = mgauss( numg =4 ) ; get parameter structure with 4 gaussian peaks ; x = findgen(100)/10. ; y = mgauss(x,param = par) ; plot,x,y ;RETURNS: ; result ; ;Written by: Davin Larson ; ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-04-04 00:08:25 -0700 (Sat, 04 Apr 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28500 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/tools/fitting/mgauss.pro $ ;- function mgauss, x,a, parameters=p,numg=numg,binsize=binsize,shift=shift,quantize=quantize if not keyword_set(p) then begin if not keyword_set(numg) then numg=1 g1 = {name:'',a:1.d, x0:0.d, s:1.0d} g = replicate(g1,numg) g.x0 = findgen(numg) p = {func:"mgauss",binsize:keyword_set(binsize) ? binsize : 0.,quantize:keyword_set(quantize),shift:keyword_set(shift),bkg:0d,xunits:'',a0:0d,a1:1d,g:g} endif if n_params() eq 0 then return,p if n_params() eq 2 then begin ;; kludge to make routine work with MPFIT xfer_parameters,p,'',a,/array_to_struct endif n = n_elements(p.g) a0 = p.a0 a1 = p.a1 xx = a0 + a1*x binsize = p.binsize * a1 dx = binsize if dx eq 0 then begin if size(/type, p.bkg) eq 8 then f = func(xx,param=p.bkg) else f= p.bkg for i=0,n-1 do begin pg = p.g[i] z = (xx - pg.x0)/pg.s e = exp(- z^2/2 ) height = pg.a / pg.s / sqrt(2*!dpi) f += height * e endfor endif else begin if p.quantize ne 0 then begin if p.shift then xx = binsize * (floor((xx-a0)/binsize)+.5d) + a0 $ else xx = binsize * round((xx-a0)/binsize) + a0 endif if size(/type, p.bkg) eq 8 then f = func(xx,param=p.bkg) else f= p.bkg x1= xx - dx/2d x2= xx + dx/2d s2 = sqrt(2) for i=0,n-1 do begin pg = p.g[i] z1 = (x1-pg.x0)/pg.s/s2 z2 = (x2-pg.x0)/pg.s/s2 f += pg.a/2 * (erfc(z1) - erfc(z2)) / dx endfor endelse ;dprint,dlevel=5,[p.bkg,p.g.a,p.g.x0,p.g.s] return,f end ; ;function random_mgauss,param=p,seed ; ;numg = n_elements(p.g) ;for i=0,numg-1 do begin ; r = randomn(seed,p.g[i].a)*p.g[i].s +p.g[i].x0 ; if i eq 0 then rr = r else rr= [rr,r] ;endfor ;return,rr ;end